网页加速器 was reported 2023-09-02 for Malware

The reporter said:

The scripts change the official website links to suspected links.

Such are not mentioned in the description.

The author might intent to hurt users' PC.

Extracted from the coding:

if (util.reg.chrome.test(url)) {
linkElement.href = url.replace("chrome.google.com", "chrome.crxsoso.com");
if (util.reg.edge.test(url)) {
linkElement.href = url.replace("microsoftedge.microsoft.com", "microsoftedge.crxsoso.com");
if (util.reg.firefox.test(url)) {
linkElement.href = url.replace("addons.mozilla.org", "addons.crxsoso.com");
if (util.reg.microsoft.test(url)) {
linkElement.href = url.replace(/(www|apps)\.microsoft\.com/, "apps.crxsoso.com");
🥇_🥇 said:

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 3 previous upheld or fixed reports.

🥇_🥇 (the reported user) has made:

This report has been upheld by a moderator.

If you can disable malware in options, malware doesn't stop to be a malware.