Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

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Review: चांगली - स्क्रिप्ट चालते

पोस्ट केले: 2015-07-19

Imagebam - Open image directly

Normally when you use the "open image directly" feature with imagebam, Firefox opens a dialog box to download the file rather that displaying it, because the content type of the image is incorrectly given as "text". I installed another add-on (Mason) to change the reported content type to "image" and this fixed my issue, causing images to be loaded directly. However recently, images are failing to display, giving the "this image contains errors" message, causing me to have to Ctrl-F5 an image in order to get it to display. I think this may be caused by Handy Image trying to display the image before it has fully loaded, as Imagebam exhibits this behaviour with Handy Image turned off if I right click an image and select "View Image" before it has fully loaded. Would it be possible to have Handy Image only redirect to the image once it has fully loaded?

पोस्ट केले: 2015-07-19

Would it be possible to have Handy Image only redirect to the image once it has fully loaded?

It redirects to images url right after image have been found without doing any changes to displayed page, if you wanna try and see if it would do it after everything has been loaded change 12th line of the script from // @run-at document-start to // @run-at document-idle

पोस्ट केले: 2015-07-19

Would it be possible to have Handy Image only redirect to the image once it has fully loaded?

It redirects to images url right after image have been found without doing any changes to displayed page, if you wanna try and see if it would do it after everything has been loaded change 12th line of the script from // @run-at document-start to // @run-at document-idle

Just tried this, unfortunately it had no effect on the issue.

पोस्ट केले: 2015-07-19

document-idle is when there is no loading anyhow left and page status icon stopped circling around, so it's likely a problem of extension which changes content-type unsuccessfully or imagebam servers or firefox itself

anyway, using "open image directly" is not recommended and should be done on your own risk because of such situations, it's like a big button for "do not use 99% of this script" option

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