JAV 添加跳转在线观看 三合一

在 JavDB、JavBus、JavLibrary 网站的影片详情页添加跳转在线播放按钮,并在按钮上标注是否支持在线播放、包含无码或包含字幕

As of 2022-10-16. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         JAV 添加跳转在线观看 三合一
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/429173
// @version      1.0.5
// @author       mission522
// @description  在 JavDB、JavBus、JavLibrary 网站的影片详情页添加跳转在线播放按钮,并在按钮上标注是否支持在线播放、包含无码或包含字幕
// @license      MIT
// @icon         https://javdb.com/favicon-32x32.png
// @include      /^https?:\/\/(\w*\.)?javdb(\d)*\.com.*$/
// @include      /^https?:\/\/(\w*\.)?(javbus|seejav|javsee)*\.(com|cc|me|life).*$/
// @include      /^https?:\/\/(\w*\.)?(javlib|javlibrary)*\.com.*$/
// @match        *://*/cn/?v=jav*
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/preact@10.11.0/dist/preact.min.js
// @connect      jable.tv
// @connect      missav.com
// @connect      netflav.com
// @connect      avgle.com
// @connect      javhhh.com
// @connect      bestjavporn.com
// @connect      javmenu.com
// @connect      jav.guru
// @connect      javmost.cx
// @connect      hayav.com
// @connect      javfc2.net
// @connect      paipancon.com
// @connect      ggjav.com
// @connect      av01.tv
// @connect      javbus.com
// @connect      javdb005.com
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

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  function videoPageParser(responseText, {
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    listIndex = 0,
    spaceCode = false
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          targetLink: "",
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    return query();
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                hasSubtitle: false,
                hasLeakage: false,
                msg: "\u5E94\u8BE5\u662F\u6CA1\u6709\u8D44\u6E90"
            } else {
              const {
              } = videoPageParser(response.responseText, siteItem.domQuery);
                msg: "[get]\uFF0C\u5B58\u5728\u8D44\u6E90"
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              targetLink: targetLink2,
            } = serachPageParser(response.responseText, siteItem.domQuery, siteItem.hostname, CODE);
              targetLink: isSuccess ? targetLink2 : targetLink2,
              msg: "[parser]\u5B58\u5728\u8D44\u6E90"
        onerror: (error) => {
            isSuccess: false,
            hasSubtitle: false,
            hasLeakage: false,
            msg: error.error
    return xhrPromise;
  function parserJavdb(code) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (!code)
        url: `https://javdb005.com/search?q=${code}`,
        method: "GET",
        onload: (response) => {
          var _a2, _b2, _c;
          const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
          const firstItem = doc.querySelectorAll(`.movie-list>.item`)[0];
          const titleString = (_a2 = firstItem.querySelector(`.video-title>strong`)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.innerHTML;
          const releaseString = (_b2 = firstItem.querySelector(`.meta`)) == null ? void 0 : _b2.innerHTML.trim();
          if (titleString !== code || !releaseString) {
          } else {
            const fullScoreText = (_c = firstItem.querySelector(`.score .value`)) == null ? void 0 : _c.innerHTML;
            const matchResult = fullScoreText == null ? void 0 : fullScoreText.match(/\d\.\d*分/);
            if (!matchResult)
                score: matchResult[0].replace("\u5206", ""),
                release: releaseString
        onerror(error) {
  async function getInfos(cms) {
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    } = cms.querys;
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      return {
        text: item.innerHTML,
        link: item.href
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    const {
    } = await parserJavdb(codeText);
    return {
  const style = "";
  var r, u, i, o$1, f = 0, c = [], e = [], a = preact2.options.__b, v = preact2.options.__r, l = preact2.options.diffed, m = preact2.options.__c, d = preact2.options.unmount;
  function p(t, r2) {
    preact2.options.__h && preact2.options.__h(u, t, f || r2), f = 0;
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  function y(n) {
    return f = 1, h(C$1, n);
  function h(n, t, i2) {
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      var t2 = o2.__N ? o2.__N[0] : o2.__[0], r2 = o2.t(t2, n2);
      t2 !== r2 && (o2.__N = [r2, o2.__[1]], o2.__c.setState({}));
    }], o2.__c = u, !u.u)) {
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      u.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n2, t2, r2) {
        if (!o2.__c.__H)
          return true;
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          return n3.__c;
        if (u2.every(function(n3) {
          return !n3.__N;
          return !f2 || f2.call(this, n2, t2, r2);
        var i3 = false;
        return u2.forEach(function(n3) {
          if (n3.__N) {
            var t3 = n3.__[0];
            n3.__ = n3.__N, n3.__N = void 0, t3 !== n3.__[0] && (i3 = true);
        }), !!i3 && (!f2 || f2.call(this, n2, t2, r2));
    return o2.__N || o2.__;
  function s(t, i2) {
    var o2 = p(r++, 3);
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  function g$1() {
    for (var t; t = c.shift(); )
      if (t.__P && t.__H)
        try {
          t.__H.__h.forEach(w$1), t.__H.__h.forEach(z$1), t.__H.__h = [];
        } catch (r2) {
          t.__H.__h = [], preact2.options.__e(r2, t.__v);
  preact2.options.__b = function(n) {
    "function" != typeof n.type || n.o || n.type === preact2.Fragment ? n.o || (n.o = n.__ && n.__.o ? n.__.o : "") : n.o = (n.__ && n.__.o ? n.__.o : "") + (n.__ && n.__.__k ? n.__.__k.indexOf(n) : 0), u = null, a && a(n);
  }, preact2.options.__r = function(n) {
    v && v(n), r = 0;
    var t = (u = n.__c).__H;
    t && (i === u ? (t.__h = [], u.__h = [], t.__.forEach(function(n2) {
      n2.__N && (n2.__ = n2.__N), n2.__V = e, n2.__N = n2.i = void 0;
    })) : (t.__h.forEach(w$1), t.__h.forEach(z$1), t.__h = [])), i = u;
  }, preact2.options.diffed = function(t) {
    l && l(t);
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    r2 && r2.__H && (r2.__H.__h.length && (1 !== c.push(r2) && o$1 === preact2.options.requestAnimationFrame || ((o$1 = preact2.options.requestAnimationFrame) || k)(g$1)), r2.__H.__.forEach(function(n) {
      n.i && (n.__H = n.i), n.__V !== e && (n.__ = n.__V), n.i = void 0, n.__V = e;
    })), i = u = null;
  }, preact2.options.__c = function(t, r2) {
    r2.some(function(t2) {
      try {
        t2.__h.forEach(w$1), t2.__h = t2.__h.filter(function(n) {
          return !n.__ || z$1(n);
      } catch (u2) {
        r2.some(function(n) {
          n.__h && (n.__h = []);
        }), r2 = [], preact2.options.__e(u2, t2.__v);
    }), m && m(t, r2);
  }, preact2.options.unmount = function(t) {
    d && d(t);
    var r2, u2 = t.__c;
    u2 && u2.__H && (u2.__H.__.forEach(function(n) {
      try {
      } catch (n2) {
        r2 = n2;
    }), u2.__H = void 0, r2 && preact2.options.__e(r2, u2.__v));
  var j$1 = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame;
  function k(n) {
    var t, r2 = function() {
      clearTimeout(u2), j$1 && cancelAnimationFrame(t), setTimeout(n);
    }, u2 = setTimeout(r2, 100);
    j$1 && (t = requestAnimationFrame(r2));
  function w$1(n) {
    var t = u, r2 = n.__c;
    "function" == typeof r2 && (n.__c = void 0, r2()), u = t;
  function z$1(n) {
    var t = u;
    n.__c = n.__(), u = t;
  function B$1(n, t) {
    return !n || n.length !== t.length || t.some(function(t2, r2) {
      return t2 !== n[r2];
  function C$1(n, t) {
    return "function" == typeof t ? t(n) : t;
  function g(n, t) {
    for (var e2 in t)
      n[e2] = t[e2];
    return n;
  function C(n, t) {
    for (var e2 in n)
      if ("__source" !== e2 && !(e2 in t))
        return true;
    for (var r2 in t)
      if ("__source" !== r2 && n[r2] !== t[r2])
        return true;
    return false;
  function E(n) {
    this.props = n;
  function w(n, e2) {
    function r2(n2) {
      var t = this.props.ref, r3 = t == n2.ref;
      return !r3 && t && (t.call ? t(null) : t.current = null), e2 ? !e2(this.props, n2) || !r3 : C(this.props, n2);
    function u2(e3) {
      return this.shouldComponentUpdate = r2, preact2.createElement(n, e3);
    return u2.displayName = "Memo(" + (n.displayName || n.name) + ")", u2.prototype.isReactComponent = true, u2.__f = true, u2;
  (E.prototype = new preact2.Component()).isPureReactComponent = true, E.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n, t) {
    return C(this.props, n) || C(this.state, t);
  var R = preact2.options.__b;
  preact2.options.__b = function(n) {
    n.type && n.type.__f && n.ref && (n.props.ref = n.ref, n.ref = null), R && R(n);
  var O = preact2.options.__e;
  preact2.options.__e = function(n, t, e2, r2) {
    if (n.then) {
      for (var u2, o2 = t; o2 = o2.__; )
        if ((u2 = o2.__c) && u2.__c)
          return null == t.__e && (t.__e = e2.__e, t.__k = e2.__k), u2.__c(n, t);
    O(n, t, e2, r2);
  var T = preact2.options.unmount;
  function I(n, t, e2) {
    return n && (n.__c && n.__c.__H && (n.__c.__H.__.forEach(function(n2) {
      "function" == typeof n2.__c && n2.__c();
    }), n.__c.__H = null), null != (n = g({}, n)).__c && (n.__c.__P === e2 && (n.__c.__P = t), n.__c = null), n.__k = n.__k && n.__k.map(function(n2) {
      return I(n2, t, e2);
    })), n;
  function L(n, t, e2) {
    return n && (n.__v = null, n.__k = n.__k && n.__k.map(function(n2) {
      return L(n2, t, e2);
    }), n.__c && n.__c.__P === t && (n.__e && e2.insertBefore(n.__e, n.__d), n.__c.__e = true, n.__c.__P = e2)), n;
  function U() {
    this.__u = 0, this.t = null, this.__b = null;
  function D(n) {
    var t = n.__.__c;
    return t && t.__a && t.__a(n);
  function M() {
    this.u = null, this.o = null;
  preact2.options.unmount = function(n) {
    var t = n.__c;
    t && t.__R && t.__R(), t && true === n.__h && (n.type = null), T && T(n);
  }, (U.prototype = new preact2.Component()).__c = function(n, t) {
    var e2 = t.__c, r2 = this;
    null == r2.t && (r2.t = []), r2.t.push(e2);
    var u2 = D(r2.__v), o2 = false, i2 = function() {
      o2 || (o2 = true, e2.__R = null, u2 ? u2(l2) : l2());
    e2.__R = i2;
    var l2 = function() {
      if (!--r2.__u) {
        if (r2.state.__a) {
          var n2 = r2.state.__a;
          r2.__v.__k[0] = L(n2, n2.__c.__P, n2.__c.__O);
        var t2;
        for (r2.setState({ __a: r2.__b = null }); t2 = r2.t.pop(); )
    }, c2 = true === t.__h;
    r2.__u++ || c2 || r2.setState({ __a: r2.__b = r2.__v.__k[0] }), n.then(i2, i2);
  }, U.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() {
    this.t = [];
  }, U.prototype.render = function(n, e2) {
    if (this.__b) {
      if (this.__v.__k) {
        var r2 = document.createElement("div"), o2 = this.__v.__k[0].__c;
        this.__v.__k[0] = I(this.__b, r2, o2.__O = o2.__P);
      this.__b = null;
    var i2 = e2.__a && preact2.createElement(preact2.Fragment, null, n.fallback);
    return i2 && (i2.__h = null), [preact2.createElement(preact2.Fragment, null, e2.__a ? null : n.children), i2];
  var V = function(n, t, e2) {
    if (++e2[1] === e2[0] && n.o.delete(t), n.props.revealOrder && ("t" !== n.props.revealOrder[0] || !n.o.size))
      for (e2 = n.u; e2; ) {
        for (; e2.length > 3; )
        if (e2[1] < e2[0])
        n.u = e2 = e2[2];
  (M.prototype = new preact2.Component()).__a = function(n) {
    var t = this, e2 = D(t.__v), r2 = t.o.get(n);
    return r2[0]++, function(u2) {
      var o2 = function() {
        t.props.revealOrder ? (r2.push(u2), V(t, n, r2)) : u2();
      e2 ? e2(o2) : o2();
  }, M.prototype.render = function(n) {
    this.u = null, this.o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
    var t = preact2.toChildArray(n.children);
    n.revealOrder && "b" === n.revealOrder[0] && t.reverse();
    for (var e2 = t.length; e2--; )
      this.o.set(t[e2], this.u = [1, 0, this.u]);
    return n.children;
  }, M.prototype.componentDidUpdate = M.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {
    var n = this;
    this.o.forEach(function(t, e2) {
      V(n, e2, t);
  var j = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.element") || 60103, z = /^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|dominant|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|image|letter|lighting|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|pointer|shape|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|transform|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/, B = "undefined" != typeof document, H = function(n) {
    return ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol() ? /fil|che|rad/i : /fil|che|ra/i).test(n);
  preact2.Component.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, ["componentWillMount", "componentWillReceiveProps", "componentWillUpdate"].forEach(function(t) {
    Object.defineProperty(preact2.Component.prototype, t, { configurable: true, get: function() {
      return this["UNSAFE_" + t];
    }, set: function(n) {
      Object.defineProperty(this, t, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: n });
    } });
  var q = preact2.options.event;
  function G() {
  function J() {
    return this.cancelBubble;
  function K() {
    return this.defaultPrevented;
  preact2.options.event = function(n) {
    return q && (n = q(n)), n.persist = G, n.isPropagationStopped = J, n.isDefaultPrevented = K, n.nativeEvent = n;
  var X = { configurable: true, get: function() {
    return this.class;
  } }, nn = preact2.options.vnode;
  preact2.options.vnode = function(n) {
    var t = n.type, e2 = n.props, u2 = e2;
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  async function main() {
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