

As of 2020-07-23. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         1024浏览助手
// @author       zxf10608
// @version      3.3
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/9280
// @description  支持自定义屏蔽1024广告、屏蔽反广告检测、显示游客站内搜索框、图片延迟加载、修改图片显示尺寸和排列方式、种子链接转磁力链接、取消外链跳转、屏蔽指定回复等。
// @require      https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.bootcss.com/vanilla-lazyload/12.3.0/lazyload.min.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/400393-spotlight/code/Spotlight.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/398240-gm-config-zh-cn/code/GM_config_zh-CN.js
// @icon      	 https://gitee.com/zxf10608/js/raw/master/1024logo.ico
// @homepageURL  https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/398915
// @include      http*://*/htm_data/*.html
// @include      http*://*/htm_mob/*.html
// @include      http*://*/read.php?fid=*
// @include      http*://*/thread0806.php*
// @include      http*://*t66y.com/*
// @include      http*://picbaron.com/*.html
// @include      http*://img599.net/*
// @include      http*://www.rmdown.com/*
// @include      http*://download.bbcb.tw/*
// @include      http*://www.imgbabes.com/*
// @include      http*://motelppp.com/*
// @include      http*://www.viidii.info/?action=image*
// @include      /https?://\w+\.\w+\.(icu|xyz)/index\.php/
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_notification
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect      rmdown.com
// @connect      imgbabes.com
// @connect      t66y.com
// @connect      *
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @run-at       document-end
// @compatible   chrome
// @license      MIT License
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
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    function config() {
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        GM_registerMenuCommand('设置', opencfg);

        function opencfg() {
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                href: 'https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/398915',
                target: '_blank',
                textContent: '1024浏览助手',
                title: '作者:zxf10608 版本:v3.3 点击访问主页'
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                    'options': ['缩略图', '中等图', '大图'],
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                    default: false,
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                    label: '显示图片引用来源',
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                    default: false,
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                    label: '开启相册预览模式',
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                    default: false,
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                    default: false,
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                    label: '关闭优化,仅快速打开图片跳转',
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                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                reminder: {
                    label: '温馨提示',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'button',
                    click: function() {
                        alert('1、修改显示尺寸和开启相册预览模式仅支持引用自“img599.net”的图片,大图需消耗更多带宽和内存。\n 2、当图片显示异常,请开启“关闭优化,仅快速打开图片跳转”,恢复图片原始样式。')
                adBlockMain: {
                    section: ['广告屏蔽', '页面重新排版,文字和图片整体上移'],
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                    default: true,
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                    label: '屏蔽反广告检测及其横条广告',
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                    default: false,
                adOther: {
                    label: '屏蔽第三方网站广告总开关',
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                    default: false,
                    line: 'start',
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                    default: true,
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                    default: true,
                ad_imgbabes: {
                    label: 'imgbabes图库',
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                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: true,
                ad_rmdown: {
                    label: 'rmdown下载库',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: true,
                ad_motelppp: {
                    label: 'motelppp下载库',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: true,
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                    label: 'bbcb下载库',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: true,
                    line: 'end',
                reminder2: {
                    label: '温馨提示',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'button',
                    click: function() {
                torrentMain: {
                    section: ['种子转换', '种子链接转换,均保留原始链接。'],
                    label: '种子链接转为',
                    labelPos: 'left',
                    type: 'select',
                    'options': ['磁力超链接', '磁力纯文本', '不做改动'],
                    'default': '磁力超链接'
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                    label: '磁力链接位置',
                    labelPos: 'left',
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                    'options': ['贴内标题后', '全部图片前', '全部图片后'],
                    'default': '全部图片前'
                torrentRepeat: {
                    label: '移除重复种子链接',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: true,
                torrentDown: {
                    label: '开启种子快捷下载',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                magnetCopy: {
                    label: '显示磁力链接复制按钮',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                Other_hide: {
                    section: ['其他设置', '优化浏览体验'],
                    label: '隐藏楼主信息栏',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                threadOpen_background: {
                    label: '主题帖后台打开',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                threadShow: {
                    label: '主题帖图片预览',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                font_Color: {
                    label: '贴内字体改为蓝色',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                tourist_Search: {
                    label: '显示游客站内搜索框',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: false,
                go_Top: {
                    label: '显示返回顶部悬浮按钮',
                    labelPos: 'right',
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    default: true,
                hide_Reply: {
                    label: '所有回复',
                    labelPos: 'left',
                    type: 'select',
                    'options': ['默认折叠', '默认展开'],
                    'default': '默认展开'
                blackTxt: {
                    'label': '屏蔽包含以下关键词的回复',
                    'type': 'textarea',
                    'default': '1024|感谢|支持|收藏|看看'
            events: {
                save: function() {
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    function AjaxCall(href, callback) {
            method: "GET",
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            onload: function(data, status) {
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        var ready = function() {
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                    var Gallery = '未知图库'
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                    $(this).attr('data-link', newlink)
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                    var jpgLoad = '0'
                $(this).replaceWith('<a href=' + jpglink + ' target="_blank" class="newJpg"> <img src=' + jpgLocal + ' data-original=' + jpgLoad + ' alt="图片加载失败" title="点击查看原图" class="newImg" style="cursor:pointer;max-width:1024px"></a>')
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                $('.CL1024').on('click', '.newJpg', function(event) {
                    return false
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                $('.newJpg').after('&nbsp;', '<br>')
            if (G.get('jpg_Load')) {
                var load_error = function(element) {
                    console.log("图片延迟加载失败!", element.getAttribute("data-original"))
                var load_finish = function() {
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                    elements_selector: '.newImg',
                    data_src: 'original',
                    threshold: 100,
                    callback_error: load_error,
                    callback_finish: load_finish
        if (!G.get('open_viidii')) {
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            $('img').each(function() {
        }; if (G.get('torrentRepeat')) {
            var torrent = torrentHref.split(',');
            for (var i = 0; i < torrent.length; i++) {
                $(torrent[i] + ':not(:first)').remove()
        var magnet2 = function() {
            $(torrentHref).each(function() {
                var torrentLink = $(this).attr('href');
                if (torrentLink.indexOf('rmdown') != -1) {
                    var hash = torrentLink.replace(/(.*)hash=(20[0-9])?(\w{40})/, '$3');
                    var magnetHref = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + hash;
                    var hashTorrent = '<a href=' + torrentLink + ' class="newTorrent rmdown">种子下载</a>';
                    if (G.get('magnetCopy')) {
                        setTimeout(function() {
                            $('.newMagnet').after('<a class="copy" data-href=' + magnetHref + ' href="javascript: void(0);" target="_blank" title="复制磁力链接">&nbsp;复制</a>');
                        }, 50)
                    if (G.get('torrentDown')) {
                        AjaxCall(torrentLink, function(error, htmlTxt) {
                            if (error) {
                                console.log(torrentLink + '异步加载请求失败!');
                            var reffValue = htmlTxt.match(/value="([a-z0-9]+)"/)[1];
                            var refValue = htmlTxt.match(/Code:\s((20[0-9])?[a-z0-9]{40})/)[1];
                            var rmdownLink = 'http://www.rmdown.com/download.php?reff=' + reffValue + '&ref=' + refValue;
                            $('.rmdown').attr('href', rmdownLink);
                            console.log('rmdown种子真实地址:' + rmdownLink)
                    if (G.get('torrentMain') == '磁力纯文本') {
                        var hashMagnet = '<p>' + magnetHref + '</p>'
                    } else {
                        var hashMagnet = '<a href=' + magnetHref + ' class="newTorrent newMagnet">磁力链接</a>'
                } else if (torrentLink.indexOf('bbcb') != -1 && G.get('torrentDown')) {
                    var bbcbLink = torrentLink.replace(/(.*)list\.php\?name=(\w+)/, '$1down.php/$2.torrent');
                    var otherTorrent = '<a href=' + bbcbLink + ' class="newTorrent">备用种子下载</a>';
                    console.log('bbcb种子真实地址:' + bbcbLink)
                } else {
                    var otherTorrent = '<a href=' + torrentLink + ' class="newTorrent">备用种子下载</a>'
                }; if (G.get('torrentPlace') == '全部图片前') {
                    $('.newJpg:first').before(hashMagnet, hashTorrent, otherTorrent)
                } else if (G.get('torrentPlace') == '全部图片后') {
                    $('.newJpg:last').after(hashMagnet, hashTorrent, otherTorrent);
                } else {
                    $('.CL1024').prepend(otherTorrent, hashMagnet, hashTorrent)
            if (localHref.match(/htm_data\/200[0-9]\/7\//) == null) {
            } else {
                'target': '_blank',
                'style': 'cursor:pointer;color:#2f5fa1;'
        if (G.get('torrentMain') != '不做改动' && !G.get('open_viidii')) {
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            $(torrentHref).each(function() {
        }; if (G.get('Other_hide')) {
            $('.CL1024,.tiptop:eq(0),.tipad:eq(0),h4').css('padding', '0px 115px')
        if (G.get('adBlockMain')) {
            window.onload = function() {
                $('.CL1024 img').each(function() {
                    var w = $(this).width();
                    var h = $(this).height();
                    if (w > 850 && h < 280) {
        if (G.get('gallery') && img599 && !G.get('open_viidii')) {
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                'data-title': false,
                'player': 2000
            $(document).ready(function() {
                var txt = '全屏|自动调整|缩小|放大|主题|自动播放|关闭|上一张|下一张'.split('|');
                $('.arrow-left').attr('title', txt[7]);
                $('.arrow-right').attr('title', txt[8]);
                for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                    $('.icon:eq(' + i + ')').attr('title', txt[i])
                $('.icon.fullscreen').before('<div class="icon download" title="下载当前图片" style="cursor:pointer;"></div>');
                    'background-image': 'url(//gitee.com/zxf10608/js/raw/master/download01.svg)',
                    'background-position': 'left center',
                    'background-size': '21px 21px'
                $('.download').click(function() {
                    var Link = $('.pane>img').attr('src');
                    var fileName = Link.split('/').slice(-1).toString();
                    download(Link, fileName)
        $('.t.t2:not(:first)').each(function() {
            var blackList = G.get('blackTxt');
            if ($(this).text().match(new RegExp('/' + blackList + '/', 'g')) != null) {
        var reply = function() {
            var replyClass = '.t.t2:gt(0),.t:last,td[align="left"]:last';
            if (G.get('hide_Reply') == '默认展开') {
                var txt = '折叠回复'
            } else {
                var txt = '展开回复';
            $('.tipad:eq(0)').append('<button class="reply" style="cursor:pointer;">' + txt + '</button>');
            $('.reply').click(function() {
                if ($('.reply').text() == "展开回复") {
                } else {
                return false
        if (G.get('go_Top')) {
            $('body').append('<img src="https://gitee.com/zxf10608/js/raw/master/gotop.png" class="goTop" style="position:fixed; width:50px; bottom:10px; right:10px; cursor:pointer; display:none;" title="返回顶部">');
            $(".goTop").click(function() {
                    scrollTop: '0px'
                }, 'slow')
            $(window).scroll(function() {
                var s = $(window).scrollTop();
                if (s > 500) {
                } else {

        function copy() {
            $('.CL1024').on('click', '.copy', function(event) {
                var txt = '磁力链接复制完成。';
                return false

        function download(Link, fileName) {
                url: Link,
                name: fileName,
                onload: function() {
                    var txt = fileName + ' 下载完成。';
                onerror: function() {
                ontimeout: function() {

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                title: '1024浏览助手:',
                text: txt,
                timeout: 3000,
    if (document.title.indexOf('t66y') != -1 && G.get('tourist_Search')) {
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                'width': '300px',
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                'margin': '5px -39px 0 0'
        }).fail(function() {
        $('.banner').append('<div class="gsrch"><gcse:search></gcse:search></div>')
    if (localHref.indexOf('www.viidii.info/?action=image') != -1 && G.get('open_viidii')) {
        var viidiiOpen = function() {
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            window.location.href = newlink
    if (localHref.indexOf('thread0806.php') != -1) {
        $('.tal a').each(function() {
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