Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + Lewd Extender

Extension for Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + for 18+ sites Sites: Fakku, HBrowse, doujin-moe, hentai2read, luscious, wondersluts,hentaimangaonline, exhentai/g.e-hentai, pururin, hentai4manga, doujinshihentai, hitomi, nhentai etc.

As of 2015-08-31. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name  Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + Lewd Extender
// @description  Extension for Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + for 18+ sites Sites: Fakku, HBrowse, doujin-moe, hentai2read, luscious, wondersluts,hentaimangaonline, exhentai/g.e-hentai, pururin, hentai4manga, doujinshihentai, hitomi, nhentai etc.
// @version 11.17a
// @date 2015-04-31
// @author  Tago & sneezemonkey
// @namespace
// @require
// @require
// @grant  GM_getValue
// @grant  GM_setValue
// @include /https?://
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @include /
// @history 11.17 Initial Split with 11.17
// ==/UserScript==

(function ($) {
    var m = [
// == Fakku =======================================================================================================================================
            name: "Fakku",
            url: /,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $(".chapter a:eq(1)").text().trim(),
                    series: $("a.a-series-title:first").attr("href"),
                    quant: $(".drop option:last").val(),
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    data: $("#thumbs img, .current-page").attr("src").replace("thumbs", "images").replace(/[0-9]+(\.thumb)?\.jpg$/, ""),
                    page: function (i, addImg, addAltImg) {
						var str = '' + i;
						while (str.length < 3) str = '0' + str;
						addImg(i, + str + ".jpg");
        // == HBrowser ====================================================================================================================================
            name: "HBrowser",
            url: /hbrowse/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $('.listTable td.listLong:first').text().trim(),
                    series: window.location.href.match(/.+\/[0-9]+\//),
                    quant: $('td.pageList a, td.pageList strong').length - 1,
                    prev: $("#chapters + table a.listLink").eq($("#chapters + table a.listLink").index($("#chapters + table a.listLink[href='" + window.location.href + "']")) - 1).attr("href"),
                    next: $("#chapters + table a.listLink").eq($("#chapters + table a.listLink").index($("#chapters + table a.listLink[href='" + window.location.href + "']")) + 1).attr("href"),
                    url: function (i) {
                        var str = '' + i;
                        while (str.length < 4) str = '0' + str;
                        return window.location.href + (window.location.href.slice(-1) == "/" ? "": "/") + str;
                    img: 'td.pageImage a img',
                    before: function () {
                        $('html > head').append($('<style>#main a:visited, #pageMain a:visited { color: darkred !important; }</style>'));
        // == Doujin-Moe Non-members ========================================================================================================================
            name: "DoujinMoeNM",
            url: /,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $(".title").text(),
                    series: $(".title a").eq(-2).attr("href"),
                    quant: $("#gallery > :not(.thumbs)").length,
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    data: $("#gallery > djm:not(.thumbs)"),
                    page: function (i, addImg, addAltImg) {
                        addImg(i, - 1).attr("file"));
        // == Luscious ========================================================================================================================
            name: "Luscious",
            url: /(luscious|wondersluts)/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $("#main .center h1:first").text().split("|")[0].trim(),
                    series: "#",
                    quant: $(".image > a > img").length,
                    prev: "#",
                    next: $(".next").attr("href"),
                    data: $(".image > a > img"),
                    page: function (i, addImg, addAltImg) {
						addImg(i, - 1).attr('src').replace(".640x0", ""));
                    before: function () {
                        var url = window.location.href;
                        if (url.match("style=blog") && !url.match("position")) {
                            window.location = url.replace(/page\/[0-9]+.+/, "sorted/position/page/1/?style=blog");
                        } else if (url.match("/(pictures/album/.*)/id")) {
                            window.location = url.replace(/(id.*)/, "sorted/position/page/1/?style=blog");
                        } else {
                            $('a.cover').each(function () {
                                var href = $(this).attr('href');
                                if (href.match("/(pictures/album/.*)/id")) {
                                    $(this).attr('href', href.replace(/(id.*)/, "sorted/position/page/1/?style=blog"));
        // == HentaiMangaOnline ========================================================================================================================
            name: "HentaiMangaOnline",
            url: /hentaimangaonline/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $(".breadcrumb li:eq(2)").text().trim(),
                    series: $("ul.breadcrumb li a:eq(2)").attr("href"),
                    quant: $("select option").length,
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    data: $("select").html(),
                    img: 'a img'
        // == ExHentai ========================================================================================================================
            name: "ExHentai",
            url: /(exhentai|e-hentai)/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $("#il h1").text().trim(),
                    series: $("div#i5 a").attr("href"),
                    quant: $(".sn div span:last").text(),
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    url: window.location.href,
                    timer: 3000,
                    page: function (i, addImg, addAltImg) {
                        var self = this;
                            type: "GET",
                            url: self.url,
                            dataType: "html",
                            async: false,
                            success: function (html) {				
                                var ref = $(html).find("div#i7 a, #img");
								var src = ref.attr("img")?"src":"href");
                                addAltImg(i, src+" ?nl=1");
                                self.url = $(html).find("#img").parent().attr("href");
        // == Pururin ========================================================================================================================
            name: "Pururin",
            url: /pururin/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $(".header-breadcrumbs a:eq(3)").text().trim(),
                    series: $(".header-breadcrumbs a:eq(3)").attr("href"),
                    quant: $(".image-pageSelect option").length,
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    data: $(".image-pageSelect").html(),
                    img: "img.b"
        // == hentai4manga ========================================================================================================================
            name: "hentai4manga",
            url: /hentai4manga/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $(".category-label").text().trim(),
                    series: location.href.replace(/\/\d+\//, '/'),
                    quant: $('select#sl option').size(),
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    url: function (i) {
                        return "../" + i + "/";
                    img: '#textboxContent img'
        // == DoujinshiHentai ========================================================================================================================
            name: "DoujinshiHentai",
            url: /doujinshihentai/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $(".category-label").text().trim(),
                    series: "",
                    quant: $('#page_last').attr("href").match(/[0-9]+\./),
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    data: location.href,
                    url: function (i) {
                        var str = '' + i;
                        while (str.length < 3) str = '0' + str;
                    img: '.weatimages_bigimage'
		// == hitomi ========================================================================================================================
            name: "hitomi",
            url: /,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $("title").text().replace("|","").trim(),
                    series: $(".brand").attr("href"),
                    quant: $("#single-page-select option").length,
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
					page: function (i,addImg, addAltImg) {
                            console.log("Page " + i);
                            addImg(i, - 1).text());

        // == nHentai ========================================================================================================================
            name: "nHentai",
            url: /nhentai/,
            run: function () {
                return {
                    title: $('title').text().split('- Page')[0].trim(),
                    series: $("div#page-container div a").attr("href"),
                    quant: $(".num-pages:first").html(),
                    prev: "#",
                    next: "#",
                    url: function (i) {
                        return "../" + i + "/";
                    img: '#page-container img'

