Xhamster Helper - Totally or Viewable DELETED Users (comp Beta) v.17 - DEV

Companion for my fork of Xhamster Private Profiles : mark viewable deleted user with a Green X

2017-07-28 या दिनांकाला. सर्वात नवीन आवृत्ती पाहा.

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यांवर लागू होते:

An ideal Companion for :
- Xhamster Private Profiles (tweak Janvier56)
- XHAMSTER Widescreen - Greasy Fork
You can find its (and other...) CSS / Userstyles here:
Janvier56's Pastebin

Mark More than 280 totally deleted users + 280 Viewable Deleted Users...

Last Change:
v.17: Compatible in Beta design:
In Beta design , You can see if the Videos and/or the favoris of a deleted user are viewable, but you can't access to them in it.
You need to toggle to the OLD design to see them.
V.14 :
Correction because xhamster change its user links:
Example of USER VIDEO page LINK change 2017.05 :
- NEW link - https://xhamster.com/users/cutepenisboy/videos
- OLD link - https://xhamster.com/user/cutepenisboy/videos/new-1.html

What it do?
It's an only CSS addition, so i add manually each user encounter in my surf.
So if you want adding some other user you can ask to me.

It Add a Mark near their Xhamster user name:
- Green X Mark = For VIEWABLE Deleted User Profile with GM "Xhamster Private Profiles"
- Red X Mark = For NOT VIEWABLE Deleted User Profile (TOTALY deleted) with GM "Xhamster Private Profiles"

- TXT "SPAM" (yellow background) near their user name =
For USER which have only sponsored Watermark inside their videos (eg: " i meet this chick at slip.cc)

- ADD TXT "SPAM" (aqua background) near their user name =
For USER With Personal Watermaks inside their videos.