// ==UserScript==
// @name Yande.re 瀑布流浏览
// @name:en Yande.re Masonry
// @name:zh Yande.re 瀑布流浏览
// @version 0.29.1
// @description Yande.re/Konachan 中文标签 & 缩略图放大 & 双击翻页 & 瀑布流浏览模式(支持 danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru 等)
// @description:en Yande.re/Konachan Masonry(Waterfall) Layout. Also support danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru et cetera.
// @description:zh Yande.re/Konachan 中文标签 & 缩略图放大 & 双击翻页 & 瀑布流浏览模式(支持 danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru 等)
// @author asadahimeka
// @namespace me.asadahimeka.yanderemasonry
// @license MIT
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// @match https://konachan.net/*
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// @match https://lolibooru.moe/*
// @match https://www.sakugabooru.com/*
// @match https://safebooru.org/*
// @match https://tbib.org/*
// @match https://xbooru.com/*
// @match http://behoimi.org/*
// @match https://rule34.paheal.net/*
// @match https://realbooru.com/*
// @match https://booru.allthefallen.moe/*
// @match https://aibooru.online/*
// @homepage https://www.nanoka.top
// @source https://github.com/asadahimeka/yandere-masonry
// @icon https://upload-bbs.mihoyo.com/upload/2022/05/23/260511332/f1f6267537a5aff959ee63ec2c9e4e52_4821140735490026106.jpg
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async function prepareApp(callback) {
if (doNotRun())
if (isMoebooru()) {
await sleep(1e3);
setMasonryMode(async () => {
await initMasonry();
callback == null ? void 0 : callback();
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function doNotRun() {
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return mimeTypes.some((e) => location.pathname.endsWith(`.${e}`));
function isMoebooru() {
return ["yande.re", "konachan", "lolibooru", "sakugabooru"].some((e) => location.href.includes(e));
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masonry: (list) => {
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justified: (list) => {
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sel == null ? void 0 : sel.addEventListener("change", function() {
const { value } = this;
if (!value)
localStorage.setItem("__wfType", value);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
async function initMasonry() {
await loadDeps();
function addSiteStyle() {
if (location.href.includes("yande.re")) {
if (location.href.includes("konachan")) {
GM_addStyle(ydStyle + knStyle);
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function setMoebooruLocale() {
if (document.title === "Access denied")
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const url = new URL(location.href);
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if (url.searchParams.get("locale"))
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const locale = locales.find((e) => e == browserLang.replace("-", "_") || e == browserLang.split("-")[0]);
if (!locale)
url.searchParams.set("locale", locale);
function addMoeLocaleSelect() {
const params2 = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
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sel == null ? void 0 : sel.addEventListener("change", function() {
const { value } = this;
if (!value)
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url.searchParams.set("locale", value);
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window.__tagsCN = await response.json();
const url = new URL(location.href);
if (url.pathname == "/tag")
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setTagText('#tag-sidebar a[href^="/post?tags="]:not(.no-browser-link)', textEn, (en2, cn) => `[${cn}] ${en2}`);
function removeOldListeners() {
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unsafeWindow.onerror = null;
if (isMoebooru()) {
const d = document;
const w = unsafeWindow;
w.User = {
form_username_focus: () => {
form_username_changed: () => {
form_username_blur: () => {
w.ReportError = null;
} catch (error) {
console.log("error: ", error);
function setMasonryMode(fn) {
const params2 = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
if (params2.get("_wf"))
return fn();
if (location.href.includes("safebooru")) {
const oldBtn = document.querySelector("#enter-masonry");
oldBtn == null ? void 0 : oldBtn.remove();
const btnText = navigator.language.includes("zh") ? "\u7011\u5E03\u6D41\u6A21\u5F0F" : "Browsing";
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btn == null ? void 0 : btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
const specialSites = ["gelbooru"];
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await loadScript("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fast-xml-parser/4.0.11/fxparser.min.js");
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/*! prepare end */
* vue-masonry-css v1.0.3
* https://github.com/paulcollett/vue-masonry-css
* Released under the MIT License.
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return 0;
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var matchedValue = mixed.default || 0;
for (var k in mixed) {
var breakpoint = parseInt(k);
var breakpointValRaw = mixed[breakpoint];
var breakpointVal = parseInt(breakpointValRaw);
if (isNaN(breakpoint) || isNaN(breakpointVal)) {
var isNewBreakpoint = windowWidth <= breakpoint && breakpoint < matchedBreakpoint;
if (isNewBreakpoint) {
matchedBreakpoint = breakpoint;
matchedValue = breakpointValRaw;
return matchedValue;
var component = {
data: function data() {
return {
displayColumns: 2,
displayGutter: 0
mounted: function mounted() {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function() {
if (window) {
window.addEventListener("resize", this.reCalculate);
updated: function updated() {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function() {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
if (window) {
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.reCalculate);
methods: {
reCalculate: function reCalculate() {
var previousWindowWidth = this.windowWidth;
this.windowWidth = (window ? window.innerWidth : null) || Infinity;
if (previousWindowWidth === this.windowWidth) {
_reCalculateGutterSize: function _reCalculateGutterSize(windowWidth) {
this.displayGutter = breakpointValue(this.gutter, windowWidth);
_reCalculateColumnCount: function _reCalculateColumnCount(windowWidth) {
var newColumns = breakpointValue(this.cols, windowWidth);
newColumns = Math.max(1, Number(newColumns) || 0);
this.displayColumns = newColumns;
_getChildItemsInColumnsArray: function _getChildItemsInColumnsArray() {
var this$1$1 = this;
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var childItems = this.$slots.default || [];
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childItems = childItems[0].componentOptions.children;
for (var i = 0, visibleItemI = 0; i < childItems.length; i++, visibleItemI++) {
if (!childItems[i].tag) {
var columnIndex = visibleItemI % this$1$1.displayColumns;
if (!columns[columnIndex]) {
columns[columnIndex] = [];
return columns;
render: function render(createElement) {
var this$1$1 = this;
var columnsContainingChildren = this._getChildItemsInColumnsArray();
var isGutterSizeUnitless = parseInt(this.displayGutter) === this.displayGutter * 1;
var gutterSizeWithUnit = isGutterSizeUnitless ? this.displayGutter + "px" : this.displayGutter;
var columnStyle = {
boxSizing: "border-box",
backgroundClip: "padding-box",
width: 100 / this.displayColumns + "%",
border: "0 solid transparent",
borderLeftWidth: gutterSizeWithUnit
var columns = columnsContainingChildren.map(function(children, index) {
return createElement(this$1$1.columnTag, {
key: index + "-" + columnsContainingChildren.length,
style: this$1$1.css ? columnStyle : null,
class: this$1$1.columnClass,
attrs: this$1$1.columnAttr
}, children);
var containerStyle = {
display: ["-webkit-box", "-ms-flexbox", "flex"],
marginLeft: "-" + gutterSizeWithUnit
return createElement(
this.css ? { style: containerStyle } : null,
var Plugin = function() {
Plugin.install = function(Vue3, options) {
if (Plugin.installed) {
if (options && options.name) {
Vue3.component(options.name, component);
} else {
Vue3.component(componentName, component);
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.Vue) {
function installVuetify() {
return new Vuetify__default["default"]({
icons: {
iconfont: "mdiSvg"
theme: {
dark: false,
themes: {
light: {
primary: "#8E24AA",
accent: "#EC407A"
dark: {
primary: "#BA68C8",
accent: "#FF80AB"
function useVuetify() {
const instance = Vue2.getCurrentInstance();
if (!instance) {
throw new Error("Should be used in setup().");
return instance.proxy.$vuetify;
const UxxldE9xRwmQctrvba5Y8$3 = "\u8BBE\u7F6E";
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const ze1PaiGdX4ufmoOLv_xw6$3 = "\u6309\u5E74";
const l8CbIALt_VWUnzBl_Rmgf$3 = "Booru \u56FE\u7AD9\u7011\u5E03\u6D41\u6D4F\u89C8";
const CacM8tispuPNrSxxpt9GX$3 = "\u5FEB\u6377\u65B9\u5F0F";
const zs8YTCc8d8XFUgRnp7m_w$3 = "\u6211\u7684\u6536\u85CF\u5939";
const e2_EYvweJsVoIZlIWkPRV$3 = "\u7AD9\u70B9\u5217\u8868";
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const wI4KHHIe3zNRziW4lDZrp$3 = "\u4E0B\u8F7D\u6837\u54C1\u56FE";
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const hVmfDxXoj8vkgVQabEOSr$3 = "\u52A0\u5165\u4E0B\u8F7D\u5217\u8868";
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const Z4pa8GhgE63OGGvCqAld0$3 = "\u4E0B\u9762\u6CA1\u6709\u4E86";
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const PBjdNKuj02doUvOf2zZqP$3 = "\u56FE\u7247\u4FDD\u5B58\u5230\u5B50\u6587\u4EF6\u5939";
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const ujBgilCWNgFNV8Q2IDMWS$3 = "\u63D0\u793A\uFF1A\u4E3A\u65B9\u4FBF\u4F7F\u7528\uFF0C\u53EF\u4EE5\u5C06\u6D4F\u89C8\u5668\u8BBE\u7F6E\u4E2D\u201C\u4E0B\u8F7D\u524D\u8BE2\u95EE\u6BCF\u4E2A\u6587\u4EF6\u7684\u4FDD\u5B58\u4F4D\u7F6E\u201D\u9009\u9879\u5173\u95ED\u3002";
var zhHans = {
UxxldE9xRwmQctrvba5Y8: UxxldE9xRwmQctrvba5Y8$3,
"ZtQHZx-pEjmu_o3dQD1fc": "\u793E\u56E2",
Ym0HIEu9Q80qXB31LuC6c: Ym0HIEu9Q80qXB31LuC6c$3,
juT6gwLOg5r1h2vFpFf6P: juT6gwLOg5r1h2vFpFf6P$3,
aonlPAu9kEkkwNvQg0DBk: aonlPAu9kEkkwNvQg0DBk$3,
"MWVfUiW8egLWq7MgV-wzc": "\u6536\u85CF\u5931\u8D25",
ctWGhVvqB2k_1TX2iY0l2: ctWGhVvqB2k_1TX2iY0l2$3,
"nd4UjZy2ILsc-iW9iu7xR": "\u6309\u65E5\u671F",
"elkBQ9moOZ-KMcy5bt_Ts": "\u6700\u8FD1\u4EBA\u6C14",
HzMBcS2oNGVIoLiHWprim: HzMBcS2oNGVIoLiHWprim$3,
DXEhXAQbkiCMU_l252jo_: DXEhXAQbkiCMU_l252jo_$3,
"9juZMc0gPIgvMPKVORpJ1": "\u4EBA\u6C14",
"6acPWiYq2-OdySa2_xqDu": "\u968F\u673A",
ZztrWbSaaaas3v0cHtSmh: ZztrWbSaaaas3v0cHtSmh$3,
OKs1ePekQA4Ona839U114: OKs1ePekQA4Ona839U114$3,
cKn4cfAxzdgh_HD6OFibB: cKn4cfAxzdgh_HD6OFibB$3,
"J2Ckb_-LITfmww4aEksqk": "\u8F93\u51FA\u4E0B\u8F7D\u5730\u5740",
"jDjashxA-oBPo19DXI504": "\u539F\u56FE",
u8mEnSo4mxDRUbj7FeAll: u8mEnSo4mxDRUbj7FeAll$3,
"OrwwNKZ7I70-ecpspE8d_": "\u5207\u6362\u5168\u5C4F",
ClZdL9hGweOokP7Mn_Ptq: ClZdL9hGweOokP7Mn_Ptq$3,
"Mt3-hyoH7f_pW2gnfxyur": "\u6309\u65E5",
"riciqzr6ILBnpPc7KtG-C": "\u6309\u5468",
"PQhFo-g7sgagimkleVoZR": "\u6309\u6708",
ze1PaiGdX4ufmoOLv_xw6: ze1PaiGdX4ufmoOLv_xw6$3,
l8CbIALt_VWUnzBl_Rmgf: l8CbIALt_VWUnzBl_Rmgf$3,
CacM8tispuPNrSxxpt9GX: CacM8tispuPNrSxxpt9GX$3,
zs8YTCc8d8XFUgRnp7m_w: zs8YTCc8d8XFUgRnp7m_w$3,
"7Cgsr4PUMbezDXNfWdvWH": "\u4EBA\u6C14\u4F5C\u54C1",
"StU1-52QJmNFKQ5soJCyG": "\u968F\u673A\u4F5C\u54C1",
e2_EYvweJsVoIZlIWkPRV: e2_EYvweJsVoIZlIWkPRV$3,
"PT74UDfKA45vTVTst_-hD": "\u5173\u4E8E",
"iJ0h220tvMmUhkfIMYI-W": "\u67E5\u770B\u66F4\u65B0\u65E5\u5FD7",
qWcqQRsE9nN43MaZ2BmN9: qWcqQRsE9nN43MaZ2BmN9$3,
jerGO2OCuW9TdnEnGYRWd: jerGO2OCuW9TdnEnGYRWd$3,
"23iEYyiQlLVhFIqGbj527": "\u95EE\u9898\u4E0E\u5EFA\u8BAE",
"4g1TUy2kwQrdOs-w4JobB": "\u70B9\u51FB\u53CD\u9988",
"7Xq5puLNcT0mAvoxElqdf": "\u6B22\u8FCE Star \u2606\u5F61",
"xJJTEE3nZ4HVXGFfiN-LC": "\u5F20",
tGi6xYfvStBmR8qduEmKX: tGi6xYfvStBmR8qduEmKX$3,
"Xtk-NnMgSQZmheJ87nbRV": "\u4E0B\u8F7D",
RN4dt81l_fZMWODsskZob: RN4dt81l_fZMWODsskZob$3,
fC8XNfCl04zK7vgeaRZMQ: fC8XNfCl04zK7vgeaRZMQ$3,
"4hOFoP4M3ZkL3RiN7XOc8": "\u6CA1\u4E86",
"M-wISnLiQgM_DURMwKZGT": "\u9002\u5E94\u9875\u9762",
ad8lEoWap_nT9U69WBKen: ad8lEoWap_nT9U69WBKen$3,
GjMNbm97OgVvpIYlkOisE: GjMNbm97OgVvpIYlkOisE$3,
"KkkM-iz8RCVQoTrTfhS5j": "\u539F\u59CB\u5927\u5C0F",
XvOYJ5gHo37M1XztPl18z: XvOYJ5gHo37M1XztPl18z$3,
_bQs7o9oQSo7ao1G0cp3d: _bQs7o9oQSo7ao1G0cp3d$3,
"lPPsX2CZbXwC-EGN79Rki": "\u7F29\u5C0F",
"t83UAY18UebTg1_-zFGP3": "\u5173\u95ED",
pEU9Y9K7DsODkocCDwq_O: pEU9Y9K7DsODkocCDwq_O$3,
"2ZPEAvLkCbV3mC0iJAw9K": "\u6536\u85CF",
caFFJlrS1wa_F86uKPykd: caFFJlrS1wa_F86uKPykd$3,
qSF4OLshg2EEX4CwtBE6r: qSF4OLshg2EEX4CwtBE6r$3,
"B_ptN5O-9PhmG5ymGGtc6": "\u67E5\u770B\u5927\u56FE",
wI4KHHIe3zNRziW4lDZrp: wI4KHHIe3zNRziW4lDZrp$3,
k4YzDnBtd_S2UpAQucGxF: k4YzDnBtd_S2UpAQucGxF$3,
"VpuyxZtIoDF9-YyOm0tK_": "\u4E0B\u8F7D\u539F\u6587\u4EF6",
hVmfDxXoj8vkgVQabEOSr: hVmfDxXoj8vkgVQabEOSr$3,
gM92sLo0Cqfl2rCaXlOhc: gM92sLo0Cqfl2rCaXlOhc$3,
"l5W-EtJ_ar-SY2lF4H5Zm": "\u663E\u793A",
FAqj5ONm50QMfIt9Vq2p1: FAqj5ONm50QMfIt9Vq2p1$3,
Z4pa8GhgE63OGGvCqAld0: Z4pa8GhgE63OGGvCqAld0$3,
Dnnio9m9RZA6bkTLytc99: Dnnio9m9RZA6bkTLytc99$3,
EsiorRgoeHI8h7IHMLDA4: EsiorRgoeHI8h7IHMLDA4$3,
_Efl8k8uYQj9iJmj3kwbd: _Efl8k8uYQj9iJmj3kwbd$3,
"jMod2JozzAnwHuD-3KuPb": "\u4E0B\u65B9\u8F93\u5165\u6807\u7B7E\uFF0C\u56DE\u8F66\u6DFB\u52A0",
RstKmO7YVQMpaDoucxUel: RstKmO7YVQMpaDoucxUel$3,
"1F-R4qChHIzZaohu5GJzl": "\u5F62\u5982: &api_key=xx&user_id=1",
Lm_HFVHpv4XCjilV3NLKu: Lm_HFVHpv4XCjilV3NLKu$3,
A16qoBulYQJLbHe9mqNwm: A16qoBulYQJLbHe9mqNwm$3,
_nQfaNuwbvPAIFKOY6_7u: _nQfaNuwbvPAIFKOY6_7u$3,
fVE5taO6GDTPbILat4GCt: fVE5taO6GDTPbILat4GCt$3,
w95XGurDhDfOfw7XH4JFW: w95XGurDhDfOfw7XH4JFW$3,
kFcteLMfnoezhOwuTlLFC: kFcteLMfnoezhOwuTlLFC$3,
FT1uJs8XG__n5qBvuFsH4: FT1uJs8XG__n5qBvuFsH4$3,
G3b7rbyQEj3_rgzVsNJZY: G3b7rbyQEj3_rgzVsNJZY$3,
"iRt9V9wNQASic3D7-wTZo": "\u5B9E\u9A8C\u6027/\u4E0D\u4FDD\u8BC1\u53EF\u7528",
"kop_-39vkeg-bz2wztJ9O": "\u56FE\u7247\u5217\u8868\u5E03\u5C40",
"tt_YdgKCA_5m-aSTSMPQ_": "\u7011\u5E03\u6D41\u5217\u6570",
rXjhc8VuGloy1wZ09noNB: rXjhc8VuGloy1wZ09noNB$3,
uxIs3XkeVzkrEX985zHk3: uxIs3XkeVzkrEX985zHk3$3,
dU7ou5kVM0s9DMju5e2tS: dU7ou5kVM0s9DMju5e2tS$3,
"6jPGehET9TViankl5-SRu": "\u7B49\u5BBD\u4E0D\u7B49\u9AD8",
vfUg8xP6WptIhSL0E9b9D: vfUg8xP6WptIhSL0E9b9D$3,
"LZbI8am7nD-LiemZzroFF": "\u9002\u9AD8\u4E0D\u7B49\u5BBD",
PBjdNKuj02doUvOf2zZqP: PBjdNKuj02doUvOf2zZqP$3,
z_oL9s5fS164W4_gITOGZ: z_oL9s5fS164W4_gITOGZ$3,
ti3akdSS3iZV9NsGzIo3m: ti3akdSS3iZV9NsGzIo3m$3,
"9dq_DxgMG88eom9Gq-4nT": "\u53D6\u6D88",
"0VAN4cJ-_mUxvtmg4KEi1": "\u786E\u5B9A",
LN_Rsic4V50DrXbsv9T9L: LN_Rsic4V50DrXbsv9T9L$3,
OJ8X55GXx5k3peoSXSujf: OJ8X55GXx5k3peoSXSujf$3,
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const rXjhc8VuGloy1wZ09noNB$1 = "When the list is less than 7 columns, the list will load a large image";
const tGi6xYfvStBmR8qduEmKX$1 = "View";
const u8mEnSo4mxDRUbj7FeAll$1 = "Toggle dark mode";
const uxIs3XkeVzkrEX985zHk3$1 = "Auto";
const vfUg8xP6WptIhSL0E9b9D$1 = "Equal width and height";
const w95XGurDhDfOfw7XH4JFW$1 = "Use A/D/\u2190/\u2192 to switch images in the detail pop-up window";
const wI4KHHIe3zNRziW4lDZrp$1 = "Download sample image";
const ze1PaiGdX4ufmoOLv_xw6$1 = "By year";
const zs8YTCc8d8XFUgRnp7m_w$1 = "My favorites";
const PBjdNKuj02doUvOf2zZqP$1 = "Save images to subfolders";
const z_oL9s5fS164W4_gITOGZ$1 = `Create a folder named after the site in the default download directory to store pictures, you need to change Tampermonkey's "Download Mode" to "Browser API"`;
const LN_Rsic4V50DrXbsv9T9L$1 = `Are you sure you want to enable subfolder downloads?
Make sure you have modified Tampermonkey's "Download Mode" to "Browser API".`;
const OJ8X55GXx5k3peoSXSujf$1 = 'How to open it: Change the "Configuration Mode" in the Tampermonkey settings from "Novice" to "Advanced", then find "Download BETA", and change the "Download Mode" to "Browser API".';
const ti3akdSS3iZV9NsGzIo3m$1 = "Tips";
const ujBgilCWNgFNV8Q2IDMWS$1 = 'Tip: For convenience, you can turn off the "Ask where to save each file before downloading" option in the browser settings.';
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var mdiFileClockOutline = "M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H12.41A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 18 9.3V8L12 2H4M4 4H11V9H16A7 7 0 0 0 9 16A7 7 0 0 0 10.26 20H4V4M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12H15Z";
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var mdiFire = "M17.66 11.2C17.43 10.9 17.15 10.64 16.89 10.38C16.22 9.78 15.46 9.35 14.82 8.72C13.33 7.26 13 4.85 13.95 3C13 3.23 12.17 3.75 11.46 4.32C8.87 6.4 7.85 10.07 9.07 13.22C9.11 13.32 9.15 13.42 9.15 13.55C9.15 13.77 9 13.97 8.8 14.05C8.57 14.15 8.33 14.09 8.14 13.93C8.08 13.88 8.04 13.83 8 13.76C6.87 12.33 6.69 10.28 7.45 8.64C5.78 10 4.87 12.3 5 14.47C5.06 14.97 5.12 15.47 5.29 15.97C5.43 16.57 5.7 17.17 6 17.7C7.08 19.43 8.95 20.67 10.96 20.92C13.1 21.19 15.39 20.8 17.03 19.32C18.86 17.66 19.5 15 18.56 12.72L18.43 12.46C18.22 12 17.66 11.2 17.66 11.2M14.5 17.5C14.22 17.74 13.76 18 13.4 18.1C12.28 18.5 11.16 17.94 10.5 17.28C11.69 17 12.4 16.12 12.61 15.23C12.78 14.43 12.46 13.77 12.33 13C12.21 12.26 12.23 11.63 12.5 10.94C12.69 11.32 12.89 11.7 13.13 12C13.9 13 15.11 13.44 15.37 14.8C15.41 14.94 15.43 15.08 15.43 15.23C15.46 16.05 15.1 16.95 14.5 17.5H14.5Z";
var mdiFitToScreenOutline = "M17 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V8H20V6H17V4M4 8V6H7V4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V8H4M20 16V18H17V20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V16H20M7 18H4V16H2V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H7V18M16 10V14H8V10H16M18 8H6V16H18V8Z";
var mdiFullscreen = "M5,5H10V7H7V10H5V5M14,5H19V10H17V7H14V5M17,14H19V19H14V17H17V14M10,17V19H5V14H7V17H10Z";
var mdiFullscreenExit = "M14,14H19V16H16V19H14V14M5,14H10V19H8V16H5V14M8,5H10V10H5V8H8V5M19,8V10H14V5H16V8H19Z";
var mdiGithub = "M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,16.42 4.87,20.17 8.84,21.5C9.34,21.58 9.5,21.27 9.5,21C9.5,20.77 9.5,20.14 9.5,19.31C6.73,19.91 6.14,17.97 6.14,17.97C5.68,16.81 5.03,16.5 5.03,16.5C4.12,15.88 5.1,15.9 5.1,15.9C6.1,15.97 6.63,16.93 6.63,16.93C7.5,18.45 8.97,18 9.54,17.76C9.63,17.11 9.89,16.67 10.17,16.42C7.95,16.17 5.62,15.31 5.62,11.5C5.62,10.39 6,9.5 6.65,8.79C6.55,8.54 6.2,7.5 6.75,6.15C6.75,6.15 7.59,5.88 9.5,7.17C10.29,6.95 11.15,6.84 12,6.84C12.85,6.84 13.71,6.95 14.5,7.17C16.41,5.88 17.25,6.15 17.25,6.15C17.8,7.5 17.45,8.54 17.35,8.79C18,9.5 18.38,10.39 18.38,11.5C18.38,15.32 16.04,16.16 13.81,16.41C14.17,16.72 14.5,17.33 14.5,18.26C14.5,19.6 14.5,20.68 14.5,21C14.5,21.27 14.66,21.59 15.17,21.5C19.14,20.16 22,16.42 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z";
var mdiHeart = "M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35Z";
var mdiHeartPlusOutline = "M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z";
var mdiHome = "M10,20V14H14V20H19V12H22L12,3L2,12H5V20H10Z";
var mdiImageMultiple = "M22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16M11,12L13.03,14.71L16,11L20,16H8M2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6";
var mdiInformationOutline = "M11,9H13V7H11M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M11,17H13V11H11V17Z";
var mdiLaunch = "M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z";
var mdiLinkVariant = "M10.59,13.41C11,13.8 11,14.44 10.59,14.83C10.2,15.22 9.56,15.22 9.17,14.83C7.22,12.88 7.22,9.71 9.17,7.76V7.76L12.71,4.22C14.66,2.27 17.83,2.27 19.78,4.22C21.73,6.17 21.73,9.34 19.78,11.29L18.29,12.78C18.3,11.96 18.17,11.14 17.89,10.36L18.36,9.88C19.54,8.71 19.54,6.81 18.36,5.64C17.19,4.46 15.29,4.46 14.12,5.64L10.59,9.17C9.41,10.34 9.41,12.24 10.59,13.41M13.41,9.17C13.8,8.78 14.44,8.78 14.83,9.17C16.78,11.12 16.78,14.29 14.83,16.24V16.24L11.29,19.78C9.34,21.73 6.17,21.73 4.22,19.78C2.27,17.83 2.27,14.66 4.22,12.71L5.71,11.22C5.7,12.04 5.83,12.86 6.11,13.65L5.64,14.12C4.46,15.29 4.46,17.19 5.64,18.36C6.81,19.54 8.71,19.54 9.88,18.36L13.41,14.83C14.59,13.66 14.59,11.76 13.41,10.59C13,10.2 13,9.56 13.41,9.17Z";
var mdiLocationExit = "M22 12L18 8V11H10V13H18V16M20 18A10 10 0 1 1 20 6H17.27A8 8 0 1 0 17.27 18Z";
var mdiLoupe = "M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M13,7H11V11H7V13H11V17H13V13H17V11H13V7Z";
var mdiMagnify = "M9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.44,13.73L14.71,14H15.5L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.44C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3M9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5Z";
var mdiMagnifyMinusOutline = "M15.5,14H14.71L14.43,13.73C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,16C11.11,16 12.59,15.41 13.73,14.43L14,14.71V15.5L19,20.5L20.5,19L15.5,14M9.5,14C7,14 5,12 5,9.5C5,7 7,5 9.5,5C12,5 14,7 14,9.5C14,12 12,14 9.5,14M7,9H12V10H7V9Z";
var mdiMagnifyPlusOutline = "M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14M12,10H10V12H9V10H7V9H9V7H10V9H12V10Z";
var mdiMessageAlertOutline = "M13,10H11V6H13V10M13,12H11V14H13V12M22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,4H4V17.2L5.2,16H20V4Z";
var mdiPlaylistPlus = "M3 16H10V14H3M18 14V10H16V14H12V16H16V20H18V16H22V14M14 6H3V8H14M14 10H3V12H14V10Z";
var mdiRefresh = "M17.65,6.35C16.2,4.9 14.21,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C15.73,20 18.84,17.45 19.73,14H17.65C16.83,16.33 14.61,18 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13.66,6 15.14,6.69 16.22,7.78L13,11H20V4L17.65,6.35Z";
var mdiRotateRight = "M16.89,15.5L18.31,16.89C19.21,15.73 19.76,14.39 19.93,13H17.91C17.77,13.87 17.43,14.72 16.89,15.5M13,17.9V19.92C14.39,19.75 15.74,19.21 16.9,18.31L15.46,16.87C14.71,17.41 13.87,17.76 13,17.9M19.93,11C19.76,9.61 19.21,8.27 18.31,7.11L16.89,8.53C17.43,9.28 17.77,10.13 17.91,11M15.55,5.55L11,1V4.07C7.06,4.56 4,7.92 4,12C4,16.08 7.05,19.44 11,19.93V17.91C8.16,17.43 6,14.97 6,12C6,9.03 8.16,6.57 11,6.09V10L15.55,5.55Z";
var mdiShuffle = "M14.83,13.41L13.42,14.82L16.55,17.95L14.5,20H20V14.5L17.96,16.54L14.83,13.41M14.5,4L16.54,6.04L4,18.59L5.41,20L17.96,7.46L20,9.5V4M10.59,9.17L5.41,4L4,5.41L9.17,10.58L10.59,9.17Z";
var mdiStar = "M12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24L14.81,8.62L12,2L9.19,8.62L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27Z";
var mdiTableSplitCell = "M19 14H21V20H3V14H5V18H19V14M3 4V10H5V6H19V10H21V4H3M11 11V13H8V15L5 12L8 9V11H11M16 11V9L19 12L16 15V13H13V11H16Z";
var mdiTagMultiple = "M5.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,9M17.41,11.58C17.77,11.94 18,12.44 18,13C18,13.55 17.78,14.05 17.41,14.41L12.41,19.41C12.05,19.77 11.55,20 11,20C10.45,20 9.95,19.78 9.58,19.41L2.59,12.42C2.22,12.05 2,11.55 2,11V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H9C9.55,4 10.05,4.22 10.41,4.58L17.41,11.58M13.54,5.71L14.54,4.71L21.41,11.58C21.78,11.94 22,12.45 22,13C22,13.55 21.78,14.05 21.42,14.41L16.04,19.79L15.04,18.79L20.75,13L13.54,5.71Z";
var mdiTranslate = "M12.87,15.07L10.33,12.56L10.36,12.53C12.1,10.59 13.34,8.36 14.07,6H17V4H10V2H8V4H1V6H12.17C11.5,7.92 10.44,9.75 9,11.35C8.07,10.32 7.3,9.19 6.69,8H4.69C5.42,9.63 6.42,11.17 7.67,12.56L2.58,17.58L4,19L9,14L12.11,17.11L12.87,15.07M18.5,10H16.5L12,22H14L15.12,19H19.87L21,22H23L18.5,10M15.88,17L17.5,12.67L19.12,17H15.88Z";
var mdiVideo = "M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5Z";
var mdiWeb = "M16.36,14C16.44,13.34 16.5,12.68 16.5,12C16.5,11.32 16.44,10.66 16.36,10H19.74C19.9,10.64 20,11.31 20,12C20,12.69 19.9,13.36 19.74,14M14.59,19.56C15.19,18.45 15.65,17.25 15.97,16H18.92C17.96,17.65 16.43,18.93 14.59,19.56M14.34,14H9.66C9.56,13.34 9.5,12.68 9.5,12C9.5,11.32 9.56,10.65 9.66,10H14.34C14.43,10.65 14.5,11.32 14.5,12C14.5,12.68 14.43,13.34 14.34,14M12,19.96C11.17,18.76 10.5,17.43 10.09,16H13.91C13.5,17.43 12.83,18.76 12,19.96M8,8H5.08C6.03,6.34 7.57,5.06 9.4,4.44C8.8,5.55 8.35,6.75 8,8M5.08,16H8C8.35,17.25 8.8,18.45 9.4,19.56C7.57,18.93 6.03,17.65 5.08,16M4.26,14C4.1,13.36 4,12.69 4,12C4,11.31 4.1,10.64 4.26,10H7.64C7.56,10.66 7.5,11.32 7.5,12C7.5,12.68 7.56,13.34 7.64,14M12,4.03C12.83,5.23 13.5,6.57 13.91,8H10.09C10.5,6.57 11.17,5.23 12,4.03M18.92,8H15.97C15.65,6.75 15.19,5.55 14.59,4.44C16.43,5.07 17.96,6.34 18.92,8M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z";
function _typeof(obj) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(obj2) {
return typeof obj2;
} : function(obj2) {
return obj2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2;
}, _typeof(obj);
function toInteger(dirtyNumber) {
if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) {
return NaN;
var number = Number(dirtyNumber);
if (isNaN(number)) {
return number;
return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number);
function requiredArgs(required, args) {
if (args.length < required) {
throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present");
function toDate(argument) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var argStr = Object.prototype.toString.call(argument);
if (argument instanceof Date || _typeof(argument) === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") {
return new Date(argument.getTime());
} else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") {
return new Date(argument);
} else {
if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") {
console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/upgradeGuide.md#string-arguments");
console.warn(new Error().stack);
return new Date(NaN);
function addDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return new Date(NaN);
if (!amount) {
return date;
date.setDate(date.getDate() + amount);
return date;
function addMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return new Date(NaN);
if (!amount) {
return date;
var dayOfMonth = date.getDate();
var endOfDesiredMonth = new Date(date.getTime());
endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(date.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0);
var daysInMonth = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate();
if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth) {
return endOfDesiredMonth;
} else {
date.setFullYear(endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth);
return date;
function add(dirtyDate, duration) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
if (!duration || _typeof(duration) !== "object")
return new Date(NaN);
var years = duration.years ? toInteger(duration.years) : 0;
var months = duration.months ? toInteger(duration.months) : 0;
var weeks = duration.weeks ? toInteger(duration.weeks) : 0;
var days = duration.days ? toInteger(duration.days) : 0;
var hours = duration.hours ? toInteger(duration.hours) : 0;
var minutes = duration.minutes ? toInteger(duration.minutes) : 0;
var seconds = duration.seconds ? toInteger(duration.seconds) : 0;
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var dateWithMonths = months || years ? addMonths(date, months + years * 12) : date;
var dateWithDays = days || weeks ? addDays(dateWithMonths, days + weeks * 7) : dateWithMonths;
var minutesToAdd = minutes + hours * 60;
var secondsToAdd = seconds + minutesToAdd * 60;
var msToAdd = secondsToAdd * 1e3;
var finalDate = new Date(dateWithDays.getTime() + msToAdd);
return finalDate;
function subDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addDays(dirtyDate, -amount);
function subMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addMonths(dirtyDate, -amount);
function sub(date, duration) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
if (!duration || _typeof(duration) !== "object")
return new Date(NaN);
var years = duration.years ? toInteger(duration.years) : 0;
var months = duration.months ? toInteger(duration.months) : 0;
var weeks = duration.weeks ? toInteger(duration.weeks) : 0;
var days = duration.days ? toInteger(duration.days) : 0;
var hours = duration.hours ? toInteger(duration.hours) : 0;
var minutes = duration.minutes ? toInteger(duration.minutes) : 0;
var seconds = duration.seconds ? toInteger(duration.seconds) : 0;
var dateWithoutMonths = subMonths(date, months + years * 12);
var dateWithoutDays = subDays(dateWithoutMonths, days + weeks * 7);
var minutestoSub = minutes + hours * 60;
var secondstoSub = seconds + minutestoSub * 60;
var mstoSub = secondstoSub * 1e3;
var finalDate = new Date(dateWithoutDays.getTime() - mstoSub);
return finalDate;
const eventBus = new Vue__default["default"]();
function isURL(s) {
return /^https?:\/\/.*/.test(s);
const isSubpathDL = Boolean(localStorage.getItem("__dl_subpath_on"));
function downloadFile(url, name, options) {
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name = `${location.hostname}/${name}`;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onload: () => resolve(),
onerror: (err) => reject(new Error(err.error)),
function showMsg({ msg = "", type = "success" }) {
eventBus.$emit("showSnackbar", msg, type);
function notReachBottom() {
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function throttleScroll(downFn, upFn) {
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let ticking = false;
return function(arg) {
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window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const scroll = doc.scrollTop;
scroll > position ? downFn(scroll, arg) : upFn == null ? void 0 : upFn(scroll, arg);
position = scroll;
ticking = false;
function debounce(func, delay, immediate = false) {
let timer;
return function(...args) {
const callNow = immediate && !timer;
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = void 0;
!immediate && func.apply(this, args);
}, delay);
callNow && func.apply(this, args);
function formatDate(date) {
const year = date.getFullYear().toString();
const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString();
const day = date.getDate().toString();
return [year, month, day].map((n) => n[1] ? n : `0${n}`).join("-");
function addDate(num, duration, date) {
const res = add(date || new Date(), { [duration]: num });
return formatDate(res);
function subDate(num, duration, date) {
const res = sub(date || new Date(), { [duration]: num });
return formatDate(res);
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cont.scroll({ left, top });
needForRAF = true;
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window.addEventListener("mousemove", elScroller);
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window.removeEventListener("mousemove", elScroller);
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return false;
window.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp);
return false;
el.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
return () => {
el.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown);
function getAugmentedNamespace(n) {
if (n.__esModule)
return n;
var a = Object.defineProperty({}, "__esModule", { value: true });
Object.keys(n).forEach(function(k) {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, k);
Object.defineProperty(a, k, d.get ? d : {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return n[k];
return a;
function unfetch_module(e, n) {
return n = n || {}, new Promise(function(t, r) {
var s = new XMLHttpRequest(), o = [], u = [], i = {}, a = function() {
return { ok: 2 == (s.status / 100 | 0), statusText: s.statusText, status: s.status, url: s.responseURL, text: function() {
return Promise.resolve(s.responseText);
}, json: function() {
return Promise.resolve(s.responseText).then(JSON.parse);
}, blob: function() {
return Promise.resolve(new Blob([s.response]));
}, clone: a, headers: { keys: function() {
return o;
}, entries: function() {
return u;
}, get: function(e2) {
return i[e2.toLowerCase()];
}, has: function(e2) {
return e2.toLowerCase() in i;
} } };
for (var l in s.open(n.method || "get", e, true), s.onload = function() {
s.getAllResponseHeaders().replace(/^(.*?):[^\S\n]*([\s\S]*?)$/gm, function(e2, n2, t2) {
o.push(n2 = n2.toLowerCase()), u.push([n2, t2]), i[n2] = i[n2] ? i[n2] + "," + t2 : t2;
}), t(a());
}, s.onerror = r, s.withCredentials = "include" == n.credentials, n.headers)
s.setRequestHeader(l, n.headers[l]);
s.send(n.body || null);
var unfetch_module$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
"default": unfetch_module
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
var require$$0 = /* @__PURE__ */ getAugmentedNamespace(unfetch_module$1);
self.fetch || (self.fetch = require$$0.default || require$$0);
var sites_default = {
"yande.re": {
domain: "yande.re",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/post.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true
"konachan.com": {
domain: "konachan.com",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/post.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true
"konachan.net": {
domain: "konachan.net",
aliases: [
nsfw: false,
api: {
search: "/post.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true,
defaultTags: [
"danbooru.donmai.us": {
domain: "danbooru.donmai.us",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/posts.json?",
postView: "/posts/"
random: true
"gelbooru.com": {
domain: "gelbooru.com",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/index.php?page=post&s=view&json=1&id="
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"rule34.xxx": {
domain: "api.rule34.xxx",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/index.php?page=post&s=view&json=1&id="
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"lolibooru.moe": {
domain: "lolibooru.moe",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/post.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true
"www.sakugabooru.com": {
domain: "www.sakugabooru.com",
aliases: [
nsfw: false,
api: {
search: "/post.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true
"safebooru.org": {
domain: "safebooru.org",
aliases: [
nsfw: false,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/index.php?page=post&s=view&json=1&id="
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"tbib.org": {
domain: "tbib.org",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/index.php?page=post&s=view&json=1&id="
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"xbooru.com": {
domain: "xbooru.com",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/index.php?page=post&s=view&json=1&id="
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"behoimi.org": {
domain: "behoimi.org",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/post/index.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
insecure: true,
random: true
"hypnohub.net": {
domain: "hypnohub.net",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/post/show/"
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"rule34.paheal.net": {
domain: "rule34.paheal.net",
type: "xml",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/api/danbooru/find_posts/index.xml?",
postView: "/post/view/"
random: false
"derpibooru.org": {
domain: "derpibooru.org",
type: "derpi",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/api/v1/json/search/images?",
postView: "/images/"
tagQuery: "q",
tagJoin: ",",
random: "sf=random"
"realbooru.com": {
domain: "realbooru.com",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/index.php?page=dapi&s=post&q=index&json=1&",
postView: "/index.php?page=post&s=view&id="
paginate: "pid",
random: false
"e621.net": {
domain: "e621.net",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/posts.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true
"e926.net": {
domain: "e926.net",
aliases: [
nsfw: false,
api: {
search: "/posts.json?",
postView: "/post/show/"
random: true,
defaultTags: ["rating:safe"]
"booru.allthefallen.moe": {
domain: "booru.allthefallen.moe",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/posts.json?",
postView: "/posts/"
random: true
"aibooru.online": {
domain: "aibooru.online",
aliases: [
nsfw: true,
api: {
search: "/posts.json?",
postView: "/posts/"
random: true
var expandedTags = {
"rating:e": "rating:explicit",
"rating:q": "rating:questionable",
"rating:s": "rating:safe"
var sites = sites_default;
var BooruError = class extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message instanceof Error ? message.message : message);
if (message instanceof Error) {
this.stack = message.stack;
} else {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, BooruError);
this.name = "BooruError";
function expandTags(tags2) {
return tags2.map((v) => {
const ex = expandedTags[v.toLowerCase()];
return encodeURIComponent(ex ? ex : v);
function searchURI(site, tags2 = [], limit = 100, page2 = 1, credentials) {
if (site.paginate === "pid")
page2 -= 1;
let credentialsQuery = "";
if (credentials == null ? void 0 : credentials.query) {
const q = credentials.query;
credentialsQuery = q.startsWith("&") ? q : "&" + q;
return `http${site.insecure ? "" : "s"}://${site.domain}${site.api.search}${site.tagQuery}=${expandTags(tags2).join(site.tagJoin)}&limit=${limit}&${site.paginate}=${page2}${credentialsQuery}`;
var defaultOptions = {
headers: {
Accept: "application/json, application/xml;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/106.0.1370.52"
function resolveSite(domain) {
if (typeof domain !== "string") {
return null;
domain = domain.toLowerCase();
for (const site in sites) {
if (site === domain || sites[site].domain === domain || sites[site].aliases.includes(domain)) {
return site;
return null;
var xmlParser = new fastXmlParser.XMLParser({
ignoreAttributes: false,
attributeNamePrefix: ""
function jsonfy(xml) {
var _a2;
if (typeof xml === "object")
return xml;
const data = xmlParser.parse(xml);
if (data.html || data["!doctype"]) {
const page2 = data.html || ((_a2 = data["!doctype"]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.html);
const message = [];
if (page2.body.h1) {
if (page2.body.p) {
throw new BooruError(
`The Booru sent back an error: '${message.join(": ")}'`
if (data.posts.post) {
return data.posts.post;
if (data.posts.tag) {
return Array.isArray(data.posts.tag) ? data.posts.tag : [data.posts.tag];
return [];
function tryParseJSON(data) {
if (data === "") {
return [];
return JSON.parse(data);
function shuffle(array) {
let currentIndex = array.length;
let temporaryValue;
let randomIndex;
while (currentIndex !== 0) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
function compareArrays(arr1, arr2) {
return arr1.filter(
(e1) => arr2.some((e2) => e1.toLowerCase() === e2.toLowerCase())
function parseImageUrl(url, data, booru, type = "file") {
var _a2;
if (!url || url.trim() === "" || data.is_deleted) {
return null;
if (url.startsWith("/data")) {
url = `https://${booru.domain}${url}`;
if (url.startsWith("/cached")) {
url = `https://${booru.domain}${url}`;
if (url.startsWith("/_images")) {
url = `https://dollbooru.org${url}`;
if (url.startsWith("//derpicdn.net")) {
url = `https:${data.image}`;
if (!data[`${type}_url`] && data.directory !== void 0) {
const directory = (_a2 = data.directory) != null ? _a2 : `${data.hash.substr(0, 2)}/${data.hash.substr(2, 2)}`;
const hash = data.image.split(".")[0];
const map = {
preview: `//${booru.domain}/thumbnails/${directory}/thumbnail_${hash}.jpg`,
sample: `//${booru.domain}/samples/${directory}/sample_${hash}.jpg`,
file: `//${booru.domain}/images/${directory}/${data.image}`
url = map[type];
if (!url.startsWith("http")) {
url = `https:${url}`;
return encodeURI(url);
function getTags(data) {
let tags2 = [];
if (Array.isArray(data.tags)) {
tags2 = data.tags;
} else if (data.tags && data.tags.general) {
tags2 = Object.values(data.tags).reduce(
(acc, v) => acc = acc.concat(v),
} else if (typeof data.tags === "string") {
tags2 = fromTagString(data.tags);
} else if (typeof data.tag_string === "string") {
tags2 = fromTagString(data.tag_string);
return tags2.filter((v) => v !== "");
function fromTagString(tags2) {
return tags2.split(" ").map((v) => v.replace(/,/g, ""));
function formatFileSize(size) {
if (size == null)
return "N/A";
if (size > 1024 * 1024) {
return (size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2) + "MB";
if (size > 1024) {
return (size / 1024).toFixed(2) + "KB";
return size.toFixed(2) + "B";
function getFileExt(url) {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = url == null ? void 0 : url.split(".").pop()) != null ? _a2 : "";
function dealDanbooruPreviewUrl(url, booru) {
if ([
].includes(booru.domain)) {
return url && url.replace(/(.*)preview(.*)jpg/, "$1720x720$2webp");
return url;
var Post = class {
constructor(data, booru) {
__publicField(this, "booru");
__publicField(this, "fileUrl");
__publicField(this, "height");
__publicField(this, "width");
__publicField(this, "sampleUrl");
__publicField(this, "sampleHeight");
__publicField(this, "sampleWidth");
__publicField(this, "previewUrl");
__publicField(this, "previewHeight");
__publicField(this, "previewWidth");
__publicField(this, "id");
__publicField(this, "available");
__publicField(this, "tags");
__publicField(this, "score");
__publicField(this, "source");
__publicField(this, "rating");
__publicField(this, "createdAt");
__publicField(this, "data");
this.data = data;
this.booru = booru;
const deletedOrBanned = data.is_deleted || data.is_banned;
this.fileUrl = parseImageUrl(
data.file_url || data.image || (deletedOrBanned ? data.source : void 0) || data.file && data.file.url || data.representations && data.representations.full,
this.available = !deletedOrBanned && this.fileUrl !== null;
this.height = parseInt(
data.height || data.image_height || data.file && data.file.height,
this.width = parseInt(
data.width || data.image_width || data.file && data.file.width,
this.sampleUrl = parseImageUrl(
data.sample_url || data.large_file_url || data.representations && data.representations.large || data.sample && data.sample.url || data.image,
this.sampleHeight = parseInt(
data.sample_height || data.sample && data.sample.height,
this.sampleWidth = parseInt(
data.sample_width || data.sample && data.sample.width,
this.previewUrl = parseImageUrl(
data.preview_url || dealDanbooruPreviewUrl(data.preview_file_url, booru) || data.representations && data.representations.small || data.preview && data.preview.url || data.image,
this.previewHeight = parseInt(
data.preview_height || data.preview && data.preview.height,
this.previewWidth = parseInt(
data.preview_width || data.preview && data.preview.width,
this.id = data.id ? data.id.toString() : "No ID available";
this.tags = getTags(data);
if (data.score && data.score.total) {
this.score = data.score.total;
} else {
this.score = data.score ? parseInt(data.score, 10) : data.score;
this.source = data.source || data.sources || data.source_url;
this.rating = data.rating || /(safe|suggestive|questionable|explicit)/i.exec(data.tags) || "u";
if (Array.isArray(this.rating)) {
this.rating = this.rating[0];
if (this.rating === "suggestive") {
this.rating = "q";
this.rating = this.rating.charAt(0);
this.createdAt = null;
if (typeof data.created_at === "object") {
this.createdAt = new Date(
data.created_at.s * 1e3 + data.created_at.n / 1e9
} else if (typeof data.created_at === "number") {
this.createdAt = new Date(data.created_at * 1e3);
} else if (typeof data.created_at === "string") {
this.createdAt = new Date(data.created_at);
} else if (typeof data.change === "number") {
this.createdAt = new Date(data.change * 1e3);
} else {
this.createdAt = new Date(data.created_at || data.date);
get isRatingS() {
return this.rating === "s";
get isRatingQ() {
return this.rating === "q";
get isRatingE() {
return this.rating === "e";
get aspectRatio() {
return this.width / this.height;
get jpegUrl() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.jpeg_url) != null ? _a2 : "";
get jpegWidth() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.jpeg_width) != null ? _a2 : 0;
get jpegHeight() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.jpeg_height) != null ? _a2 : 0;
get fileExt() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.file_ext) != null ? _a2 : getFileExt(this.fileUrl);
get sampleSize() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.sample_file_size) != null ? _a2 : 0;
get jpegSize() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.jpeg_file_size) != null ? _a2 : 0;
get fileSize() {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = this.data.file_size) != null ? _a2 : 0;
get sampleSizeText() {
return formatFileSize(this.data.sample_file_size);
get sampleDownloadText() {
return `${this.sampleWidth}\xD7${this.sampleHeight} [${this.sampleSizeText}] ${getFileExt(this.sampleUrl).toUpperCase()}`;
get sampleDownloadName() {
return `${this.booru.domain}.${this.id}.${this.sampleWidth}x${this.sampleHeight}`.replace(/\./g, "_");
get jpegSizeText() {
return formatFileSize(this.data.jpeg_file_size);
get jpegDownloadText() {
return `${this.jpegWidth}\xD7${this.jpegHeight} [${this.jpegSizeText}] ${getFileExt(this.jpegUrl).toUpperCase()}`;
get jpegDownloadName() {
return `${this.booru.domain}.${this.id}.${this.jpegWidth}x${this.jpegHeight}`.replace(/\./g, "_");
get fileSizeText() {
return formatFileSize(this.data.file_size);
get fileDownloadText() {
return `${this.width}\xD7${this.height} [${this.fileSizeText}] ${this.fileExt.toUpperCase()}`;
get fileDownloadName() {
return `${this.booru.domain}.${this.id}.${this.width}x${this.height}`.replace(/\./g, "_");
get createdTime() {
const date = this.createdAt;
if (!date)
return "";
return `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString("en-DE")}`;
get sourceUrl() {
const source = Array.isArray(this.source) ? this.source[0] : this.source;
if (!source)
return "";
if (/^https:\/\/i\.pximg\.net\/img-original\/img\/[\d/]{19}\/([\d]{1,})_p[\d]{1,}\.(jpg|png)$/.test(source)) {
const pid = RegExp.$1;
return `https://pixiv.net/artworks/${pid}`;
return source;
get postView() {
return this.booru.postView(this.id);
var SearchResults = class extends Array {
constructor(posts, tags2, options, booru) {
__publicField(this, "booru");
__publicField(this, "page");
__publicField(this, "tags");
__publicField(this, "options");
__publicField(this, "posts");
for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
this[i] = posts[i];
this.posts = posts;
this.tags = tags2;
this.options = options;
this.booru = booru;
this.page = options ? options.page || 0 : 0;
get first() {
return this[0];
get last() {
return this[this.length - 1];
nextPage() {
const opts = this.options;
opts.page = this.page + 1;
return this.booru.search(this.tags, opts);
tagged(tags2, { invert = false } = {}) {
if (!Array.isArray(tags2)) {
tags2 = [tags2];
const posts = [];
for (const p of this) {
const m = compareArrays(tags2, p.tags).length;
if (!invert && m > 0 || invert && m === 0) {
return new SearchResults(posts, this.tags, this.options, this.booru);
blacklist(tags2) {
return this.tagged(tags2, { invert: true });
var Booru = class {
constructor(site, credentials) {
__publicField(this, "domain");
__publicField(this, "site");
__publicField(this, "credentials");
const domain = resolveSite(site.domain);
if (domain === null) {
throw new Error(`Invalid site passed: ${site}`);
this.domain = domain;
this.site = site;
this.credentials = credentials;
async search(tags2, {
limit = 1,
random = false,
page: page2 = 1,
showUnavailable = false,
} = {}) {
const fakeLimit = random && !this.site.random ? 100 : 0;
try {
const searchResult = await this.doSearchRequest(tags2, {
page: page2,
credentials: credentials || this.credentials
return this.parseSearchResult(searchResult, {
tags: tags2,
page: page2,
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error) {
throw new BooruError(err);
} else {
throw err;
postView(id) {
if (typeof id === "string" && Number.isNaN(parseInt(id, 10))) {
throw new BooruError(`Not a valid id for postView: ${id}`);
return `http${this.site.insecure ? "" : "s"}://${this.domain}${this.site.api.postView}${id}`;
async doSearchRequest(tags2, {
uri = null,
limit = 1,
random = false,
page: page2 = 1,
} = {}) {
if (!Array.isArray(tags2))
tags2 = [tags2];
let fakeLimit;
if (random) {
if (this.site.random) {
} else {
fakeLimit = 100;
if (this.site.defaultTags) {
tags2 = tags2.concat(this.site.defaultTags.filter((v) => !tags2.includes(v)));
const fetchuri = uri || this.getSearchUrl({ tags: tags2, limit: fakeLimit || limit, page: page2, credentials });
const options = defaultOptions;
const xml = this.site.type === "xml";
try {
const response = await fetch(fetchuri, options);
if (response.status === 503) {
const body = await response.clone().text();
if (body.includes("cf-browser-verification")) {
throw new BooruError(
"Received a CloudFlare browser verification request. Can't proceed."
const data = await response.text();
const posts = xml ? jsonfy(data) : tryParseJSON(data);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new BooruError(
`Received HTTP ${response.status} from booru: '${posts.error || posts.message || JSON.stringify(posts)}'`
} else {
return posts;
} catch (err) {
if (err.type === "invalid-json")
return "";
throw err;
tags: tags2 = [],
limit = 100,
page: page2 = 1,
}) {
return searchURI(this.site, tags2, limit, page2, credentials);
parseSearchResult(result, {
tags: tags2,
page: page2,
}) {
if (result.success === false) {
throw new BooruError(result.message || result.reason);
if (result["@attributes"]) {
const attributes = result["@attributes"];
if (attributes.count === "0" || !result.post) {
result = [];
} else if (Array.isArray(result.post)) {
result = result.post;
} else {
result = [result.post];
if (result.posts) {
result = result.posts;
if (result.images) {
result = result.images;
let r;
if (result === "") {
r = [];
} else if (fakeLimit) {
r = shuffle(result);
} else if (result.constructor === Object) {
r = [result];
const results = r || result;
let posts = results.slice(0, limit).map((v) => new Post(v, this));
const options = { limit, random, page: page2, showUnavailable };
if (tags2 === void 0) {
tags2 = [];
if (!Array.isArray(tags2)) {
tags2 = [tags2];
if (!showUnavailable) {
posts = posts.filter((p) => p.available);
return new SearchResults(posts, tags2, options, this);
var Booru_default = Booru;
var Derpibooru = class extends Booru_default {
constructor(site, credentials) {
super(site, credentials);
search(tags2, { limit = 1, random = false, page: page2 = 0 } = {}) {
if (!Array.isArray(tags2)) {
tags2 = [tags2];
if (tags2[0] === void 0) {
tags2[0] = "*";
page2 += 1;
const uri = this.getSearchUrl({ tags: tags2, limit, page: page2 }) + (random && this.site.random === "string" ? `&${this.site.random}` : "") + (this.credentials ? `&key=${this.credentials.token}` : "");
return super.doSearchRequest(tags2, { limit, random, page: page2, uri }).then(
(r) => super.parseSearchResult(r, { fakeLimit: 0, tags: tags2, limit, random, page: page2 })
).catch((e) => Promise.reject(new BooruError(e)));
var XmlBooru = class extends Booru_default {
constructor(site, credentials) {
super(site, credentials);
var Site = class {
constructor(data) {
__publicField(this, "domain");
__publicField(this, "type");
__publicField(this, "aliases");
__publicField(this, "nsfw");
__publicField(this, "api");
__publicField(this, "paginate");
__publicField(this, "random");
__publicField(this, "tagQuery");
__publicField(this, "tagJoin");
__publicField(this, "insecure");
__publicField(this, "defaultTags");
var _a2, _b2, _c2, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i;
this.domain = data.domain;
this.type = (_a2 = data.type) != null ? _a2 : "json";
this.aliases = (_b2 = data.aliases) != null ? _b2 : [];
this.nsfw = data.nsfw;
this.api = (_c2 = data.api) != null ? _c2 : {};
this.paginate = (_d = data.paginate) != null ? _d : "page";
this.random = (_e = data.random) != null ? _e : false;
this.tagQuery = (_f = data.tagQuery) != null ? _f : "tags";
this.tagJoin = (_g = data.tagJoin) != null ? _g : "+";
this.insecure = (_h = data.insecure) != null ? _h : false;
this.defaultTags = (_i = data.defaultTags) != null ? _i : [];
var BooruTypes = {
derpi: Derpibooru,
xml: XmlBooru
var booruCache = {};
function booruFrom(booruSite, credentials) {
return new (booruSite.type !== void 0 && BooruTypes[booruSite.type] ? BooruTypes[booruSite.type] : Booru_default)(booruSite, credentials);
function booruForSite(site, credentials = null) {
const rSite = resolveSite(site);
if (!rSite)
throw new BooruError("Site not supported");
const booruSite = new Site(sites[rSite]);
return booruFrom(booruSite, credentials);
function search(site, tags2 = [], { limit = 1, random = false, page: page2 = 1, credentials } = {}) {
const rSite = resolveSite(site);
if (typeof limit === "string") {
limit = parseInt(limit, 10);
if (rSite === null) {
throw new BooruError("Site not supported");
if (!Array.isArray(tags2) && typeof tags2 !== "string") {
throw new BooruError("`tags` should be an array or string");
if (typeof limit !== "number" || Number.isNaN(limit)) {
throw new BooruError("`limit` should be an int");
const booruSite = new Site(sites[rSite]);
if (!booruCache[rSite]) {
booruCache[rSite] = booruFrom(booruSite);
return booruCache[rSite].search(tags2, { limit, random, page: page2, credentials });
const blackList = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["e621.net", "e926.net", "hypnohub.net", "derpibooru.org"]);
const siteDomains = Object.keys(sites).filter((e) => !blackList.has(e));
const defaultLimitMap = {
"yande.re": 40,
"konachan.com": 21,
"konachan.net": 21,
"danbooru.donmai.us": 20,
"gelbooru.com": 42,
"rule34.xxx": 42,
"safebooru.org": 40,
"tbib.org": 42,
"xbooru.com": 42,
"rule34.paheal.net": 70,
"realbooru.com": 42
const BOORU_PAGE_LIMIT = defaultLimitMap[location.host] || 40;
const isPidSite = ((_c = sites[location.host]) == null ? void 0 : _c.paginate) === "pid";
async function searchBooru(page2, tags2) {
if (!tags2 || tags2 === "all")
tags2 = "";
return search(location.host, tags2, { page: page2, limit: BOORU_PAGE_LIMIT, credentials: { query: store.settings.credentialQuery } });
function getYandereUserId() {
const match = document.cookie.match(/user_id=(\d+)/);
return match == null ? void 0 : match[1];
function getKonachanUsername() {
const match = document.cookie.match(/login=(\w+)/);
return match == null ? void 0 : match[1];
let _moebooruUserName;
async function getUsername() {
try {
if (_moebooruUserName)
return _moebooruUserName;
if (location.href.includes("konachan")) {
_moebooruUserName = getKonachanUsername();
return _moebooruUserName;
const username = localStorage.getItem("__username");
_moebooruUserName = username;
if (username)
return username;
const id = getYandereUserId();
if (!id)
return "";
const response = await fetch(`/user.json?id=${id}`);
const result = await response.json();
const { name } = result[0];
localStorage.setItem("__username", name);
return name;
} catch (error) {
console.log("getUsername error:", error);
return "";
const tagInfoMap = {
circle: [i18n.t("ZtQHZx-pEjmu_o3dQD1fc"), "#00bbbbcc"],
artist: [i18n.t("Ym0HIEu9Q80qXB31LuC6c"), "#FFB11Bf1"],
copyright: [i18n.t("juT6gwLOg5r1h2vFpFf6P"), "#C1328Ede"],
character: [i18n.t("aonlPAu9kEkkwNvQg0DBk"), "#00aa00cc"],
general: ["", "#E87A90cc"],
faults: ["", "#AB3B3Ada"]
const isCNLang = i18n.locale.includes("zh");
async function getPostDetail(id) {
try {
if (!id)
return false;
const response = await fetch(`/post.json?api_version=2&tags=id:${id}&include_tags=1&include_votes=1`);
const result = await response.json();
return {
voted: result.votes[id] == 3,
tags: Object.entries(result.tags).map(([tag, type]) => {
var _a2, _b2, _c2;
const tagCN = (_a2 = window.__tagsCN) == null ? void 0 : _a2[tag];
const typeText = (_b2 = tagInfoMap[type]) == null ? void 0 : _b2[0];
const tagText = [
typeText && `[ ${typeText} ] `,
isCNLang && tagCN && ` [ ${tagCN} ]`
return {
color: ((_c2 = tagInfoMap[type]) == null ? void 0 : _c2[1]) || tagInfoMap.general[1]
} catch (error) {
console.log("getPostDetail error:", error);
return false;
async function addPostToFavorites(id) {
var _a2;
const form = new FormData();
form.append("id", id);
form.append("score", "3");
const response = await fetch("/post/vote.json", {
method: "POST",
headers: { "x-csrf-token": (_a2 = sessionStorage.getItem("csrf-token")) != null ? _a2 : "" },
body: form
if (!response.ok) {
showMsg({ msg: `${i18n.t("MWVfUiW8egLWq7MgV-wzc")}: ${response.status}`, type: "error" });
return false;
const result = await response.json();
if (result.success) {
showMsg({ msg: i18n.t("ctWGhVvqB2k_1TX2iY0l2").toString() });
return true;
} else {
showMsg({ msg: `${i18n.t("MWVfUiW8egLWq7MgV-wzc")}: ${result.reason}`, type: "error" });
return false;
function isPopularPage() {
return /(yande.re|konachan).*\/post\/popular_/.test(location.href);
function isPoolShowPage() {
return /(yande.re|konachan).*\/pool\/show/.test(location.href);
async function fetchPostsByPath(postsKey, page2) {
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.pathname += ".json";
page2 && url.searchParams.set("page", page2.toString());
const response = await fetch(url);
const result = await response.json();
const site = booruForSite(location.host);
const results = postsKey ? result[postsKey] : result;
const posts = results.map((e) => new Post(e, site));
return new SearchResults(posts, [], {}, site);
function splitTags(tagsData, limit, searchTerm) {
let results = tagsData == null ? void 0 : tagsData.split(/\s+/);
if (searchTerm)
results = results.filter((e) => e.includes(searchTerm));
if (!Array.isArray(results))
return [];
return results.slice(0, limit).map((e) => e.split("`")[1]).filter(Boolean);
function getTagsString(key) {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = window.TagCompletion) == null ? void 0 : _a2[key]) || localStorage.getItem(key) || "";
function searchTagsByName(searchTerm) {
if (!searchTerm)
return [];
return splitTags(getTagsString("tag_data"), 40, searchTerm);
function getRecentTags() {
return splitTags(getTagsString("recent_tags"), 10);
async function fetchPools(page2, query) {
const url = new URL("/pool.json", location.origin);
url.searchParams.set("page", page2.toString() || "1");
query && url.searchParams.set("query", query);
const jsonResp = await fetch(url);
const results = await jsonResp.json();
url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(".json", ".atom");
const xmlResp = await fetch(url);
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(await xmlResp.text(), "text/xml");
const thumbMap = [...doc.querySelectorAll("entry")].reduce((acc, cur) => {
var _a2, _b2, _c2, _d;
const id = (_c2 = (_b2 = (_a2 = cur.querySelector("id")) == null ? void 0 : _a2.textContent) == null ? void 0 : _b2.match(/Pool\/(\d+)/)) == null ? void 0 : _c2[1];
const url2 = (_d = cur.querySelector("link[rel=enclosure]")) == null ? void 0 : _d.getAttribute("href");
if (id && url2)
acc[id] = url2;
return acc;
}, {});
for (const item of results) {
item.thumb = thumbMap[item.id];
item.created_at = formatDate(new Date(item.created_at));
item.updated_at = formatDate(new Date(item.updated_at));
return results;
function getFirstPageNo(params2) {
if (isPidSite) {
const page2 = Number(params2.get("pid")) || 0;
return Math.trunc(page2 / BOORU_PAGE_LIMIT) + 1;
return Number(params2.get("page")) || 1;
function pushPageState(pageNo, latePageQuery = false) {
if (latePageQuery && pageNo > 1)
pageNo -= 1;
let pageParamName = "page";
if (isPidSite) {
pageParamName = "pid";
pageNo = (pageNo - 1) * BOORU_PAGE_LIMIT;
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.searchParams.set(pageParamName, pageNo.toString());
history.replaceState("", "", url);
function dealBlacklist(results) {
return store.blacklist.length ? results.blacklist(store.blacklist) : results;
const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
let page = getFirstPageNo(params);
let tags = params.get("tags");
const fetchActions = [
test: isPopularPage,
action: async () => {
const results = await fetchPostsByPath();
store.requestStop = true;
return dealBlacklist(results);
test: isPoolShowPage,
action: async () => {
const results = await fetchPostsByPath("posts", page);
return tags ? results.tagged(tags) : results;
test: () => true,
action: async () => {
const results = await searchBooru(page, tags);
return dealBlacklist(results);
const searchPosts = async (latePageQuery = false) => {
var _a2;
store.requestState = true;
try {
const posts = await ((_a2 = fetchActions.find((e) => e.test())) == null ? void 0 : _a2.action());
if (Array.isArray(posts) && posts.length > 0) {
store.currentPage = page;
store.imageList = [
...store.showNSFWContents ? posts : posts.filter((e) => ["s", "g"].includes(e.rating))
pushPageState(page, latePageQuery);
} else {
store.requestStop = true;
} catch (error) {
console.log(`fetch error: ${error}`);
} finally {
store.requestState = false;
const initPosts = async () => {
await searchPosts(true);
if (store.requestStop)
if (location.href.includes("safebooru"))
await searchPosts(true);
const refreshPosts = () => {
page = 1;
store.imageList = [];
store.selectedImageList = [];
store.requestStop = false;
const loadPostsByPage = (toPage) => {
page = Number(toPage) || 1;
store.imageList = [];
const loadPostsByTags = (searchTerm) => {
page = 1;
tags = searchTerm;
store.imageList = [];
var _sfc_main$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "AppBar",
setup(__props) {
const title = Vue2.computed(() => {
return `${location.host.toUpperCase()} - ${store.imageList.length} Posts - Page `;
const isNoSelected = Vue2.computed(() => store.selectedImageList.length === 0);
const isOneOrMoreSelected = Vue2.computed(() => store.selectedImageList.length > 0 && store.selectedImageList.length < store.imageList.length);
const isAllSelected = Vue2.computed(() => store.selectedImageList.length > 0 && store.selectedImageList.length === store.imageList.length);
const loadingValue = Vue2.ref(0);
const selectAll = () => {
if (isNoSelected.value || isOneOrMoreSelected.value) {
setTimeout(() => {
const arr = [...store.imageList];
arr.forEach((item) => {
Object.assign(item, { fileNameWithTags: `${location.hostname} ${item.id} ${item.tags.join(" ")}` });
store.selectedImageList = arr;
if (isAllSelected.value) {
setTimeout(() => {
store.selectedImageList = [];
const removeFromList = (id) => {
store.selectedImageList = store.selectedImageList.filter((e) => {
if (e.loading)
return true;
return e.id !== id;
const tagsQuery = new URLSearchParams(location.search).get("tags");
const searchState = Vue2.reactive({
showInput: !!tagsQuery,
showMenu: false,
searchTerm: tagsQuery || "",
searchItems: store.isYKSite ? getRecentTags() : []
const onSearchTermInput = debounce(() => {
if (!store.isYKSite)
const val = searchState.searchTerm;
const lastTag = val == null ? void 0 : val.split(/\s+/).slice(-1)[0];
if (!lastTag) {
searchState.showMenu = false;
searchState.searchItems = [];
searchState.showMenu = true;
searchState.searchItems = searchTagsByName(lastTag);
}, 500);
const selectTag = (tag) => {
const termArr = searchState.searchTerm.split(/\s+/);
searchState.searchTerm = termArr.slice(0, -1).concat(tag).join(" ");
searchState.showMenu = false;
searchState.searchItems = [];
const userName = Vue2.ref("");
Vue2.onMounted(async () => {
if (store.isYKSite) {
const name = await getUsername();
if (name)
userName.value = name;
const fetchTaggedPosts = (tags2) => {
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.searchParams.set("tags", tags2);
history.pushState("", "", url);
searchState.searchTerm = tags2;
const showTagsInput = () => {
if (searchState.showInput) {
} else {
searchState.showInput = true;
const onSearchTermKeydown = (ev) => {
if (ev.key != "Enter")
if (store.isYKSite && searchState.searchItems.length) {
const item = document.querySelector(".ac_tags_list .v-list-item--highlighted");
item && selectTag(item.innerText);
} else {
const showPopAction = Vue2.ref(isPopularPage());
const periodMap = {
"1d": [i18n.t("Mt3-hyoH7f_pW2gnfxyur").toString(), mdiCalendarToday, "day"],
"1w": [i18n.t("riciqzr6ILBnpPc7KtG-C").toString(), mdiCalendarWeek, "week"],
"1m": [i18n.t("PQhFo-g7sgagimkleVoZR").toString(), mdiCalendarMonth, "month"],
"1y": [i18n.t("ze1PaiGdX4ufmoOLv_xw6").toString(), mdiCalendarText, "year"]
const periodByDateMap = (() => {
const map = { ...periodMap };
delete map["1y"];
return map;
const getRecentPeriod = () => {
var _a2;
const params2 = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
let period = params2.get("period");
if (location.pathname.includes("popular_by")) {
period = (_a2 = location.pathname.match(/\/post\/popular_by_(.*)/)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1];
period = Object.keys(periodByDateMap).find((e) => periodByDateMap[e][2] == period);
return period || "1d";
const isPopularRecent = () => location.pathname.includes("popular_recent");
const getPopTitle = () => {
var _a2;
if (isPopularRecent()) {
return `Popular Recent ${getRecentPeriod()}`;
return (_a2 = location.pathname.split("/").pop()) == null ? void 0 : _a2.replace(/_/g, " ").toUpperCase();
const popTitle = Vue2.ref(getPopTitle());
const isPopSearchByDate = Vue2.ref(!isPopularRecent());
const recentPeriod = Vue2.ref(getRecentPeriod());
const periodComputedMap = Vue2.computed(() => {
return isPopSearchByDate.value ? periodByDateMap : periodMap;
const showPopDatePicker = Vue2.ref(false);
const popSearchDate = Vue2.ref((() => {
const params2 = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
const y = params2.get("year");
const m = params2.get("month");
const d = params2.get("day");
if (y && m && d)
return formatDate(new Date(`${y}-${m}-${d}`));
return subDate(1, "days");
const fetchPopularPosts = (type) => {
let url = `/post/popular_recent?period=${type}`;
if (isPopSearchByDate.value) {
const [year, month, day] = popSearchDate.value.split("-");
url = `/post/popular_by_${periodMap[type][2]}?day=${day}&month=${month}&year=${year}`;
history.pushState("", "", url);
popTitle.value = getPopTitle();
const selPeriod = (key) => {
recentPeriod.value = key;
Vue2.watch(popSearchDate, (val) => {
if (!val)
Vue2.watch(isPopSearchByDate, (val) => {
recentPeriod.value = "1d";
if (val)
popSearchDate.value = subDate(1, "days");
const loadPrevPeriod = () => {
const duration = periodMap[recentPeriod.value][2];
popSearchDate.value = subDate(1, `${duration}s`, new Date(popSearchDate.value));
const loadNextPeriod = () => {
const duration = periodMap[recentPeriod.value][2];
popSearchDate.value = addDate(1, `${duration}s`, new Date(popSearchDate.value));
const goToPopularPage = () => {
location.href = "/post/popular_recent?period=1d&_wf=1";
const showPool = () => {
store.showPostList = false;
store.showPoolList = true;
history.pushState("", "", "/pool");
const poolQueryTerm = Vue2.ref("");
const searchPool = () => {
eventBus.$emit("loadPoolsByQuery", poolQueryTerm.value);
const download = (url, name) => {
loadingValue.value = 0;
return downloadFile(url, name, {
saveAs: false,
onprogress: (d) => {
loadingValue.value = d.loaded / d.total * 100;
const downloadUrlKey = Vue2.ref("fileUrl");
const downloadNameMap = {
fileUrl: "fileDownloadName",
jpegUrl: "jpegDownloadName"
const downloadNameKey = Vue2.computed(() => {
return downloadNameMap[downloadUrlKey.value] || "fileDownloadName";
const isGelbooru = location.host.includes("gelbooru");
const startDownload = async () => {
try {
const len = store.selectedImageList.length;
if (isGelbooru) {
for (let index = 0; index < len; index++) {
const item = store.selectedImageList[index];
const downloadUrl = item[downloadUrlKey.value] || item.fileUrl;
const downloadName = item[downloadNameKey.value];
if (!downloadUrl)
download(downloadUrl, `${downloadName}.${downloadUrl.split(".").pop()}`);
for (let index = 0; index < len; index++) {
const item = store.selectedImageList[index];
const downloadUrl = item[downloadUrlKey.value] || item.fileUrl;
const downloadName = store.isYKSite ? item.fileNameWithTags : item[downloadNameKey.value];
if (!downloadUrl)
if (item.loaded)
Vue2.set(item, "loading", true);
await download(downloadUrl, `${downloadName}.${downloadUrl.split(".").pop()}`);
Vue2.set(item, "loading", false);
Vue2.set(item, "loaded", true);
} catch (error) {
const msg = error;
showMsg({ msg, type: "error" });
const exportFileUrls = async () => {
const urlText = store.selectedImageList.map((e) => e[downloadUrlKey.value] || e.fileUrl).join("\n");
await downloadFile(`data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,${store.isYKSite ? decodeURIComponent(urlText) : urlText}`, "image-urls.txt");
const vuetify = useVuetify();
const toggleDarkmode = () => {
vuetify.theme.dark = !vuetify.theme.dark;
localStorage.setItem("__darkmode", vuetify.theme.dark ? "dark" : "light");
const keyActions = {
Enter: (cur) => loadPostsByPage(cur.toString()),
ArrowUp: (cur) => cur > 1 && keyActions.Enter(--cur),
ArrowDown: (cur) => keyActions.Enter(++cur),
ArrowLeft: (cur) => keyActions.ArrowUp(cur),
ArrowRight: (cur) => keyActions.ArrowDown(cur)
const goToPage = (ev) => {
const action = keyActions[ev.key];
if (!action)
const input = ev.target;
action((input == null ? void 0 : input.value) || 0);
const exitMasonry = () => {
const url = new URL(location.href);
const toggleFullscreen = async () => {
try {
if (document.fullscreenElement) {
await document.exitFullscreen();
} else {
await document.documentElement.requestFullscreen();
} catch (error) {
console.log("toggleFullscreen error: ", error);
const currentLang = Vue2.ref(i18n.locale);
const langList = [
{ value: "zh-Hans", label: "\u7B80\u4F53\u4E2D\u6587" },
{ value: "zh-Hant", label: "\u7E41\u9AD4\u4E2D\u6587" },
{ value: "ja", label: "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E" },
{ value: "en", label: "English" }
const selectLang = (val) => {
currentLang.value = val;
i18n.locale = val;
localStorage.setItem("__LANG", val);
Vue2.onMounted(() => {
document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", () => {
store.isFullscreen = !!document.fullscreenElement;
return { __sfc: true, title, isNoSelected, isOneOrMoreSelected, isAllSelected, loadingValue, selectAll, removeFromList, tagsQuery, searchState, onSearchTermInput, selectTag, userName, fetchTaggedPosts, showTagsInput, onSearchTermKeydown, showPopAction, periodMap, periodByDateMap, getRecentPeriod, isPopularRecent, getPopTitle, popTitle, isPopSearchByDate, recentPeriod, periodComputedMap, showPopDatePicker, popSearchDate, fetchPopularPosts, selPeriod, loadPrevPeriod, loadNextPeriod, goToPopularPage, showPool, poolQueryTerm, searchPool, download, downloadUrlKey, downloadNameMap, downloadNameKey, isGelbooru, startDownload, exportFileUrls, vuetify, toggleDarkmode, keyActions, goToPage, exitMasonry, toggleFullscreen, currentLang, langList, selectLang, mdiBrightness6, mdiCalendar, mdiCalendarSearch, mdiCheckUnderlineCircle, mdiCheckboxBlankOutline, mdiCheckboxIntermediate, mdiCheckboxMarked, mdiChevronLeft, mdiChevronRight, mdiCog, mdiDelete, mdiDownload, mdiFileClockOutline, mdiFire, mdiFullscreen, mdiFullscreenExit, mdiHome, mdiImageMultiple, mdiLocationExit, mdiMagnify, mdiShuffle, mdiStar, mdiTranslate, store };
var _sfc_render$9 = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-app-bar", { attrs: { "app": "", "dense": "", "flat": "", "elevation": 2 } }, [_c2("v-app-bar-nav-icon", { on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.store.toggleDrawer();
} } }), _setup.store.isYKSite && _setup.showPopAction ? _c2("div", { staticClass: "align-center hidden-sm-and-down", staticStyle: { "display": "flex" } }, [_c2("v-toolbar-title", { staticClass: "mr-4", domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(_setup.popTitle) } }), _c2("v-switch", { attrs: { "hide-details": "", "label": _setup.isPopSearchByDate ? _vm.$t("nd4UjZy2ILsc-iW9iu7xR") : _vm.$t("elkBQ9moOZ-KMcy5bt_Ts") }, model: { value: _setup.isPopSearchByDate, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.isPopSearchByDate = $$v;
}, expression: "isPopSearchByDate" } }), _c2("v-menu", { attrs: { "transition": "slide-y-transition", "offset-y": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "ml-4", attrs: { "small": "" } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "left": "" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiCalendarSearch))]), _c2("span", { staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "2px" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.periodComputedMap[_setup.recentPeriod][0]))])], 1)];
} }], null, false, 638520899) }, [_c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "" } }, _vm._l(_setup.periodComputedMap, function(val, key) {
return _c2("v-list-item", { key, attrs: { "dense": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.selPeriod(key);
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return _setup.loadPrevPeriod();
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return _setup.loadNextPeriod();
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiChevronRight))])], 1)], 1)];
} }], null, false, 4183596848), model: { value: _setup.showPopDatePicker, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.showPopDatePicker = $$v;
}, expression: "showPopDatePicker" } }, [_c2("v-date-picker", { attrs: { "no-title": "", "locale": "zh-cn", "weekday-format": () => "" }, on: { "input": function($event) {
_setup.showPopDatePicker = false;
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_setup.popSearchDate = $$v;
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return _setup.fetchTaggedPosts(`vote:3:${_setup.userName} order:vote`);
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return _setup.showPool();
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return _setup.fetchTaggedPosts("order:random");
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_setup.searchState.showMenu = false;
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_vm.$set(_setup.searchState, "searchTerm", $$v);
}, expression: "searchState.searchTerm" } }, on))], 1)])];
} }]), model: { value: _setup.searchState.showMenu, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.searchState, "showMenu", $$v);
}, expression: "searchState.showMenu" } }, [_c2("v-list", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.store.isYKSite && _setup.searchState.searchItems.length, expression: "store.isYKSite && searchState.searchItems.length" }], staticClass: "ac_tags_list", attrs: { "dense": "" } }, _vm._l(_setup.searchState.searchItems, function(item) {
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return _setup.selectTag(item);
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}), 1)], 1), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("ZztrWbSaaaas3v0cHtSmh"), "icon": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.showTagsInput();
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiMagnify))])], 1)], 2) : _setup.store.showPoolList ? _c2("div", { staticClass: "align-center", staticStyle: { "display": "flex" } }, [_setup.store.showPoolList ? _c2("v-toolbar-title", { staticClass: "mr-3" }, [_vm._v("Pools")]) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-text-field", { attrs: { "hide-details": "", "append-icon": _setup.mdiMagnify }, on: { "keyup": function($event) {
if (!$event.type.indexOf("key") && _vm._k($event.keyCode, "enter", 13, $event.key, "Enter"))
return null;
return _setup.searchPool.apply(null, arguments);
} }, model: { value: _setup.poolQueryTerm, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.poolQueryTerm = $$v;
}, expression: "poolQueryTerm" } }), _c2("v-btn", { staticClass: "ml-3", attrs: { "icon": "", "href": "/post?_wf=1" } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiHome))])], 1), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("9juZMc0gPIgvMPKVORpJ1"), "icon": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
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return _setup.removeFromList(item.id);
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}), 1)], 1)], 1)] : _vm._e(), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("u8mEnSo4mxDRUbj7FeAll"), "icon": "" }, on: { "click": _setup.toggleDarkmode } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiBrightness6))])], 1), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("OrwwNKZ7I70-ecpspE8d_"), "icon": "" }, on: { "click": _setup.toggleFullscreen } }, [_c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "size": 30 } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.store.isFullscreen ? _setup.mdiFullscreenExit : _setup.mdiFullscreen))])], 1), _c2("v-menu", { attrs: { "transition": "slide-y-transition", "offset-y": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
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} }]) }, [_c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-group", { attrs: { "color": "primary" }, model: { value: _setup.currentLang, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.currentLang = $$v;
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return _c2("v-list-item", { key: lang.value, attrs: { "value": lang.value, "dense": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.selectLang(lang.value);
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(lang.label))])], 1);
}), 1)], 1)], 1), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("UxxldE9xRwmQctrvba5Y8"), "icon": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
_setup.store.showSettings = true;
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var _sfc_staticRenderFns$9 = [];
var __component__$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var AppBar = __component__$9.exports;
var _sfc_main$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "NavDrawer",
setup(__props) {
const siteLinks = Vue2.ref(siteDomains);
const userName = Vue2.ref("");
const version = Vue2.ref(GM_info.script.version);
const openLink = (link) => {
window.open(link, "_blank", "noreferrer");
const dealLink = (link) => {
if (link.includes("yande"))
return "https://yande.re/post?_wf=1";
if (link.includes("behoimi"))
return "http://behoimi.org?_wf=1";
return `https://${link}?_wf=1`;
const dealFavicon = (link) => {
if (link.includes("konachan"))
return "https://upload-bbs.miyoushe.com/upload/2023/01/14/190122060/cbd0b71ead30e0777e5b023170ba415c_4819570566325089051.png";
if (link.includes("behoimi"))
return "https://upload-bbs.miyoushe.com/upload/2023/01/14/190122060/d3b97f45046795c87c12ad5704074f32_1333245617164582614.png";
return `https://${link}/favicon.ico`;
const actSiteIndex = Vue2.computed(() => {
return siteDomains.findIndex((e) => location.host.includes(e));
const showSettingDrawer = () => {
store.showDrawer = false;
store.showSettings = true;
Vue2.onMounted(async () => {
if (store.isYKSite) {
const name = await getUsername();
if (name)
userName.value = name;
return { __sfc: true, siteLinks, userName, version, openLink, dealLink, dealFavicon, actSiteIndex, showSettingDrawer, mdiAccount, mdiFire, mdiGithub, mdiImageMultiple, mdiInformationOutline, mdiMessageAlertOutline, mdiShuffle, mdiStar, mdiWeb, store };
var _sfc_render$8 = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-navigation-drawer", { staticClass: "nav_drawer", attrs: { "app": "", "temporary": "" }, model: { value: _setup.store.showDrawer, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store, "showDrawer", $$v);
}, expression: "store.showDrawer" } }, [_c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-avatar", [_c2("img", { attrs: { "width": "40", "src": "https://upload-bbs.mihoyo.com/upload/2022/09/07/190122060/8505ff4b535cb1487b521d73c7f71d63_865024295271530650.png", "alt": "", "loading": "lazy" } })]), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", { staticClass: "title" }, [_vm._v("Booru Masonry")]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("l8CbIALt_VWUnzBl_Rmgf") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("l8CbIALt_VWUnzBl_Rmgf")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-divider"), _setup.store.isYKSite ? _c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "", "nav": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-group", { attrs: { "value": true, "no-action": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function() {
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}, proxy: true }], null, false, 765759728) }, [_setup.userName ? _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "", "href": "/user/home" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiAccount))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.userName))])], 1)], 1) : _vm._e(), _setup.userName ? _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "", "href": `/post?tags=vote%3A3%3A${_setup.userName}+order%3Avote&_wf=1` } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiStar))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("zs8YTCc8d8XFUgRnp7m_w")))])], 1)], 1) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "", "href": "/pool?page=1" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiImageMultiple))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("DXEhXAQbkiCMU_l252jo_")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "", "href": "/post/popular_recent?period=1d" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiFire))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("7Cgsr4PUMbezDXNfWdvWH")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "", "href": "/post?tags=order%3Arandom&page=1" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiShuffle))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("StU1-52QJmNFKQ5soJCyG")))])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "", "nav": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-group", { attrs: { "value": true, "no-action": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function() {
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return _setup.openLink("https://www.nanoka.top/illust/pixiv/");
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return _setup.openLink("https://pixiv.pics");
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return _setup.showSettingDrawer();
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}, proxy: true }]) }, [_c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.openLink("https://github.com/asadahimeka/yandere-masonry/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md");
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiInformationOutline))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v("v" + _vm._s(_setup.version))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("iJ0h220tvMmUhkfIMYI-W")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.openLink("https://booru.kanata.ml");
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiWeb))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("qWcqQRsE9nN43MaZ2BmN9")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("jerGO2OCuW9TdnEnGYRWd")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.openLink("https://github.com/asadahimeka/yandere-masonry/issues");
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiMessageAlertOutline))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("23iEYyiQlLVhFIqGbj527")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("4g1TUy2kwQrdOs-w4JobB")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "link": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.openLink("https://github.com/asadahimeka/yandere-masonry");
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-icon", { staticClass: "mr-2" }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiGithub))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v("Github")]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("7Xq5puLNcT0mAvoxElqdf")))])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$8 = [];
var __component__$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var NavDrawer = __component__$8.exports;
var _sfc_main$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "SettingsDrawer",
setup(__props) {
const onComboboxChange = (val) => {
localStorage.setItem("__blacklist", val.join(","));
const removeTagFromBlacklist = (item) => {
store.blacklist.splice(store.blacklist.indexOf(item), 1);
localStorage.setItem("__blacklist", store.blacklist.join(","));
const nsfwValue = Vue2.ref(store.showNSFWContents);
const setNSFWShow = (val) => {
const flag = val !== "0";
store.showNSFWContents = flag;
nsfwValue.value = flag;
localStorage.setItem("__showNSFW", val);
const onNSFWSwitchChange = (val) => {
setNSFWShow(val ? "1" : "0");
const onWheelSwitchChange = (val) => {
localStorage.setItem("__listenWheel", val ? "1" : "0");
const onKeyupSwitchChange = (val) => {
localStorage.setItem("__listenKeyup", val ? "1" : "0");
const onImgPreloadChange = (val) => {
localStorage.setItem("__fullImgPreload", val ? "1" : "");
const dlSubLoading = Vue2.ref(false);
const showDLConfirm = Vue2.ref(false);
const isDLSubpath = Vue2.ref(Boolean(localStorage.getItem("__dl_subpath_on")));
const setDLSubpathOn = (val) => {
isDLSubpath.value = !!val;
localStorage.setItem("__dl_subpath_on", val);
showDLConfirm.value = false;
dlSubLoading.value = false;
const onDLSubpathChange = (val) => {
dlSubLoading.value = true;
if (val) {
showDLConfirm.value = true;
} else {
const layoutTypes = Vue2.ref([
["masonry", `Masonry/${i18n.t("6jPGehET9TViankl5-SRu")}`],
["grid", `Grid/${i18n.t("vfUg8xP6WptIhSL0E9b9D")}`],
["flexbin", `Justified/${i18n.t("LZbI8am7nD-LiemZzroFF")}`]
const actLayout = Vue2.computed(() => {
var _a2, _b2, _c2;
return (_c2 = (_b2 = (_a2 = layoutTypes.value.find((e) => e[0] === store.settings.masonryLayout)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1]) == null ? void 0 : _b2.split("/")) == null ? void 0 : _c2[0];
const actLayoutIndex = Vue2.computed(() => {
return layoutTypes.value.findIndex((e) => e[0] === store.settings.masonryLayout);
const onMasonryLayoutChange = (val) => {
localStorage.setItem("__masonryLayout", val);
const onCredentialQueryChange = (val) => {
localStorage.setItem("__credentialQuery", val);
const onPreloadNumBlur = (ev) => {
const input = ev.target;
if (input.validationMessage) {
input.value = "1";
store.imgPreloadNum = 1;
localStorage.setItem("__imgPreloadNum", "1");
} else {
const num = Number(input.value) || 1;
store.imgPreloadNum = num;
localStorage.setItem("__imgPreloadNum", num.toString());
const colList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20];
const cols = Vue2.ref(colList.reduce((acc, cur) => {
acc[cur] = cur === 0 ? i18n.t("uxIs3XkeVzkrEX985zHk3").toString() : `${cur} ${i18n.t("dU7ou5kVM0s9DMju5e2tS")}`;
return acc;
}, {}));
const actCol = Vue2.computed(() => {
return colList.findIndex((e) => e.toString() === store.selectedColumn);
const selColumn = (val) => {
store.selectedColumn = val;
localStorage.setItem("__masonry_col", val);
return { __sfc: true, onComboboxChange, removeTagFromBlacklist, nsfwValue, setNSFWShow, onNSFWSwitchChange, onWheelSwitchChange, onKeyupSwitchChange, onImgPreloadChange, dlSubLoading, showDLConfirm, isDLSubpath, setDLSubpathOn, onDLSubpathChange, layoutTypes, actLayout, actLayoutIndex, onMasonryLayoutChange, onCredentialQueryChange, onPreloadNumBlur, colList, cols, actCol, selColumn, mdiChevronDown, mdiClose, store };
var _sfc_render$7 = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-navigation-drawer", { staticClass: "nav_drawer", attrs: { "width": 400, "app": "", "temporary": "", "right": "" }, model: { value: _setup.store.showSettings, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store, "showSettings", $$v);
}, expression: "store.showSettings" } }, [_c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", { staticClass: "title" }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("UxxldE9xRwmQctrvba5Y8")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-icon", { on: { "click": function($event) {
_setup.store.showSettings = false;
} } }, [_c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "icon": "" } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiClose))])], 1)], 1)], 1), _c2("v-divider"), _c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "", "nav": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item", { staticClass: "mb-0" }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("_Efl8k8uYQj9iJmj3kwbd")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("jMod2JozzAnwHuD-3KuPb") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("jMod2JozzAnwHuD-3KuPb")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { staticClass: "pa-0" }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", { staticClass: "pt-0" }, [_c2("v-combobox", { staticClass: "blacklist_combobox ma-0 pa-0", attrs: { "append-icon": null, "items": [], "hide-details": "", "hide-no-data": "", "multiple": "", "outlined": "", "dense": "", "chips": "" }, on: { "change": _setup.onComboboxChange }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "selection", fn: function({ item }) {
return [_c2("v-chip", { attrs: { "label": "", "small": "", "outlined": "", "close": "" }, on: { "click:close": function($event) {
return _setup.removeTagFromBlacklist(item);
} } }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(item))])])];
} }]), model: { value: _setup.store.blacklist, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store, "blacklist", $$v);
}, expression: "store.blacklist" } })], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { staticClass: "mb-0" }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("RstKmO7YVQMpaDoucxUel")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("1F-R4qChHIzZaohu5GJzl") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("1F-R4qChHIzZaohu5GJzl")))])], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { staticClass: "pa-0" }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", { staticClass: "pt-0" }, [_c2("v-text-field", { staticClass: "blacklist_combobox ma-0 pa-0", attrs: { "hide-details": "", "outlined": "", "dense": "" }, on: { "change": _setup.onCredentialQueryChange }, model: { value: _setup.store.settings.credentialQuery, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store.settings, "credentialQuery", $$v);
}, expression: "store.settings.credentialQuery" } })], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("Lm_HFVHpv4XCjilV3NLKu")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("A16qoBulYQJLbHe9mqNwm") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("A16qoBulYQJLbHe9mqNwm")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-switch", { attrs: { "color": "deep-orange darken-1" }, on: { "change": _setup.onNSFWSwitchChange }, model: { value: _setup.nsfwValue, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.nsfwValue = $$v;
}, expression: "nsfwValue" } })], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("_nQfaNuwbvPAIFKOY6_7u")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("SIUUZ4wqJTOilEdcX3EOi") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("SIUUZ4wqJTOilEdcX3EOi")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-switch", { on: { "change": _setup.onWheelSwitchChange }, model: { value: _setup.store.isListenWheelEvent, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store, "isListenWheelEvent", $$v);
}, expression: "store.isListenWheelEvent" } })], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("fVE5taO6GDTPbILat4GCt")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("w95XGurDhDfOfw7XH4JFW") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("w95XGurDhDfOfw7XH4JFW")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-switch", { on: { "change": _setup.onKeyupSwitchChange }, model: { value: _setup.store.settings.isListenKeyupEvent, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store.settings, "isListenKeyupEvent", $$v);
}, expression: "store.settings.isListenKeyupEvent" } })], 1)], 1), _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("kFcteLMfnoezhOwuTlLFC")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("FT1uJs8XG__n5qBvuFsH4") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("FT1uJs8XG__n5qBvuFsH4")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-switch", { on: { "change": _setup.onImgPreloadChange }, model: { value: _setup.store.isFullImgPreload, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store, "isFullImgPreload", $$v);
}, expression: "store.isFullImgPreload" } })], 1)], 1), _setup.store.isFullImgPreload ? _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("G3b7rbyQEj3_rgzVsNJZY")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("iRt9V9wNQASic3D7-wTZo") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("iRt9V9wNQASic3D7-wTZo")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", { staticClass: "pl-1" }, [_c2("input", { staticClass: "text-center rounded preload_num", attrs: { "type": "number", "min": "0", "max": "5" }, domProps: { "value": _setup.store.imgPreloadNum }, on: { "blur": _setup.onPreloadNumBlur } })])], 1) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("kop_-39vkeg-bz2wztJ9O") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("kop_-39vkeg-bz2wztJ9O")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": "Masonry/Grid/Justified" } }, [_vm._v("Masonry/Grid/Justified")])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-menu", { attrs: { "transition": "slide-y-transition", "offset-y": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "sel_menu_btn", staticStyle: { "max-width": "100px" }, attrs: { "small": "" } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_setup.actLayout) + " "), _c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "size": 16 } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiChevronDown))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-group", { attrs: { "value": _setup.actLayoutIndex, "color": "primary" } }, _vm._l(_setup.layoutTypes, function(item) {
return _c2("v-list-item", { key: item[0], attrs: { "dense": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.onMasonryLayoutChange(item[0]);
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", { domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(item[1]) } })], 1);
}), 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1), _setup.store.settings.masonryLayout !== "flexbin" ? _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("tt_YdgKCA_5m-aSTSMPQ_")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("rXjhc8VuGloy1wZ09noNB") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("rXjhc8VuGloy1wZ09noNB")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-menu", { attrs: { "transition": "slide-y-transition", "offset-y": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "sel_menu_btn", attrs: { "small": "" } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("span", { staticStyle: { "margin-bottom": "2px" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.store.selectedColumn === "0" ? _vm.$t("uxIs3XkeVzkrEX985zHk3") : _setup.store.selectedColumn + _vm.$t("dU7ou5kVM0s9DMju5e2tS")))]), _c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "size": 16 } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiChevronDown))])], 1)];
} }], null, false, 2104038103) }, [_c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-group", { attrs: { "value": _setup.actCol, "color": "primary" } }, _vm._l(_setup.cols, function(val, key) {
return _c2("v-list-item", { key, attrs: { "dense": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.selColumn(key);
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", { domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(val) } })], 1);
}), 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-list-item", [_c2("v-list-item-content", [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("PBjdNKuj02doUvOf2zZqP")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { attrs: { "title": _vm.$t("z_oL9s5fS164W4_gITOGZ") } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("z_oL9s5fS164W4_gITOGZ")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item-action", [_c2("v-switch", { attrs: { "loading": _setup.dlSubLoading }, on: { "change": _setup.onDLSubpathChange }, model: { value: _setup.isDLSubpath, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.isDLSubpath = $$v;
}, expression: "isDLSubpath" } })], 1)], 1)], 1), _c2("v-dialog", { attrs: { "max-width": "600" }, model: { value: _setup.showDLConfirm, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.showDLConfirm = $$v;
}, expression: "showDLConfirm" } }, [_c2("v-card", [_c2("v-card-title", { staticClass: "text-h5" }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("ti3akdSS3iZV9NsGzIo3m")))]), _c2("v-card-text", [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("LN_Rsic4V50DrXbsv9T9L"))), _c2("br"), _vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("OJ8X55GXx5k3peoSXSujf"))), _c2("br"), _vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("ujBgilCWNgFNV8Q2IDMWS")) + " ")]), _c2("v-card-actions", [_c2("v-spacer"), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "text": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.setDLSubpathOn("");
} } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("9dq_DxgMG88eom9Gq-4nT")))]), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.setDLSubpathOn("1");
} } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("0VAN4cJ-_mUxvtmg4KEi1")))])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$7 = [];
var __component__$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var SettingsDrawer = __component__$7.exports;
const _sfc_main$6 = {
props: {
options: {
type: Object
data() {
return {
dp: null
async mounted() {
if (!unsafeWindow.DPlayer) {
await loadScript("https://cdn.staticfile.org/dplayer/1.27.1/DPlayer.min.js");
await this.$nextTick();
beforeDestroy() {
this.dp = null;
methods: {
initPlayer() {
this.dp = new unsafeWindow.DPlayer({ ...this.options, container: this.$el });
const events = this.dp.events;
Object.keys(events).forEach((item) => {
if (item === "events") {
return false;
} else {
events[item].forEach((event) => {
this.dp.on(event, () => this.$emit(event));
render(h) {
return h("div", {
class: "dplayer"
}, []);
const _sfc_render$6 = null;
const _sfc_staticRenderFns$6 = null;
var __component__$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var DPlayer = __component__$6.exports;
var _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "PostDetail",
setup(__props) {
const showImageToolbar = Vue2.ref(true);
const imgLoading = Vue2.ref(true);
const innerWidth = Vue2.ref(window.innerWidth);
const innerHeight = Vue2.ref(window.innerHeight);
const downloading = Vue2.ref(false);
const scaleOn = Vue2.ref(false);
const showTagChipGroup = Vue2.ref(localStorage.getItem("__showTags") == "1");
const toggleTagsShow = () => {
showTagChipGroup.value = !showTagChipGroup.value;
localStorage.setItem("__showTags", showTagChipGroup.value ? "1" : "");
const imageSelected = Vue2.computed(() => {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = store.imageList[store.imageSelectedIndex]) != null ? _a2 : {};
const isVideo = Vue2.computed(() => [".mp4", ".webm"].some((e) => {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = imageSelected.value.fileUrl) == null ? void 0 : _a2.endsWith(e);
const imgSrc = Vue2.computed(() => {
var _a2, _b2;
if (isVideo.value)
return void 0;
return (_b2 = (_a2 = imageSelected.value.sampleUrl) != null ? _a2 : imageSelected.value.fileUrl) != null ? _b2 : void 0;
const imgLasySrc = Vue2.computed(() => {
var _a2;
if (isVideo.value)
return void 0;
return (_a2 = imageSelected.value.previewUrl) != null ? _a2 : void 0;
const imageSelectedWidth = Vue2.computed(() => {
const width = Number.parseInt(
innerWidth.value * 1,
imageSelected.value.sampleWidth || innerWidth.value
const height = Math.min(innerHeight.value * 1, imageSelected.value.sampleHeight || innerHeight.value);
const width2 = Number.parseInt((height * imageSelected.value.aspectRatio).toString());
return Math.min(width, width2);
const notYKSite = Vue2.computed(() => {
return ["konachan", "yande"].every((e) => !location.host.includes(e));
const toggleToolbar = () => {
if (scaleOn.value)
showImageToolbar.value = !showImageToolbar.value;
const toTagsPage = (tag) => {
if (notYKSite.value)
window.open(`/post?tags=${tag}`, "_blank", "noreferrer");
const toDetailPage = () => {
window.open(imageSelected.value.postView, "_blank", "noreferrer");
const toSourcePage = () => {
const { sourceUrl } = imageSelected.value;
if (!isURL(sourceUrl))
window.open(sourceUrl, "_blank", "noreferrer");
const download = async (url, name) => {
if (!url)
if (location.host.includes("gelbooru")) {
setTimeout(() => {
downloading.value = false;
}, 1e3);
if (store.isYKSite) {
name = `${location.hostname} ${imageSelected.value.id} ${imageSelected.value.tags.join(" ")}`;
try {
downloading.value = true;
await downloadFile(url, `${name}.${url.split(".").pop()}`);
downloading.value = false;
} catch (error) {
downloading.value = false;
showMsg({ msg: `${i18n.t("FAqj5ONm50QMfIt9Vq2p1")}: ${error}`, type: "error" });
const addToList = () => {
const close = () => {
store.showImageSelected = false;
const onDtlContClick = (ev) => {
const el = ev.target;
if (el.className.includes("img_detail_cont")) {
const postDetail = Vue2.ref({});
const addFavorite = async () => {
if (notYKSite.value || postDetail.value.voted)
const isSuccess = await addPostToFavorites(imageSelected.value.id);
if (isSuccess)
postDetail.value.voted = true;
const setPostDetail = async () => {
if (store.isYKSite) {
postDetail.value = {
voted: false,
tags: []
const result = await getPostDetail(imageSelected.value.id);
if (result)
postDetail.value = result;
} else {
postDetail.value = {
voted: false,
tags: imageSelected.value.tags.map((e) => ({
tag: e,
tagText: e,
color: "#8F77B5",
type: "general"
const preloadImgEl = new Image();
const preloadImg = (src) => {
console.log("preloadImg: ", src);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
preloadImgEl.src = src;
preloadImgEl.onload = resolve;
preloadImgEl.onerror = reject;
const preloadNextImg = async () => {
if (!store.isFullImgPreload)
if (isVideo.value)
for (let index = 1; index <= store.imgPreloadNum; index++) {
console.log("index: ", index);
const next = store.imageList[store.imageSelectedIndex + index];
if (!next)
const imgSrc2 = (scaleOn.value ? next.jpegUrl : next.sampleUrl) || next.fileUrl;
await preloadImg(imgSrc2 || "");
const isVideoShow = Vue2.ref(true);
const toggleVideoShow = async () => {
isVideoShow.value = false;
await Vue2.nextTick();
isVideoShow.value = true;
const showPreviewThumb = Vue2.ref(true);
const showPrevPost = async () => {
if (store.imageSelectedIndex == 0)
if (showPreviewThumb.value) {
showPreviewThumb.value = false;
imgLoading.value = true;
isVideo.value && toggleVideoShow();
await setPostDetail();
const showNextPost = async () => {
if (showPreviewThumb.value) {
showPreviewThumb.value = false;
if (store.imageSelectedIndex >= store.imageList.length - 1) {
if (store.requestState || store.requestStop)
await searchPosts();
imgLoading.value = true;
isVideo.value && toggleVideoShow();
await setPostDetail();
const onImageLoadError = () => {
imgLoading.value = false;
imageSelected.value.sampleUrl = null;
const scaleImgSrc = Vue2.computed(() => {
return scaleOn.value ? imageSelected.value.jpegUrl || imageSelected.value.fileUrl || void 0 : void 0;
const onScaleImgError = () => {
imageSelected.value.data.jpeg_url = null;
const scaleImgStyleMap = {
FitToPage: { maxWidth: "100vw", maxHeight: "100vh" },
FitToWidth: { width: "100vw" },
FitToHeight: { height: "100vh" },
Original: {}
const imgScaleState = Vue2.ref("Original");
const imgRotateDeg = Vue2.ref(0);
const rotateImg = () => {
imgScaleState.value = "FitToPage";
imgRotateDeg.value += 90;
const scaleImgStyle = Vue2.computed(() => ({
"transform": `rotate(${imgRotateDeg.value}deg)`,
"transform-origin": "center center"
let clearDragEv;
const zoomInImg = async () => {
scaleOn.value = true;
if (imageSelected.value.sampleUrl) {
imgLoading.value = true;
await Vue2.nextTick();
clearDragEv = dragElement(".img_scale_scroll", ".img_detail_scale");
const zoomOutImg = () => {
scaleOn.value = false;
imgRotateDeg.value = 0;
clearDragEv == null ? void 0 : clearDragEv();
const reqFullscreen = async () => {
try {
if (document.fullscreenElement)
const img = document.querySelector(".img_detail_scale");
await (img == null ? void 0 : img.requestFullscreen());
} catch (error) {
console.log("toggleFullscreen error: ", error);
Vue2.watch(() => store.showImageSelected, async (val) => {
if (val) {
imgLoading.value = true;
await setPostDetail();
} else {
scaleOn.value = false;
postDetail.value = {};
await Vue2.nextTick();
showPreviewThumb.value = true;
const onResize = () => {
innerWidth.value = window.innerWidth;
innerHeight.value = window.innerHeight;
const isTriggerEvent = Vue2.computed(() => {
if (!store.showImageSelected)
return false;
if (isVideo.value)
return false;
if (scaleOn.value && imgScaleState.value !== "FitToPage")
return false;
return true;
const onWheel = debounce((ev) => {
if (!isTriggerEvent.value)
ev.deltaY > 0 ? showNextPost() : showPrevPost();
}, 500, true);
const onKeyup = debounce((ev) => {
if (!isTriggerEvent.value)
if (["ArrowLeft", "a", "A"].includes(ev.key)) {
if (["ArrowRight", "d", "D"].includes(ev.key)) {
}, 500, true);
Vue2.onMounted(() => {
window.addEventListener("resize", onResize);
store.isListenWheelEvent && window.addEventListener("wheel", onWheel);
store.settings.isListenKeyupEvent && window.addEventListener("keyup", onKeyup);
Vue2.onUnmounted(() => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", onResize);
store.isListenWheelEvent && window.removeEventListener("wheel", onWheel);
store.settings.isListenKeyupEvent && window.removeEventListener("keyup", onKeyup);
return { __sfc: true, showImageToolbar, imgLoading, innerWidth, innerHeight, downloading, scaleOn, showTagChipGroup, toggleTagsShow, imageSelected, isVideo, imgSrc, imgLasySrc, imageSelectedWidth, notYKSite, toggleToolbar, toTagsPage, toDetailPage, toSourcePage, download, addToList, close, onDtlContClick, postDetail, addFavorite, setPostDetail, preloadImgEl, preloadImg, preloadNextImg, isVideoShow, toggleVideoShow, showPreviewThumb, showPrevPost, showNextPost, onImageLoadError, scaleImgSrc, onScaleImgError, scaleImgStyleMap, imgScaleState, imgRotateDeg, rotateImg, scaleImgStyle, clearDragEv, zoomInImg, zoomOutImg, reqFullscreen, onResize, isTriggerEvent, onWheel, onKeyup, mdiChevronLeft, mdiChevronRight, mdiClose, mdiDownload, mdiFitToScreenOutline, mdiFullscreen, mdiHeart, mdiHeartPlusOutline, mdiLaunch, mdiLinkVariant, mdiLoupe, mdiMagnifyMinusOutline, mdiMagnifyPlusOutline, mdiPlaylistPlus, mdiRotateRight, mdiTableSplitCell, mdiTagMultiple, DPlayer, store };
var _sfc_render$5 = function render() {
var _a2, _b2;
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-dialog", { attrs: { "fullscreen": "" }, model: { value: _setup.store.showImageSelected, callback: function($$v) {
_vm.$set(_setup.store, "showImageSelected", $$v);
}, expression: "store.showImageSelected" } }, [_setup.store.showImageSelected ? _c2("div", { staticClass: "img_detail_cont", on: { "click": _setup.onDtlContClick } }, [_setup.isVideo ? [_setup.isVideoShow ? _c2(_setup.DPlayer, { style: `width: ${_setup.imageSelectedWidth > _setup.imageSelected.width ? _setup.imageSelected.width : _setup.imageSelectedWidth}px`, attrs: { "options": { theme: "#8E24AA", autoplay: true, loop: true, video: { url: _setup.imageSelected.fileUrl } } } }) : _vm._e()] : _c2("div", { class: { img_scale_scroll: _setup.scaleOn, img_scale_normal: !_setup.scaleOn }, attrs: { "draggable": "false" } }, [_c2("v-row", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.imgLoading, expression: "imgLoading" }], staticClass: "img_detail_loading" }, [_setup.showPreviewThumb && !_setup.scaleOn ? _c2("img", { attrs: { "src": _setup.imgLasySrc, "width": _setup.imageSelectedWidth, "alt": "" } }) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-progress-circular", { attrs: { "size": 100, "width": 6, "indeterminate": "", "color": "deep-purple" } })], 1), !_setup.scaleOn ? _c2("img", { staticClass: "img_detail_sample", attrs: { "src": _setup.imgSrc, "width": _setup.imgLoading ? 0 : _setup.imageSelectedWidth, "alt": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.toggleToolbar.apply(null, arguments);
}, "load": function($event) {
_setup.imgLoading = false;
}, "error": _setup.onImageLoadError } }) : _vm._e(), _setup.scaleOn ? _c2("img", { staticClass: "img_detail_scale", style: _setup.scaleImgStyle, attrs: { "src": _setup.scaleImgSrc, "alt": "", "draggable": "false" }, on: { "load": function($event) {
_setup.imgLoading = false;
}, "error": _setup.onScaleImgError } }) : _vm._e()], 1)], 2) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-toolbar", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showImageToolbar && _setup.scaleOn && !_setup.isVideo, expression: "showImageToolbar && scaleOn && !isVideo" }], staticClass: "img_detail_btn_color", staticStyle: { "position": "absolute", "top": "0", "width": "100%", "z-index": "10" }, attrs: { "color": "transparent", "height": "auto", "flat": "" } }, [_c2("v-spacer"), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1 hidden-sm-and-down", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
_setup.imgScaleState = "FitToPage";
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiFitToScreenOutline))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("M-wISnLiQgM_DURMwKZGT")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
_setup.imgScaleState = "FitToWidth";
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiTableSplitCell))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("ad8lEoWap_nT9U69WBKen")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
_setup.imgScaleState = "FitToHeight";
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", { staticStyle: { "transform": "rotate(90deg)" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiTableSplitCell))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("GjMNbm97OgVvpIYlkOisE")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
_setup.imgScaleState = "Original";
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiLoupe))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("KkkM-iz8RCVQoTrTfhS5j")))])]), !_setup.store.isFullscreen ? _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.reqFullscreen.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiFullscreen))])], 1)];
} }], null, false, 1192459052) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("XvOYJ5gHo37M1XztPl18z")))])]) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.rotateImg.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiRotateRight))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("_bQs7o9oQSo7ao1G0cp3d")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1 hidden-sm-and-down", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.zoomOutImg();
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiMagnifyMinusOutline))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("lPPsX2CZbXwC-EGN79Rki")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.close.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiClose))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("t83UAY18UebTg1_-zFGP3")))])])], 1), _c2("v-toolbar", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showImageToolbar && !_setup.scaleOn, expression: "showImageToolbar && !scaleOn" }], staticClass: "img_detail_btn_color", staticStyle: { "position": "absolute", "top": "0", "width": "100%", "z-index": "10" }, attrs: { "color": "transparent", "height": "auto", "flat": "" } }, [_c2("v-chip", { attrs: { "small": "", "color": "primary" }, domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(`${(_a2 = _setup.imageSelected.rating) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toUpperCase()} ${_setup.imageSelected.id}`) }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.toDetailPage.apply(null, arguments);
} } }), _c2("v-spacer"), !_setup.notYKSite ? _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.addFavorite.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.postDetail.voted ? _setup.mdiHeart : _setup.mdiHeartPlusOutline))])], 1)];
} }], null, false, 4039738219) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.postDetail.voted ? _vm.$t("pEU9Y9K7DsODkocCDwq_O") : _vm.$t("2ZPEAvLkCbV3mC0iJAw9K")))])]) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.toDetailPage.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiLinkVariant))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("caFFJlrS1wa_F86uKPykd")))])]), _setup.imageSelected.sourceUrl ? _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.toSourcePage.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiLaunch))])], 1)];
} }], null, false, 3970738434) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("qSF4OLshg2EEX4CwtBE6r")) + " " + _vm._s(_setup.imageSelected.sourceUrl))])]) : _vm._e(), !_setup.isVideo ? _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.zoomInImg();
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiMagnifyPlusOutline))])], 1)];
} }], null, false, 826778205) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("B_ptN5O-9PhmG5ymGGtc6")))])]) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-menu", { attrs: { "dense": "", "open-on-hover": "", "offset-y": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !_setup.downloading, expression: "!downloading" }], staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiDownload))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("v-list", { attrs: { "dense": "", "flat": "" } }, [_setup.imageSelected.sampleUrl ? _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "two-line": "", "link": "", "dense": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", { on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.download(_setup.imageSelected.sampleUrl, _setup.imageSelected.sampleDownloadName);
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("wI4KHHIe3zNRziW4lDZrp")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(_setup.imageSelected.sampleDownloadText) } })], 1)], 1) : _vm._e(), _setup.imageSelected.jpegUrl ? _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "two-line": "", "link": "", "dense": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", { on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.download(_setup.imageSelected.jpegUrl, _setup.imageSelected.jpegDownloadName);
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("k4YzDnBtd_S2UpAQucGxF")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(_setup.imageSelected.jpegDownloadText) } })], 1)], 1) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-list-item", { attrs: { "two-line": "", "link": "", "dense": "" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", { on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.download(_setup.imageSelected.fileUrl, _setup.imageSelected.fileDownloadName);
} } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("VpuyxZtIoDF9-YyOm0tK_")))]), _c2("v-list-item-subtitle", { domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(_setup.imageSelected.fileDownloadText) } })], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1), _c2("v-progress-circular", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.downloading, expression: "downloading" }], staticClass: "ml-1 mr-2", attrs: { "indeterminate": "", "color": "primary" } }), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.addToList.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiPlaylistPlus))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("hVmfDxXoj8vkgVQabEOSr")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.close.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiClose))])], 1)];
} }]) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("t83UAY18UebTg1_-zFGP3")))])])], 1), _c2("div", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showImageToolbar, expression: "showImageToolbar" }], staticClass: "img_detail_btn_color hidden-sm-and-down" }, [_c2("div", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: !_setup.isVideo, expression: "!isVideo" }], staticStyle: { "position": "absolute", "z-index": "10", "bottom": "12px", "padding": "0 12px" } }, [_c2("v-chip", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: (_b2 = _setup.postDetail.tags) == null ? void 0 : _b2.length, expression: "postDetail.tags?.length" }], staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.toggleTagsShow();
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "left": "" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiTagMultiple))]), _c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.showTagChipGroup ? _vm.$t("gM92sLo0Cqfl2rCaXlOhc") : _vm.$t("l5W-EtJ_ar-SY2lF4H5Zm")))])], 1), _c2("v-chip-group", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showTagChipGroup, expression: "showTagChipGroup" }], attrs: { "column": "" } }, _vm._l(_setup.postDetail.tags || [], function(item, i) {
return _c2("v-chip", { key: i, staticClass: "mr-1", attrs: { "small": "", "color": item.color, "text-color": "#ffffff" }, domProps: { "textContent": _vm._s(item.tagText) }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.toTagsPage(item.tag);
} } });
}), 1)], 1), _c2("v-btn", { staticClass: "poa_left_center", staticStyle: { "z-index": "10" }, attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.showPrevPost.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiChevronLeft))])], 1), _c2("v-btn", { staticClass: "poa_right_center", staticStyle: { "z-index": "10" }, attrs: { "fab": "", "small": "", "color": "primary" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.showNextPost.apply(null, arguments);
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiChevronRight))])], 1)], 1)], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$5 = [];
var __component__$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var PostDetail = __component__$5.exports;
var _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "PostList",
setup(__props) {
const showImageList = Vue2.ref(true);
const showFab = Vue2.ref(false);
() => store.selectedColumn,
() => {
showImageList.value = false;
Vue2.nextTick(() => {
showImageList.value = true;
const showNoMore = Vue2.computed(() => !store.requestState && store.requestStop);
const showLoadMore = Vue2.computed(() => !store.requestState && !store.requestStop);
const ctxActPost = Vue2.ref();
const showMenu = Vue2.ref(false);
const x = Vue2.ref(0);
const y = Vue2.ref(0);
const maxHeightStyle = Vue2.computed(() => {
const num = +store.selectedColumn;
if (num == 0 || num > 3)
return "max-height: 60vh;overflow: hidden";
return "";
const getImgSrc = (img) => {
const num = +store.selectedColumn;
if (num != 0 && num < 7) {
return (img == null ? void 0 : img.sampleUrl) || (img == null ? void 0 : img.fileUrl) || void 0;
return (img == null ? void 0 : img.previewUrl) || (img == null ? void 0 : img.fileUrl) || void 0;
const onCtxMenu = (ev, img) => {
showMenu.value = false;
x.value = ev.clientX;
y.value = ev.clientY;
Vue2.nextTick(() => {
ctxActPost.value = img;
showMenu.value = true;
const showImgModal = (index) => {
store.imageSelectedIndex = index;
store.showImageSelected = true;
const openDetail = (post) => {
const img = post || ctxActPost.value;
img && window.open(img.postView, "_blank", "noreferrer");
const addToSelectedList = (post) => {
const img = post || ctxActPost.value;
img && store.addToSelectedList(img);
const addFavorite = (id) => {
var _a2;
const imgId = id || ((_a2 = ctxActPost.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.id);
imgId && addPostToFavorites(imgId);
const downloadCtxPost = async (post) => {
const img = post || ctxActPost.value;
if (!img)
const { fileUrl } = img;
let { fileDownloadName } = img;
if (!fileUrl)
if (store.isYKSite) {
fileDownloadName = `${location.hostname} ${img.id} ${img.tags.join(" ")}`;
try {
await downloadFile(fileUrl, `${fileDownloadName}.${fileUrl.split(".").pop()}`);
} catch (error) {
showMsg({ msg: `${i18n.t("FAqj5ONm50QMfIt9Vq2p1")}: ${error}`, type: "error" });
const onImageLoadError = (url) => {
const item = store.imageList.find((e) => e.previewUrl == url);
if (!item)
Vue2.set(item, "previewUrl", null);
Vue2.set(item, "sampleUrl", null);
const scrollFn = throttleScroll((scroll) => {
if (!showFab.value && scroll > 200)
showFab.value = true;
if (store.requestStop)
if (store.requestState)
notReachBottom() && searchPosts(true);
}, () => {
if (showFab.value)
showFab.value = false;
Vue2.onMounted(async () => {
await initPosts();
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollFn);
Vue2.onUnmounted(() => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollFn);
return { __sfc: true, showImageList, showFab, showNoMore, showLoadMore, ctxActPost, showMenu, x, y, maxHeightStyle, getImgSrc, onCtxMenu, showImgModal, openDetail, addToSelectedList, addFavorite, downloadCtxPost, onImageLoadError, scrollFn, mdiDownload, mdiFileGifBox, mdiHeartPlusOutline, mdiLinkVariant, mdiPlaylistPlus, mdiRefresh, mdiVideo, PostDetail, refreshPosts, searchPosts, store };
var _sfc_render$4 = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _setup.showImageList ? _c2("div", [_c2("wf-layout", _vm._l(_setup.store.imageList, function(image, index) {
return _c2("v-card", { key: index, staticClass: "mb-2 posts-image-card", style: _setup.store.settings.masonryLayout === "flexbin" ? `width:${image.width * 300 / image.height}px;flex-grow:${image.width * 300 / image.height}` : _setup.maxHeightStyle }, [_setup.store.settings.masonryLayout === "flexbin" ? [_c2("div", { style: `padding-bottom:${image.height / image.width * 100}%` }), _c2("img", { staticClass: "post-image", attrs: { "alt": "", "loading": "lazy", "src": _setup.getImgSrc(image) }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.showImgModal(index);
}, "contextmenu": function($event) {
return _setup.onCtxMenu($event, image);
}, "error": function($event) {
return _setup.onImageLoadError(image.previewUrl || "");
} } })] : _c2("v-img", { attrs: { "transition": "scroll-y-transition", "src": _setup.getImgSrc(image), "aspect-ratio": image == null ? void 0 : image.aspectRatio }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.showImgModal(index);
}, "contextmenu": function($event) {
return _setup.onCtxMenu($event, image);
}, "error": _setup.onImageLoadError }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "placeholder", fn: function() {
return [_c2("v-row", { staticClass: "fill-height ma-0", attrs: { "align": "center", "justify": "center" } }, [_c2("v-progress-circular", { attrs: { "indeterminate": "", "color": "deep-purple" } })], 1)];
}, proxy: true }], null, true) }), (image == null ? void 0 : image.fileExt.toLowerCase()) === "gif" ? _c2("v-icon", { staticClass: "posts-image-type" }, [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_setup.mdiFileGifBox) + " ")]) : _vm._e(), ["mp4", "webm"].includes(image == null ? void 0 : image.fileExt.toLowerCase()) ? _c2("v-icon", { staticClass: "posts-image-type" }, [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_setup.mdiVideo) + " ")]) : _vm._e(), _c2("div", { staticClass: "posts-image-actions" }, [_c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "icon": "", "color": "#fff", "title": _vm.$t("EsiorRgoeHI8h7IHMLDA4") }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.openDetail(image);
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiLinkVariant))])], 1), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "icon": "", "color": "#fff", "title": _vm.$t("hVmfDxXoj8vkgVQabEOSr") }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.addToSelectedList(image);
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiPlaylistPlus))])], 1), _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "icon": "", "color": "#fff", "title": _vm.$t("VpuyxZtIoDF9-YyOm0tK_") }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.downloadCtxPost(image);
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiDownload))])], 1), _setup.store.isYKSite ? _c2("v-btn", { attrs: { "icon": "", "color": "#fff", "title": _vm.$t("Dnnio9m9RZA6bkTLytc99") }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.addFavorite(image.id);
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiHeartPlusOutline))])], 1) : _vm._e()], 1)], 2);
}), 1), _c2("div", { staticClass: "d-flex justify-center" }, [_c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.store.requestState, expression: "store.requestState" }], attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" } }, [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("RN4dt81l_fZMWODsskZob")) + "... ")]), _c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showLoadMore, expression: "showLoadMore" }], attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.searchPosts();
} } }, [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("fC8XNfCl04zK7vgeaRZMQ")) + " ")]), _c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showNoMore, expression: "showNoMore" }], attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" } }, [_vm._v(" " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("Z4pa8GhgE63OGGvCqAld0")) + "... ")])], 1), _c2("v-menu", { attrs: { "position-x": _setup.x, "position-y": _setup.y, "absolute": "", "offset-y": "" }, model: { value: _setup.showMenu, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.showMenu = $$v;
}, expression: "showMenu" } }, [_c2("v-list", [_setup.store.isYKSite ? _c2("v-list-item", { on: { "click": _setup.addFavorite } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("Dnnio9m9RZA6bkTLytc99")))])], 1) : _vm._e(), _c2("v-list-item", { on: { "click": _setup.downloadCtxPost } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("VpuyxZtIoDF9-YyOm0tK_")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { on: { "click": _setup.openDetail } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("EsiorRgoeHI8h7IHMLDA4")))])], 1), _c2("v-list-item", { on: { "click": _setup.addToSelectedList } }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("hVmfDxXoj8vkgVQabEOSr")))])], 1)], 1)], 1), _c2("v-fab-transition", [_c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showFab, expression: "showFab" }], attrs: { "fab": "", "dark": "", "fixed": "", "bottom": "", "right": "", "color": "pink" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.refreshPosts();
} } }, [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiRefresh))])], 1)], 1), _c2(_setup.PostDetail)], 1) : _vm._e();
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$4 = [];
var __component__$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var PostList = __component__$4.exports;
var _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "PoolList",
setup(__props) {
const columnCount = Vue2.ref({
300: 1,
600: 1,
900: 2,
1200: 3,
1600: 4,
1920: 5,
2400: 6,
2700: 7,
3e3: 8,
default: 5
const noMore = Vue2.ref(false);
const showNoMore = Vue2.computed(() => !store.requestState && noMore.value);
const showLoadMore = Vue2.computed(() => !store.requestState && !noMore.value);
const page2 = Vue2.ref(Number(new URLSearchParams(location.search).get("page")) || 1);
const pools = Vue2.ref([]);
const loadData = async (query) => {
store.requestState = true;
try {
const results = await fetchPools(page2.value, query);
if (Array.isArray(results) && results.length > 0) {
pools.value = [...pools.value, ...results];
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.searchParams.set("page", page2.value.toString());
history.replaceState("", "", url);
} else {
noMore.value = true;
} catch (error) {
console.log("fetchPools error: ", error);
} finally {
store.requestState = false;
const viewPool = (id) => {
window.open(`/post?tags=pool%3A${id}&_wf=1`, "_blank");
const scrollFn = throttleScroll(() => {
if (noMore.value)
if (store.requestState)
notReachBottom() && loadData();
Vue2.onMounted(async () => {
await loadData();
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollFn);
eventBus.$on("loadPoolsByQuery", (query) => {
page2.value = 1;
pools.value = [];
Vue2.onUnmounted(() => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollFn);
return { __sfc: true, columnCount, noMore, showNoMore, showLoadMore, page: page2, pools, loadData, viewPool, scrollFn, mdiCalendarBlank, mdiCalendarEdit, mdiDownload, mdiLaunch, store };
var _sfc_render$3 = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("div", [_c2("masonry", { attrs: { "cols": _setup.columnCount, "gutter": "8px" } }, _vm._l(_setup.pools, function(item) {
return _c2("v-card", { key: item.id, staticClass: "mb-2" }, [_c2("v-img", { attrs: { "transition": "scroll-y-transition", "src": item.thumb, "height": "auto" } }), _c2("v-card-title", [_vm._v(_vm._s(item.name))]), _c2("v-card-subtitle", { staticClass: "pb-0" }, [_c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("span", _vm._g(_vm._b({ staticClass: "d-inline-block text-truncate", staticStyle: { "max-width": "100%" } }, "span", attrs, false), on), [_vm._v(_vm._s(item.description))])];
} }], null, true) }, [_c2("span", { staticStyle: { "display": "inline-block", "max-width": "500px" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(item.description))])])], 1), _c2("v-card-text", { staticClass: "pb-0" }, [_c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "small": "" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiCalendarBlank))]), _c2("span", { staticClass: "ml-1 mr-4" }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(item.created_at))]), _c2("v-icon", { attrs: { "small": "" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiCalendarEdit))]), _c2("span", { staticClass: "ml-1" }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(item.updated_at))])], 1), _c2("v-card-actions", [_c2("v-list-item", { staticClass: "grow" }, [_c2("v-list-item-avatar", [_c2("v-img", { staticClass: "elevation-6", attrs: { "alt": "", "src": `/data/avatars/${item.user_id}.jpg`, "lazy-src": "https://upload-bbs.mihoyo.com/upload/2022/08/13/190122060/f65e984cb2f5184ba167e461bfdeea55_8564255716639207386.png" } })], 1), _c2("v-row", { attrs: { "align": "center", "justify": "end" } }, [_c2("v-list-item-content", { staticClass: "ml-2" }, [_c2("v-list-item-title", [_c2("a", { attrs: { "href": `/pool/show/${item.id}`, "target": "_blank" } }, [_vm._v("Pool #" + _vm._s(item.id))])])], 1), _c2("v-chip", { staticClass: "mr-1" }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(item.post_count) + " " + _vm._s(_vm.$t("xJJTEE3nZ4HVXGFfiN-LC")))]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ attrs: { "icon": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.viewPool(item.id);
} } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiLaunch))])], 1)];
} }], null, true) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("tGi6xYfvStBmR8qduEmKX")))])]), _c2("v-tooltip", { attrs: { "bottom": "" }, scopedSlots: _vm._u([{ key: "activator", fn: function({ on, attrs }) {
return [_c2("v-btn", _vm._g(_vm._b({ attrs: { "icon": "", "href": `/pool/zip/${item.id}?jpeg=1` } }, "v-btn", attrs, false), on), [_c2("v-icon", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.mdiDownload))])], 1)];
} }], null, true) }, [_c2("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("Xtk-NnMgSQZmheJ87nbRV")))])])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1);
}), 1), _c2("div", { staticClass: "d-flex justify-center" }, [_c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.store.requestState, expression: "store.requestState" }], attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("RN4dt81l_fZMWODsskZob")) + "...")]), _c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showLoadMore, expression: "showLoadMore" }], attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" }, on: { "click": function($event) {
return _setup.loadData();
} } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("fC8XNfCl04zK7vgeaRZMQ")))]), _c2("v-btn", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.showNoMore, expression: "showNoMore" }], attrs: { "color": "primary", "text": "" } }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t("4hOFoP4M3ZkL3RiN7XOc8")))])], 1)], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$3 = [];
var __component__$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var PoolList = __component__$3.exports;
var _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "Snackbar",
setup(__props) {
const showSnackbar = Vue2.ref(false);
const snackbarText = Vue2.ref("");
const snackbarType = Vue2.ref("");
const snackbarTypeMap = Vue2.ref({
success: ["success", mdiCheckCircle],
error: ["red accent-2", mdiCloseCircle]
eventBus.$on("showSnackbar", (text, type) => {
snackbarText.value = text;
snackbarType.value = type || "";
showSnackbar.value = true;
return { __sfc: true, showSnackbar, snackbarText, snackbarType, snackbarTypeMap };
var _sfc_render$2 = function render() {
var _a2, _b2;
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-snackbar", { attrs: { "top": "", "color": (_a2 = _setup.snackbarTypeMap[_setup.snackbarType]) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0], "timeout": 2e3, "min-width": 160 }, model: { value: _setup.showSnackbar, callback: function($$v) {
_setup.showSnackbar = $$v;
}, expression: "showSnackbar" } }, [_c2("v-icon", { directives: [{ name: "show", rawName: "v-show", value: _setup.snackbarType, expression: "snackbarType" }] }, [_vm._v(_vm._s((_b2 = _setup.snackbarTypeMap[_setup.snackbarType]) == null ? void 0 : _b2[1]))]), _c2("span", { staticClass: "ml-2" }, [_vm._v(_vm._s(_setup.snackbarText))])], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$2 = [];
var __component__$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var Snackbar = __component__$2.exports;
var _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "AppContainer",
setup(__props) {
return { __sfc: true, PostList, PoolList, Snackbar, store };
var _sfc_render$1 = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-container", { staticClass: "_vcont pa-2", attrs: { "fluid": "" } }, [_setup.store.showPostList ? _c2(_setup.PostList) : _vm._e(), _setup.store.showPoolList ? _c2(_setup.PoolList) : _vm._e(), _c2(_setup.Snackbar)], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns$1 = [];
var __component__$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var AppContainer = __component__$1.exports;
var _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ Vue2.defineComponent({
__name: "App",
setup(__props) {
const vuetify = useVuetify();
Vue2.onMounted(() => {
const mode = localStorage.getItem("__darkmode") || "dark";
vuetify.theme.dark = mode === "dark";
return { __sfc: true, vuetify, AppBar, NavDrawer, SettingsDrawer, AppContainer };
var _sfc_render = function render() {
var _vm = this, _c2 = _vm._self._c, _setup = _vm._self._setupProxy;
return _c2("v-app", [_c2(_setup.AppBar), _c2(_setup.NavDrawer), _c2("v-main", { attrs: { "app": "" } }, [_c2(_setup.AppContainer), _c2(_setup.SettingsDrawer)], 1)], 1);
var _sfc_staticRenderFns = [];
var __component__ = /* @__PURE__ */ normalizeComponent(
var App = __component__.exports;
function initApp() {
Vue__default["default"].component("WfLayout", WfLayout);
const vuetify = installVuetify();
const app = new Vue__default["default"]({
render: (h) => h(App)
})(Vue, Vuetify, VueI18n, {XMLParser});});