Riddle Master Assistant Reborn

ML based riddle master answering bot. Help novice to answer pony problem when encounter riddle master challenge.

As of 2021-09-17. See the latest version.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.3.2 2022-02-27

    Added random delay of 3-8 secs, humans can't solve new riddlemaster that fast.

  • v0.3.1 2022-02-26

    update for new version of riddlemaster

  • v0.2.2 2021-09-17
  • v0.2.1 2021-09-17

    Update url to rdma.ooguy.com

  • v0.2.0 2021-04-30
  • v0.1.0 2021-04-08