- // ==UserScript==
- // @name fetlife_all_members (ASL+role+status search)
- // @namespace bewam.free.fr
- // @description greasemonkey script to find fetlife members when it's possible. Search by name, gender, role, age, location or status.
- // @include http*://fetlife.com/*
- // @version
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @run-at document-end
- // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- const DEBUG = false;
- function debug() {
- if (DEBUG && console) {
- console.log.apply(console, arguments);
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- (function ($){
- const STRING_USERS = 'div.user_in_list',
- STRING_VAF = 'viewAllForm',
- ARRAY_GENDER = ['M','F','CD/TV','MtF','FtM','TG','GF','GQ','IS','B','FEM'],
- ARRAY_GENDER_LABEL = ['Male','Female','CD/TV','Trans-MtF','Trans-FtM','Transgender','Gender Fluid','Genderqueer','Intersex','Butch','Femme'],
- ARRAY_ROLE = ['Dom','Domme','Switch','sub','Master','Mistress','slave','pet','kajira','kajirus','Top','Bottom','Sadist','Masochist','Sadomasochist','Ageplayer','Daddy','babygirl','babyboy','Mommy','brat','Primal','Fetishist','Kinkster','Hedonist','Vanilla','Unsure'],
- ARRAY_INTO_STATUS = ['is into', 'is curious about'],
- ARRAY_INTO_ACTIVITY = ['giving', 'receiving', 'watching', 'wearing', 'watching others wear', 'everything to do with it']
- ;
- var placeAfter = '#header_v2';
- var next = '';
- /* balance columns */
- var altPos = 0,
- currentCount = 0
- ;
- var members = [], // user html storage
- /** NOTE mCache = ARRAY( { i: { [0]'name':'', [1]'age':XX, [2]'gender':WW, [3]'role':'', [4]'location':'', [5]url:'', [6]"hasAvatar":boolean } }) */
- mCache = [],
- listContainers = [] // columns where lists appear
- ;
- var userRegExp = new RegExp('([0-9]{2})('+ARRAY_GENDER.join('|')+')? ('+ARRAY_ROLE.join('|')+')?','i');
- /** modified, value, default value*/
- var filters = {
- 'NameContains': [false,'',''],
- 'AgeMin': [false,'',''],
- 'AgeMax': [false,'',''],
- 'Gender': [false, [], []],
- 'Role': [false, [], []],
- 'LocContains': [false,'',''],
- 'IntoStatus': [false,'',''],
- 'IntoActivity': [false,'','']
- // has_avatar: @see function
- }
- var ajaxLocked = false,
- scriptLaunched = false,
- is_fetishes_page = /^\/fetishes/.test(unsafeWindow.location.pathname)
- ;
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function init()
- {
- var nextPage = $('a.next_page'),
- previousPage = $('a.previous_page'),
- pageUsers = $(STRING_USERS),
- Ctrls = "#"+STRING_VAF+"Controls"
- ;
- /** a next_page link and a list of members are on current page ? go on */
- if( ( nextPage.length > 0 || previousPage.length > 0) && pageUsers.length > 0 )
- {
- setContainers(pageUsers)
- debug("listContainers: "+listContainers);
- drawBlock();
- $(Ctrls).click(function()
- {
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'Content').toggle("slow")
- console.log(this)
- });
- setNext(nextPage);
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonGo').click( function()
- {
- $(this).attr("disabled", 'true');
- launchSearch();
- });
- }
- };
- function launchSearch()
- {
- if( ! scriptLaunched )
- {
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'ShowCount').html("loading ...")
- updateFilters();
- debug(filters);
- // TODO delete it when "?page=1"
- // lookPage();
- cleanPage();
- lookAhead(true);
- scriptLaunched = true;
- }
- }
- GM_addStyle(
- '#'+STRING_VAF+'Container { \
- background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);\
- color: white !important;/**/ \
- padding:5px;\
- min-height:15px !important;\
- vertical-align:middle;\
- } \
- #'+STRING_VAF+'Controls { \
- display: block;/**/ \
- min-height:15px !important;\
- }\
- #'+STRING_VAF+'Content { \
- display: none;/**/ \
- }\
- #'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonStop{ \
- display: none;\
- }\
- '
- );
- function drawBlock(){
- var options_gender = '',
- options_role = '',
- options_into_activity = '',
- options_into_status = ''
- ;
- $.each(ARRAY_GENDER, function(i,v){options_gender+='<option value="'+v+'" >'+ARRAY_GENDER_LABEL[i]+'</option>'});
- $.each(ARRAY_ROLE, function(i,v){options_role+='<option value="'+v+'" >'+ARRAY_ROLE_LABEL[i]+'</option>'});
- $.each(ARRAY_INTO_ACTIVITY, function(i,v){options_into_activity+='<option value="'+v+'" >'+ARRAY_INTO_ACTIVITY[i]+'</option>'});
- $.each(ARRAY_INTO_STATUS, function(i,v){options_into_status+='<option value="'+v+'" >'+ARRAY_INTO_STATUS[i]+'</option>'});
- var BLOCK = '<div id="'+STRING_VAF+'Container"> \
- <div id="'+STRING_VAF+'Controls">\
- <b>></b> \
- <u>view all members</u>\
- </div>\
- <div id="'+STRING_VAF+'Content"> \
- <u>filters</u> <br />\
- name: \
- <input id="'+STRING_VAF+'NameContains" type="text" class="filter"></input>\
- location: \
- <input id="'+STRING_VAF+'LocContains" type="text" class="filter" ></input>\
- \
- age: \
- min: <input id="'+STRING_VAF+'AgeMin" type="text" class="filter" size="2"></input>\
- \
- max: <input id="'+STRING_VAF+'AgeMax" type="text" class="filter" size="2"></input>\
- <br />\
- gender \
- <select id="'+STRING_VAF+'Gender" class="filter" name="gender" multiple="multiple" size="3">\
- <option value="" selected="selected">none specified</option>\
- '+options_gender+
- '</select>\
- \
- Role \
- <select id="'+STRING_VAF+'Role" class="filter" name="role" multiple="multiple" size="5">\
- <option value="" selected="selected">none specified</option>\
- '+options_role+
- '</select>'
- ;
- if(is_fetishes_page)
- {
- BLOCK += '\
- Into \
- <select id="'+STRING_VAF+'IntoStatus" multiple="multiple" size="3">\
- <option value="" selected="selected">All</option>\
- '+options_into_status+
- '</select>\
- <select id="'+STRING_VAF+'IntoActivity" multiple="multiple" size="3">\
- <option value="" selected="selected">All</option>\
- '+options_into_activity+
- '</select>\
- '
- ;
- }
- BLOCK += '<br />\
- <input type="hidden" name="'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar" ></input>\
- <input type="checkbox" id="'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar" name="'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar" checked="false"></input>\
- <label for="'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar">only with avatar</label>\
- <br />\
- <span id="'+STRING_VAF+'Buttons" style="display:inline;">\
- <input id="'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonGo" type="button" value="view all"></input>\
- <input id="'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonStop" type="button" value=" stop "></input>\
- </span> <br />\
- <span id="'+STRING_VAF+'ShowCount">\
- </span> \
- </div> \
- </div>';
- if($(placeAfter).length > 0)
- $(placeAfter).after(BLOCK)
- else
- $('body').prepend(BLOCK);
- }
- function updateFilters()
- {
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'Container').find('select, input[type=text]').each(function(){
- var name = $(this).attr('id').replace(STRING_VAF,'')
- debug(name)
- if( typeof filters[name][2] != 'string')
- {
- var options = $(this).find('option:selected');
- filters[name][0] = false;
- filters[name][1] = [];
- $(options).each( function()
- {
- filters[name][0] = true;
- filters[name][1].push($(this).val());
- });
- if(filters[name][1].length == 1 && filters[name][1][0] == "" )
- filters[name][0] = false;
- }
- else
- if(filters[name][2] != $(this).val())
- {
- filters[name][0] = true;
- filters[name][1] = $(this).val();
- }
- else
- {
- filters[name][0] = false;
- filters[name][1] = filters[name][2];
- }
- });
- };
- /** due to recursive function*/
- function seekingEnded()
- {
- debug("total members: "+ members.length);
- showReFilter();
- showCount();
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function setContainers(pageUsers){
- var parent;
- $(pageUsers).each(function(){
- parent = $(this).parent().get(0);
- // debug("parent: "+$(parent).attr("class"))
- if($.inArray(parent, listContainers) == -1)
- listContainers.push(parent);
- });
- }
- function setNext(anchor)
- {
- next = ( anchor.length > 0 )? 'https://fetlife.com' + anchor.attr('href'):'';
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function filter(n)
- {
- return (
- filter_role(n)
- && filter_name(n)
- && filter_location(n)
- && filter_has_avatar(n)
- && filter_gender(n)
- && filter_role(n)
- && filter_age_min(n)
- && filter_age_max(n)
- && filter_intoStatus(n)
- && filter_intoActivity(n)
- );
- }
- function filter_has_avatar(n){
- debug(' '+n+' '+getCache(n)[6])
- debug("val() "+$('#'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar:checked'))
- if( $('#'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar:checked').length > 0 )
- {
- if( ! mCache[n][6]){
- debug('don\'t show')
- return false;
- }
- else
- debug('show')
- }
- else
- debug($('#'+STRING_VAF+'HasAvatar:checked').length > 0)
- return true;
- }
- function filter_name(n)
- {
- if(filters['NameContains'][0])
- if( mCache[n][0].toLowerCase().indexOf(filters['NameContains'][1].toLowerCase()) < 0 )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- /** TODO age */
- function filter_age_min(n)
- {
- if(filters['AgeMin'][0])
- if( mCache[n][1] <= parseInt(filters['AgeMin'][1]) )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function filter_age_max(n)
- {
- if(filters['AgeMax'][0])
- if( mCache[n][1] >= parseInt(filters['AgeMax'][1]) )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function filter_role(n)
- {
- if(filters['Role'][0])
- if($.inArray(mCache[n][3], filters['Role'][1]) < 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function filter_gender(n)
- {
- if(filters['Gender'][0])
- if($.inArray(mCache[n][2], filters['Gender'][1]) < 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function filter_location(n)
- {
- if(filters['LocContains'][0])
- if( mCache[n][4].toLowerCase().indexOf(filters['LocContains'][1].toLowerCase()) < 0 )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function filter_intoStatus(n)
- {
- if(filters['IntoStatus'][0])
- if($.inArray(mCache[n][7], filters['IntoStatus'][1]) < 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function filter_intoActivity(n)
- {
- if(filters['IntoActivity'][0])
- if($.inArray(mCache[n][8], filters['IntoActivity'][1]) < 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function lookPage()
- {
- // var currentUsers = $(STRING_USERS);
- // var index = 0
- // currentUsers.each(function()
- // {
- // index = storeUser(this);
- // $(this).remove();
- // show(index);
- // });
- }
- function cleanPage(){
- $(STRING_USERS).remove();
- $("div.pagination").remove();
- }
- function lookAhead (firstPage)
- {
- if( firstPage )
- next = location.href + ( location.search.toString().length > 0 ? "&page=1" : "?page=1" );
- if( next != '' || ! next.match(/\s*/) )
- {
- debug("next: "+next)
- if(! ajaxLocked){
- ajaxLocked = true;
- $.ajax({
- url: next,
- dataType: 'html',
- useCache: false,
- success: function(data)
- {
- setNext($(data).find('a.next_page'));
- $(data).find(STRING_USERS).each(function(){show(storeUser(this))});
- ajaxLocked = false;
- lookAhead(false);
- }
- });
- }
- showCount()
- }
- else
- {
- /*seeking END (current and other pages), now all users are stored in members array*/
- seekingEnded()
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function showCount(){
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'ShowCount').html("members: "+currentCount+" of "+members.length)
- }
- function show(n)
- {
- if(filter(n))
- {
- $(listContainers[altPos]).append(members[n]);
- currentCount++;
- altPos = ( altPos == (listContainers.length -1) )? 0 : (altPos+1);
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function storeUser(user){
- var i = (members.push(user) - 1);
- var M = []; /* match: [whole, age (not null), gender, role ] */
- var firstSpan = $(user).find('div:eq(1) span:first');
- var C, into, regInto;
- var avatar = $(user).find('img.profile_avatar');
- mCache[i] = ['', 0, '', '', '', '', false, '', ''];
- C = mCache[i];
- /* name */
- C[0] = firstSpan.text();
- /** profile url */
- C[5] = firstSpan.find('a:first').attr('href');
- /** hasAvatar, need to be false if user has */
- C[6] = ( avatar.attr('src').indexOf('/images/avatar_missing') < 0 );
- M = $(user).find('div span:nth-child(2)').text().match(userRegExp);
- // debug("match: "+(M[1]||"")+", "+(M[2]||"")+", "+(M[3]||""));
- /* age */
- C[1] = M[1];
- /* gender */
- C[2] = M[2];
- /* role */
- C[3] = M[3];
- /* location*/
- C[4] = $(user).find('div:eq(1) em').text()||'';
- /* into */
- if(is_fetishes_page)
- {
- M = []; /* match: ["into status", "rest aka into activity" ] */
- into = $(user).find('div:eq(1) span:eq(2)').text()||'';
- regInto = new RegExp('^('+ARRAY_INTO_STATUS.join('|')+') ?(.*$)?');
- M = into.match(regInto);
- if(M)
- {
- C[7] = M[1]||'';
- C[8] = M[2]||'';
- }
- // debug("mCache[i][7] = "+C[7]+" && mCache[i][8] = "+C[8])
- }
- debug(C);
- return i;
- }
- function getCache(n){
- return gC(n);
- }
- function gC(n){
- return mCache[n];
- }
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- function showReFilter()
- {
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'Buttons').append(
- '<input id="'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonReFilter" type="button" value="filter again"></input>'
- )
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonGo').remove();
- $('#'+STRING_VAF+'ButtonReFilter').click(function()
- {
- altPos = 0, currentCount = 0;
- window.scrollTo(0,0);
- updateFilters();
- debug(filters);
- $(STRING_USERS).remove();
- for(var i = 0; i < members.length; i++){
- show(i)
- }
- showCount();
- });
- }
- var count=0;
- if(typeof $ == 'function')
- init();
- else
- { setTimeout( 5000, function(){ if(typeof $ != 'function') alert('fetlife is modified, script '+ GM_info.script.name +'can\'t run please contact the author OR visit http://'+GM_info.script.namespace+'.')});}
- /*-----------------------------------*/
- })(jQuery)
- jQuery.noConflict(true);