nHentai Downloader

Download manga on nHentai.

As of 2020-08-02. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            nHentai Downloader
// @name:vi         nHentai Downloader
// @namespace       http://devs.forumvi.com
// @description     Download manga on nHentai.
// @description:vi  Tải truyện tranh tại NhệnTái.
// @version         2.0.0
// @icon            http://i.imgur.com/FAsQ4vZ.png
// @author          Zzbaivong
// @oujs:author     baivong
// @license         MIT; https://baivong.mit-license.org/license.txt
// @match           http://nhentai.net/g/*
// @match           https://nhentai.net/g/*
// @require         https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js
// @require         https://unpkg.com/jszip@3.1.5/dist/jszip.min.js
// @require         https://greasyfork.org/scripts/28536-gm-config/code/GM_config.js?version=184529
// @require         https://greasemonkey.github.io/gm4-polyfill/gm4-polyfill.js?v=a834d46
// @require         https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/web-streams-polyfill@2.0.2/dist/ponyfill.min.js
// @require         https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/streamsaver@2.0.3/StreamSaver.min.js
// @noframes
// @connect         self
// @supportURL      https://github.com/lelinhtinh/Userscript/issues
// @run-at          document-idle
// @grant           GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant           GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM.getValue
// @grant           GM.setValue
// ==/UserScript==

/* global streamSaver */
(function ($, window) {
  'use strict';

  var configFrame = document.createElement('div');

    id: 'nHentaiDlConfig',
    title: 'Downloader Settings',
    fields: {
      outputExt: {
        options: ['cbz', 'zip'],
        label: 'Export as',
        type: 'radio',
        default: 'cbz',
      outputName: {
        label: 'Filename',
        type: 'select',
        options: ['pretty', 'english', 'japanese'],
        default: 'pretty',
      threading: {
        label: 'Max. conn. number',
        type: 'unsigned int',
        min: 1,
        max: 32,
        default: 4,
      hideTorrentBtn: {
        label: 'Hide the download torrent button',
        type: 'checkbox',
        default: false,
    frame: configFrame,
    events: {
      save: function () {
        outputExt = GM_config.get('outputExt');
        outputName = GM_config.get('outputName');
        threading = GM_config.get('threading');

        $download.find('span').text(' as ' + outputExt.toUpperCase());

        if (GM_config.get('hideTorrentBtn') == true) {
        } else {

        var $saveBtn = $('#nHentaiDlConfig_saveBtn');
        $saveBtn.prop('disabled', true).addClass('saved').text('Saved!');

        setTimeout(function () {
          $saveBtn.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('saved').text('Save');
        }, 1500);
      '#nHentaiDlConfig{width:100%!important;position:initial!important;padding:10px!important;background:#0d0d0d;border:1px solid #313131!important;border-radius:5px;text-align:left}#nHentaiDlConfig *{font-family:"Noto Sans",sans-serif}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_header{text-align:left;font-size:17px;font-weight:700;margin-bottom:20px;color:#999}#nHentaiDlConfig .reset_holder{float:left;height:30px;line-height:30px}#nHentaiDlConfig .reset{color:#4d4d4d;text-align:left}#nHentaiDlConfig .saveclose_buttons{margin:0;padding:4px;min-width:100px;height:30px;line-height:14px;border-radius:2px;border:1px solid;cursor:pointer}#nHentaiDlConfig .saveclose_buttons.saved{background:#ffeb3b;border:1px solid #ffc107}#nHentaiDlConfig #nHentaiDlConfig_closeBtn{display:none}#nHentaiDlConfig_buttons_holder{margin-top:20px;border-top:1px dashed #4d4d4d;padding-top:11px}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var::after{clear:both;content:"";display:block}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var{position:relative}#nHentaiDlConfig .field_label{font-size:14px;height:26px;line-height:26px;margin:0;padding:0 10px 0 0;width:60%;display:block;float:left}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>[type=text],#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>div,#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>select,#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>textarea{width:40%;border-radius:0;display:block;height:26px;line-height:26px;padding:0 10px;float:left}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>textarea{height:auto;line-height:14px;padding:10px;min-height:5em}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>select{background:#4d4d4d;color:#d9d9d9;padding:0}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>select:hover{background:#666}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>select:focus{outline:0 none}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>div>label{display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;margin-right:5px}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>#nHentaiDlConfig_field_outputName{width:150px;text-transform:capitalize}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>#nHentaiDlConfig_field_threading{width:70px}#nHentaiDlConfig .config_var>div{padding:0}#nHentaiDlConfig_field_outputExt{text-transform:uppercase}#nHentaiDlConfig_field_outputExt [value=cbz]{margin-right:20px!important}',

   * Output extension
   * @type {'cbz'|'zip'}
   * Tips: Convert .zip to .cbz
   * Windows
   * $ ren *.zip *.cbz
   * Linux
   * $ rename 's/\.zip$/\.cbz/' *.zip
  var outputExt = GM_config.get('outputExt') || 'cbz';

   * File name
   * @type {'pretty'|'english'|'japanese'}
  var outputName = GM_config.get('outputName') || 'pretty';

   * Multithreading
   * @type {Number} [1 -> 32]
  var threading = GM_config.get('threading') || 4;

   * Logging
   * @type {Boolean}
  var debug = false;

  function end() {

    if (debug) console.timeEnd('nHentai');

  function getInfo() {
    var info = '',
      tags = [],
      artists = [],
      groups = [],
      parodies = [],
      characters = [],
      categories = [],
      languages = [];

    if (gallery.title.english) info += gallery.title.english + '\r\n';
    if (gallery.title.japanese) info += gallery.title.japanese + '\r\n';
    if (gallery.title.pretty) info += gallery.title.pretty + '\r\n';
    info += '#' + gallery.id + '\r\n';

    if (gallery.tags) {
      for (const tag of gallery.tags) {
        if (tag.type === 'tag') tags.push(tag.name);
        if (tag.type === 'artist') artists.push(tag.name);
        if (tag.type === 'category') categories.push(tag.name);
        if (tag.type === 'group') groups.push(tag.name);
        if (tag.type === 'parody') parodies.push(tag.name);
        if (tag.type === 'character') characters.push(tag.name);
        if (tag.type === 'language') languages.push(tag.name);
    if (tags.length) info += '\r\n' + 'Tags: ' + tags.join(', ');
    if (categories.length) info += '\r\n' + 'Categories: ' + categories.join(', ');
    if (groups.length) info += '\r\n' + 'Groups: ' + groups.join(', ');
    if (parodies.length) info += '\r\n' + 'Parodies: ' + parodies.join(', ');
    if (characters.length) info += '\r\n' + 'Characters: ' + characters.join(', ');
    if (languages.length) info += '\r\n' + 'Languages: ' + languages.join(', ');

    info += '\r\n\r\n' + 'Pages: ' + total;
    info += '\r\n' + 'Uploaded at: ' + new Date(gallery.upload_date * 1000).toLocaleString() + '\r\n';

    if (debug) console.log(info);
    return info;

  function genZip() {
    zip.file('info.txt', getInfo());

          type: 'blob',
          compression: 'STORE',
          streamFiles: true, // Less memory but less compatibility, https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/api_jszip/generate_async.html#streamfiles-option
        function updateCallback(metadata) {
          $download.html('<i class="fa fa-file-archive"></i> ' + metadata.percent.toFixed(2) + ' %');
        function (blob) {
          var filename = gallery.title[outputName] || gallery.title['english']; // e.g. #321311
          var zipName = filename.replace(/\s+/g, '-') + '.' + comicId + '.' + outputExt;
          //var zipName = `${filename}[${final}P].${outputExt}`;
          zipName.replace(/・/g, '·'); // compatibility for MangaMeeya

            .html('<i class="fa fa-check"></i> Complete')
            .css('backgroundColor', hasErr ? 'red' : 'green')
              href: 'javascript:void(0);',
              download: zipName,

          const fileStream = streamSaver.createWriteStream(zipName, {
            size: blob.size,
          const readableStream = blob.stream();

          window.FSwriter = fileStream.getWriter();
          const reader = readableStream.getReader();
          const pump = () =>
              .then((res) => (res.done ? window.FSwriter.close() : window.FSwriter.write(res.value).then(pump)));
          pump(); // Firefox does not support pipeTo() yet.

          doc.title = '[⇓] ' + filename;
          if (debug) console.log('COMPLETE');
        function (reason) {
          $download.html('<i class="fa fa-exclamation"></i> Fail').css('backgroundColor', 'red');

          doc.title = '[x] ' + gallery.title[outputName];
          if (debug) console.error(reason, 'ERROR');

  function dlImg(current, success, error) {
    var url = images[current].url,
      filename = url.replace(/.*\//g, '');

    filename = ('000' + filename).slice(-8);
    if (debug) console.log(filename, 'progress');

      method: 'GET',
      url: url,
      responseType: 'arraybuffer',
      onload: function (response) {
        success(response, filename);
      onerror: function (err) {
        if (images[current].attempt < 1) {
          error(err, filename);

        setTimeout(function () {
          if (debug) console.log(filename, 'retry ' + images[current].attempt);
          dlImg(current, success, error);
        }, 2000);

  function next() {
    $download.html('<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i> ' + final + '/' + total);
    if (debug) console.log(final, current);

    if (final < current) return;
    final < total ? addZip() : genZip();

  function addZip() {
    var max = current + threading;
    if (max > total) max = total;

    for (current; current < max; current++) {
      if (debug) console.log(images[current].url, 'download');
        function (response, filename) {
          zip.file(filename, response.response);

          if (debug) console.log(filename, 'success');
        function (err, filename) {
          hasErr = true;
          // zip.file(filename + '_error.txt', err.statusText + '\r\n' + err.finalUrl);
            filename + '_' + comicId + '_error.gif',
              base64: true,
          $download.css('backgroundColor', '#FF7F7F');

          if (debug) console.log(filename, 'error');
    if (debug) console.log(current, 'current');

  var gallery = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window._gallery));
  if (debug) console.log(gallery, 'gallery');
  if (!gallery) return;

  var zip = new JSZip(),
    current = 0,
    final = 0,
    total = gallery.num_pages,
    images = gallery.images.pages,
    hasErr = false,
    $_download = $('#download-torrent, #download'),
    doc = document,
    $win = $(window),
    comicId = gallery.id;

  if (!$_download.length) return;
  $configPanel = $('#nHentaiDlConfig');

  window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;

  $download = $_download.clone();
  $download.attr('href', '#download');
  $download.find('.top').html('No login required<br>No sign up required<i></i>');
  $download.append('<span> as ' + outputExt.toUpperCase() + '</span>');


  $download.css('backgroundColor', 'cornflowerblue').one('click', function (e) {
    if (debug) console.time('nHentai');
    if (debug) console.log({ outputExt, outputName, threading });

    if (threading < 1) threading = 1;
    if (threading > 32) threading = 32;

    $win.on('beforeunload', function () {
      return 'Progress is running...';

    $download.html('<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i> Waiting...').css('backgroundColor', 'orange');

    images = images.map(function (img, index) {
      return {
          'https://i.nhentai.net/galleries/' +
          gallery.media_id +
          '/' +
          (index + 1) +
          '.' +
          { j: 'jpg', p: 'png', g: 'gif' }[img.t],
        attempt: 3,
    if (debug) console.log(images, 'images');


  $config = $_download.clone();
  $config.attr('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
  $config.css('min-width', '12px');
  $config.html('<i class="fa fa-cog loader" />');

  $config.on('click', function () {

  if (GM_config.get('hideTorrentBtn') == true) $_download.hide();
})(jQuery, unsafeWindow);