Add enhanced features to the comic site for optimized experience, including dual-page reading and translation. E-Hentai (Associate nhentai, Quick favorite, Colorize tags, Floating tag list, etc.) | nhentai (Totally block comics, Auto page turning) | hitomi | Anchira | kemono | nekohouse | welovemanga.
// 在目录页显示上次阅读记录 if (window.location.href.includes('/comic/')) { const comicName = window.location.href.split('/comic/')[1]; if (!comicName || !token) return; let a; const setStyle = main.createStyle(); const updateLastChapter = async () => { // 因为拷贝漫画的目录是动态加载的,所以要等目录加载出来再往上添加 if (document.cookie.includes("token")) { if (!!document.querySelector("#lastRead")) { a = document.querySelector("#lastRead"); } else { a = document.createElement("a"); = "lastRead"; = "_blank"; const tableRight = await main.wait(() => main.querySelector(".table-default-right")); tableRight.insertBefore(a, tableRight.firstElementChild); const span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerText = "最後閱讀:"; tableRight.insertBefore(span, tableRight.firstElementChild); } a.innerText = "獲取中"; a.removeAttribute("href"); const [, , name] = window.location.pathname.split("/"); const [, token] = /token=([^;]+)/.exec(document.cookie); const headers = new Headers({ Authorization: `Token ${token}` }); window.fetch(`/api/v3/comic2/${name}/query?platform=3`, { headers: headers }).then(res => res.json()).then(json => { if (!!json.results?.browse) { const lastChapterId = json.results.browse?.chapter_id; if (!lastChapterId) { a.innerText = '接口異常'; return; } a.href = window.location.pathname + "/chapter/" + lastChapterId; a.innerText = json.results.browse.chapter_name; setStyle(`ul a[href*="${lastChapterId}"] { color: #fff !important; background: #1790E6; }`); } else { a.innerText = "無"; } }).catch(error => { a.innerText = "接口異常"; console.error(error); }); } }; updateLastChapter(); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', updateLastChapter); }
『最後閱讀:獲取中』可以正常秒獲取了 十分感謝tony0809
拷贝漫画,『最後閱讀:獲取中』、『加载图片中』,讀取時間變得很長,約20秒,有重新安裝版本 8.10.0,但是還是沒改善,網站本身圖片加載很快,不知道是哪邊的問題?