

As of 2019-08-14. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         福利吧论坛好孩子看得见
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/193133-pana
// @homepage     https://www.sailboatweb.com
// @version      3.1.0
// @description  好孩子才看得见,支持移动端
// @author       pana
// @include      http*://www.wnflb19.com/*
// @include      http*://www.wnflb66.com/*
// @exclude      http*://*/member.php?mod=register
// @require      https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	'use strict';
	const URL_REG = /^(https?:\/\/|magnet:\?xt=|ftp:\/\/|ed2k:\/\/|thunder:\/\/|flashget:\/\/|qqdl:\/\/|xfplay:\/\/)\S+/i;
	const BAIDUPAN_REG = /^https?:\/\/pan\.baidu\.com\/s(hare)?\/./i;
	const CODE_REG = /^(.*提取码|\S+\s+)?[^a-z0-9]*([a-z0-9]{4})[^a-z0-9]*$/i;
	const SINGLE_CHAR_CODE_REG = /^[a-z0-9]$/i;
	const MISSING_HEADER_BAIDUPAN_REG = /^\/?s(hare)?\/\S+/i;
	const MISSING_HEADER_BAIDUPAN_TEST_REG = /^([a-z0-9_-]+)\s+[a-z0-9]{4}/i;
	const PAN_REG = /^pan\.baidu\.com\/s(hare)?\/.+/i;
	const HASH_REG = /^[a-z0-9]{32}$|^[a-z0-9]{40}$/i;
	const PREFIX_LINK_REG = {
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		MAGNET_SWITCH: /^https?:\/\/www\.wnflb[\d]{2}\.com\//i,
	const FILTER_LINK_REG = {
		POJIE: /^https?:\/\/www\.52pojie\.cn\/?#?$/i,
		POJIE_FORUM: /^https?:\/\/www\.52pojie\.cn\/(forum|home|misc)\.php\?/i,
		POJIE_HTML: /^https?:\/\/www\.52pojie\.cn\/(forum|thread)-[\d]+-[\d]+(-[\d])?\.html$/i,
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		FULIBA_FORUM: /^https?:\/\/www\.wnflb[\d]{2}\.com\/(home|forum)\.php\?/i,
		DAYBOX: /^https?:\/\/www\.daybox\.net\/image\//i,
		IMDB: /^https?:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/title\//i,
		DOUBAN: /^https?:\/\/movie\.douban\.com\/subject\//i,
		PHOTO_WEIBO: /^https?:\/\/photo\.weibo\.com\//i,
		S_WEIBO: /^https?:\/\/s\.weibo\.com\/weibo\?q=/i,

	function get_Cut_Link_Text(link_text) {
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		return (link_text.length > 80) ? (link_text.slice(0, 45) + ' ... ' + link_text.slice(-25)) : (link_text)
	function copy_Event(copy_text) {
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	function create_Link(link_href) {
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		link_a.title = '点击访问';
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		copy_a.innerText = '复制';
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			this.title = '复制成功'
		return link_li
	function manage_Prefix(input_link_array) {
		let return_link_array = [];
		$.each(input_link_array, function(index, item) {
			return_link_array.push(PREFIX_LINK_REG.MAGNET.test(item) ? item.replace(PREFIX_LINK_REG.MAGNET_SWITCH, '') : item)
		return return_link_array
	function manage_Text(text_array) {
		let temp_array = [];
		$.each(text_array, function(index, item) {
			if (URL_REG.test(item)) {
			} else if (PAN_REG.test(item)) {
				temp_array.push('https://' + PAN_REG.exec(item)[0])
			} else if (MISSING_HEADER_BAIDUPAN_REG.test(item)) {
				let link_miss_value = MISSING_HEADER_BAIDUPAN_REG.exec(item)[0];
				link_miss_value = (/^\//i.test(link_miss_value)) ? ('https://pan.baidu.com' + link_miss_value) : ('https://pan.baidu.com/' + link_miss_value);
			} else if (MISSING_HEADER_BAIDUPAN_TEST_REG.test(item)) {
				temp_array.push('https://pan.baidu.com/s/' + MISSING_HEADER_BAIDUPAN_TEST_REG.exec(item)[1])
			} else if (HASH_REG.test(item)) {
				temp_array.push('magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + item)
		return manage_Prefix(temp_array)
	function decode_Link(input_link_array) {
		$.each(input_link_array, function(index, item) {
			input_link_array[index] = decodeURI(item)
		return input_link_array
	function baidupan_Auto_Event(link_obj_array, baidu_obj_array, text_array) {
		let link_array = [];
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		$.each(link_obj_array, function(index, item) {
		let concat_text_array = manage_Repeat_Array(decode_Link(link_text_array.concat(text_array)));
		let concat_link_array = manage_Repeat_Array(decode_Link(manage_Text(link_array.concat(concat_text_array))));
		let index_a = [];
		let code_b = [];
		let code_c = [];
		for (let i = 0; i < concat_text_array.length; i++) {
			if (CODE_REG.test(concat_text_array[i])) {
				let code_value = CODE_REG.exec(concat_text_array[i]).pop();
				if (code_b.indexOf(code_value) === -1) {
			} else if (SINGLE_CHAR_CODE_REG.test(concat_text_array[i])) {
		while ((code_c.length > 0) && (code_c.length % 4 === 0)) {
			let temp_code = code_c.splice(0, 4);
		if (code_b.length > 0) {
			for (let j = 0; j < concat_link_array.length; j++) {
				if (BAIDUPAN_REG.test(concat_link_array[j])) {
			if (code_b.length === index_a.length) {
				for (let k = 0; k < index_a.length; k++) {
					concat_link_array[index_a[k]] += '#' + code_b[k]
			} else if (code_b.length === baidu_obj_array.length) {
				for (let l = 0; l < baidu_obj_array.length; l++) {
					baidu_obj_array[l].ele.text(baidu_obj_array[l].ele_container + '#' + code_b[l]);
					baidu_obj_array[l].ele.attr('href', baidu_obj_array[l].ele_value + '#' + code_b[l])
		return manage_Prefix(concat_link_array)
	function create_Good_Boy_Button(link_obj, text_array) {
		let concat_array = baidupan_Auto_Event(link_obj.link_obj_array, link_obj.baidu_obj_array, text_array);
		if ((concat_array.length) !== 0) {
			let good_boy_btn = document.createElement('ul');
			good_boy_btn.className = 'goodBoy';
			let good_boy_p = document.createElement('p');
			good_boy_p.innerText = '好孩子看得见:';
			good_boy_p.style.color = 'red';
			good_boy_p.style.fontSize = '15px';
			$.each(concat_array, function(index, item) {
			return good_boy_btn
		return ''
	function filter_Link(input_link) {
		let status = true;
		$.each(FILTER_LINK_REG, function(index, item) {
			if (item.test(input_link)) {
				status = false;
				return false
		return status
	function manage_Repeat_Array(input_link_array) {
		let output_link_array = [];
		for (let i = 0, l = input_link_array.length; i < l; i++) {
			for (let j = i + 1; j < l; j++) {
				if (input_link_array[i] === input_link_array[j]) {
					j = i
		return output_link_array
	function get_Pure_Link(input_link) {
		return input_link.replace(/(^https?:\/\/|\/$)/gi, '')
	function contrast_Text_And_Link(text_value, link_value) {
		let status = true;
		text_value = get_Pure_Link(text_value);
		link_value = get_Pure_Link(link_value);
		if (/\s...\s/i.test(text_value)) {
			status = false;
			let temp_array = text_value.split(' ... ');
			$.each(temp_array, function(index, item) {
				if (link_value.indexOf(item) === -1) {
					status = true;
					return false
		} else if (text_value === link_value) {
			status = false
		return status
	function find_Link(container) {
		let link = container.find('a').not($('div.aimg_tip a')).not($('a:has( > img.zoom)'));
		let temp_obj = {
			link_obj_array: [],
			baidu_obj_array: [],
		for (let i = 0; i < link.length; i++) {
			let temp_link = link.eq(i).attr('href');
			if (filter_Link(temp_link)) {
				let temp_img = link.eq(i).find('img');
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					let temp_text = link.eq(i).text();
					if (contrast_Text_And_Link(temp_text, temp_link)) {
						let link_obj = {
							ele_value: temp_link,
							ele_container: temp_text,
							ele: link.eq(i),
					} else if (BAIDUPAN_REG.test(temp_link)) {
						let baidu_obj = {
							ele_value: temp_link,
							ele_container: temp_text,
							ele: link.eq(i),
		return temp_obj
	function judge_Color(rgb_color_value) {
		if (/rgb\(/i.test(rgb_color_value)) {
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			let gray_level = rgb_value_array[0] * 0.299 + rgb_value_array[1] * 0.587 + rgb_value_array[2] * 0.114;
			return gray_level >= 192
		} else if (/rgba\(/i.test(rgb_color_value)) {
			let rgba_value = rgb_color_value.replace('rgba(', '').replace(')', '');
			let rgba_value_array = rgba_value.split(',');
			if (rgba_value_array[3] <= 0.2) {
				return true
			} else {
				let gray_level_2 = rgba_value_array[0] * 0.299 + rgba_value_array[1] * 0.587 + rgba_value_array[2] * 0.114;
				return gray_level_2 >= 192
		return false
	function rgb_To_Rgba(color_string) {
		let color_value = color_string.match(/[\d]+/g);
		if (color_value.length === 3) {
			return 'rgba(' + color_value[0] + ', ' + color_value[1] + ', ' + color_value[2] + (', 1)')
		return color_string
	function display_Text(container, new_text_color, new_text_background_color) {
		let text = container.find('font');
		let temp_array = [];
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			if (judge_Color(text.eq(i).css('color'))) {
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				text.eq(i).css('color', new_text_color);
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				text.eq(i).css('background-color', new_text_background_color);
				text.eq(i).css('color', new_text_color);
		return temp_array
	function check_Mobile_Page() {
		return /手机版(\s+-\s+powered\s+by\s+discuz!)?$/i.test($('head title').text())
	function init() {
		if (check_Mobile_Page()) {
			let message_btn = $('div.message');
			for (let i = 0; i < message_btn.length; i++) {
				message_btn.eq(i).append(create_Good_Boy_Button(find_Link(message_btn.eq(i)), display_Text(message_btn.eq(i), 'red', '#efefef')))
		} else {
			let main_btn = $('div.cm');
			let td_btn = $('td.t_f');
			for (let i = 0; i < main_btn.length; i++) {
				main_btn.eq(i).after(create_Good_Boy_Button(find_Link(td_btn.eq(i)), display_Text(td_btn.eq(i), 'red', 'white')))
			let check_btn = $('a#fx_checkin_topb');
			if (check_btn.attr('initialized') !== 'true') {