Adfree Gelbooru

Cleans a popular anime image catalogue website off all current ads and visual disturbances.

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Adfree Gelbooru
  3. // @namespace MB48
  4. // @description Cleans a popular anime image catalogue website off all current ads and visual disturbances.
  5. // @author MB48
  6. // @homepage
  7. // @run-at document-start
  8. // @version 1.0.2
  9. // @include*
  10. // @include*
  11. // @include*
  12. // @include*
  13. // ==/UserScript==
  14. (function() {var css = "";
  15. if (false || (new RegExp("^(http|https)://(gelbooru|youhate).(com|us)/.*$")).test(document.location.href))
  16. css += [
  17. "#tup, #nup, ins, iframe, .noticeError, .alert{",
  18. " display: none!important;",
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  20. " #paginater > :not(.pagination){",
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  35. " display: none!important;",
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  43. " ",
  44. " /*cosmetics*/",
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  46. " margin-bottom: 30px;",
  47. " }",
  48. " ",
  49. " div#paginater {",
  50. " font-size: 16px!important;",
  51. " }",
  52. " li.current-page a{",
  53. " background: linear-gradient(#004FD5, #1974E5);",
  54. " color: #fff;",
  55. " }",
  56. " ",
  57. " #tag-list{",
  58. " margin-top: 20px!important;",
  59. " }"
  60. ].join("\n");
  61. if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
  62. GM_addStyle(css);
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  64. PRO_addStyle(css);
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  66. addStyle(css);
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  68. var node = document.createElement("style");
  69. node.type = "text/css";
  70. node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
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  72. if (heads.length > 0) {
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  75. // no head yet, stick it whereever
  76. document.documentElement.appendChild(node);
  77. }
  78. }
  79. })();