- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Adblock4limbo.[greasyfork]
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/443290-adblock4limbo-adsremoveproject
- // @version 0.2025.03.23
- // @license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- // @description 毒奶去网页广告计划用户脚本 For Quantumult X & Surge & Shadowrocket & Loon & Stash & 油猴 ;1.新增页面右下角导航;2.通过 JavaScript 移除特定网站网页广告 —— 搜索引擎(Bing/Google)广告及内容农场结果清除/低端影视/欧乐影院/iyf爱壹帆/哔滴影视/Pornhub/Javbus/Supjav/Jable/MissAv/91porn/hitomi/紳士漫畫/禁漫天堂/等视频&ACG&小说&漫画网站上的弹窗广告&视频广告&Gif图片广告等,保持网页清爽干净无打扰! P.S. 欢迎提交issue
- // @author limbopro
- /**
- * ---------------------------
- * 毒奶去网页广告计划
- * Author: limbopro
- * 使用教程:https://limbopro.com/archives/12904.html
- * 联系博主:https://t.me/limboprobot
- * 电报群组:https://t.me/Adblock4limbo
- * FAQ:https://t.me/Adblock4limbo/21 常见问题与回答
- * Github:https://github.com/limbopro/Adblock4limbo
- * ---------------------------
- */
- /* 新增反馈&导航按钮&成人保护模式&页面锁(见页面右下角)
- // **【导航】使用指南(PC/Mac)**
- /// 按教程安装好油猴脚本
- /// 访问任意网站(绝大多数网站)
- /// 1.1 当页面右下角【导航按钮】消失后,1秒内连续按2次 ESC键 可唤出【导航页面】;
- /// 1.2 当页面右下角出现【导航按钮】时,此时只需再按一次 ESC键 可唤出【导航页面】;
- /// 1.3 当处于导航页面时,按ESC键 或点击空白处 可退出【导航页面】;
- /// 1.4 当处于导航页面时,按G键 或 空格键 可快速唤出【搜索框】,可快速进行搜索操作(同时会退出导航页面);
- /// 1.5 当处于导航页面时,按C键 可快速唤出【网页聊天】框,可快速提建议或反馈问题;
- /// 1.6 快速 【按3次ESC键】 可**快速开启页面锁🔒**(需设置锁屏密码🔑/仅对当前访问网站生效/如忘记密码可清除浏览器cookie)
- // **【导航】使用指南(iOS)**
- /// 按教程配置好相应重写/去广告分流
- /// 访问【目前在维护的网站目录】里的(绝大多数)网站
- /// 1.1 当页面右下角导航按钮消失后,点击页面右侧1/3空白处即可唤出【导航按钮】;
- /// 1.2 当页面右下角出现导航按钮时,点击按钮即可唤出【导航页面】;
- /// 1.3 页面空白处1秒内连续点击4-5次亦可唤出【导航页面】;
- /// 1.4 上下滑动页面亦可唤出【导航按钮】;
- // **【导航】使用指南(PC/Mac/iOS)**
- /// **成人保护模式**
- /// 仅针对部分主要成人网站生效
- /// 当你浏览成人网站时,切换到别的应用或页面再返回时,网站页面将被模糊
- /// 可在 导航 - **反馈/建议/功能设置//** 关闭成人保护模式;
- // **如何【全局隐藏/禁用右下角导航按钮以及成人保护模式(iOS)】**
- /// iOS QX/Stash/Surge/等用户
- /// 1.添加主机名, **limbopro.com**
- /// 2.添加重写, **匹配的url** 填写正则表达式 **Adblock4limbo.user.js** ,类型选择 **response-body/http-response**
- /// 3.**匹配的body**处 填写正则表达式 **daohangMode|adultMode** ,**替换**处 填写 **off**
- /// 4.daohangMode 代表导航,adultMode 代表成人保护模式,你可以都关闭或只关闭其一
- // **如何【全局隐藏/禁用右下角导航按钮以及成人保护模式(PC/Mac)】**
- /// PC/Mac 油猴用户...
- /// 进入 Tampermonkey 管理面板 - 找到 **Adblock4limbo.[github]**
- /// 找到 daohang_build() 大概在 210 多行
- /// 然后将 daohangMode/adultMode 的值修改成 false 即可
- /// ! 隐藏页面右下角导航🧭按钮🔘不影响PC/Mac端快捷键使用,移动端仍可1秒内连续点击页面空白处4-5次唤出【导航页面】;
- */
- // @match https://m.baidu.com/*
- // @match https://www.baidu.com/*
- // @match https://zhidao.baidu.com/*
- // @match https://ddrk.me/*
- // @match https://ddys.tv/*
- // @match https://ddys.pro/*
- // @match https://ddys.art/*
- // @match https://ddys2.me/*
- // @match https://ddys.mov/*
- // @match https://jable.tv/*
- // @match https://cupfoxapp.tv/
- // @match https://cnys.tv/*
- // @match https://m.iyf.tv/*
- // @match https://www.iyf.tv/*
- // @match https://en.jable.tv/*
- // @match https://*.jable.tv/*
- // @match https://www.btbdys.com/*
- // @match https://www.bdys01.com/*
- // @match https://www.bdys02.com/*
- // @match https://www.bdys03.com/*
- // @match https://www.bdys10.com/*
- // @match https://www.52bdys.com/*
- // @match https://cn.pornhub.com/*
- // @match https://www.pornhub.com/*
- // @match https://missav.com/*
- // @match https://91porn.com/*
- // @match https://91porna.com/*
- // @match https://www.91porn.com/*
- // @match https://avple.tv/*
- // @match https://18comic.org/*
- // @match https://18comic.vip/*
- // @match https://www.5dy5.cc/*
- // @match https://www.5dy6.cc/*
- // @match https://www.5dy7.cc/*
- // @match https://www.5dy8.cc/*
- // @match https://www.o8tv.com/*
- // @match https://www.555dd5.com/*
- // @match https://www.555dd6.com/*
- // @match https://www.555dd7.com/*
- // @match https://www.555dd8.com/*
- // @match https://555dyx1.com/*
- // @match https://555dyx3.com/*
- // @match https://555dyx4.com/*
- // @match https://555dyx5.com/*
- // @match https://o8tv.com/*
- // @match https://www.wnacg.com/*
- // @match https://www.wnacg.org/*
- // @match https://w.duboku.io/*
- // @match https://www.duboku.tv/*
- // @match https://www.libvio.com/*
- // @match https://www.libvio.pro/*
- // @match https://www.libvio.top/*
- // @match https://www.libvio.me/*
- // @match https://www.tvn.cc/*
- // @match https://m.tvn.cc/*
- // @match https://wap.tvn.cc/*
- // @match https://www.google.com/search*
- // @match https://www.google.com.hk/search*
- // @match https://www.bing.com/search?q=*
- // @match https://cn.bing.com/search?q=*
- // @match https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/*
- // @match https://www.zhihu.com/*
- // @match https://www.instagram.com/*
- // @match https://www.nbys.tv/*
- // @match https://www.ttsp.tv/*
- // @match http://www.tz659.com/*
- // @match https://anime1.me/*
- // @match https://m.yhdmp.cc/*
- // @match https://m.yhdmp.com/*
- // @match https://m.yhpdm.com/*
- // @match https://www.nivod5.com/*
- // @match https://m.nivod5.com/*
- // @match https://www.nivod4.tv/*
- // @match https://www.nivod8.tv/*
- // @match https://www.nivod9.tv/*
- // @match https://m.nivod4.tv/*
- // @match https://m.nivod8.tv/*
- // @match https://m.nivod9.tv/*
- // @include https://m.nivod*.tv/*
- // @include https://www.nivod*.tv/*
- // @match https://www.javbus.com/*
- // @match https://jav.land/*
- // @match https://cn1.91short.com/*
- // @match https://xiaobaotv.net/*
- // @match https://xiaobaotv.com/*
- // @match https://xiaoxintv.net/*
- // @match https://xiaoxintv.com/*
- // @match https://javday.tv/*
- // @match https://www.xvideos.com/*
- // @match https://4hu.tv/*
- // @match https://www.4hu.tv/*
- // @match https://netflav.com/*
- // @match https://javplayer.me/*
- // @match https://netflav5.com/*
- // @match https://filemoon.sx/*
- // @match https://emturbovid.com/*
- // @match https://netflavns1.com/*
- // @match https://fc2stream.tv/*
- // @match https://mmsw02.com/*
- // @match https://embedrise.com/*
- // @match https://mmfl02.com/*
- // @match https://netflavns2.com/*
- // @match https://supjav.com/*
- // @match https://hanime1.me/*
- // @match https://wangdoc.com/*
- // @match https://developer.mozilla.org/*
- // @match https://zh.javascript.info/*
- // @match https://deerchao.cn/*
- // @match https://gimy.ai/*
- // @match https://www.olevod.tv/*
- // @match https://www.olevod.com/*
- // @match https://www.olevod.one/*
- // @match https://t.me/*
- // @match https://hitomi.la/*
- // @match https://twitter.com/*
- // @match https://tameikegoro.jp/*
- // @match https://njav.tv/*
- // @match https://www.ntdm9.com/*
- // @match https://www.novel543.com/*
- // @match https://www.hltv.org/*
- // @match https://m.diyibanzhu.me/*
- // @match https://www.javlibrary.com/*
- // @match https://rouman5.com/*
- // @exclude https://limbopro.com/*
- // @exclude https://venus-av.com/*
- // @exclude https://developer.mozilla.org/
- // @exclude https://www.youtube.com/*
- // @exclude https://www.xvideos.com/*
- // @exclude https://www.xvideos.com/*
- // @exclude https://pan.baidu.com/*
- // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/478651/Twitter%20%E7%BD%91%E9%A1%B5%E7%89%88%E5%A4%9A%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91gif%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%5Blimbopro%5D.user.js
- // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=limbopro.com
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- /**
- * 为网页增加导航按钮,将位于页面右下角呈现;
- * 如需取消该按钮,请将如上调用代码注释;
- */
- // 是否(默认)开启导航🧭按钮🔘 moren
- // 如【不需要开启导航🧭按钮🔘】 可将 cookie 的值从 true 改为 false
- settingCookie('daohangMode_global', 'true', '400');
- console.log('是否(默认)开启导航🧭按钮🔘:' + getCookie_('daohangMode'))
- // 是否(默认)开启成人🔞网站保护模式
- // 如【不需要开启成人网站保护模式】 可将 cookie 的值从 true 改为 false
- settingCookie('adultMode', 'false', '400');
- console.log('是否(默认)开启成人🔞网站保护模式:' + getCookie_('adultMode'))
- // 是否开启导航🧭按钮🔘
- // 如【不需要开启导航🧭按钮🔘】可直接将 daohang_build() 进行注释
- // //daohang_build() 就像这样
- daohang_build();
- // 一些常量
- var imax = {
- js: {
- functionx: "https://greasyfork.org/scripts/477474-functionx4limbo-x/code/functionx4limboX.user.js",
- //functionx: "https://limbopro.com/Adguard/Adblock4limbo.function.js", // 全局js
- //duboku: "https://limbopro.com/Adguard/duboku.js", // 独播库
- avple: "https://limbopro.com/Adguard/avple.js", // avple 同步至 Greasy 时需注释
- //contentFarm: "https://limbopro.com/Adguard/contentFarm.js", // 内容农场
- contentFarm: 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/442253-%E5%B1%8F%E8%94%BD%E5%86%85%E5%AE%B9%E5%86%9C%E5%9C%BA-with-%E6%B2%B9%E7%8C%B4%E8%84%9A%E6%9C%AC/code/%E5%B1%8F%E8%94%BD%E5%86%85%E5%AE%B9%E5%86%9C%E5%9C%BA%EF%BC%88with%20%E6%B2%B9%E7%8C%B4%E8%84%9A%E6%9C%AC%EF%BC%89.user.js',
- },
- css: {
- globalcss: "https://limbopro.com/CSS/Adblock4limbo.user.css", // 全局
- othercss: ".jable_css { background: rgb(0, 172, 106) important; border-right:6px solid #28a745 !important;} .fontColor {color:green !important}", // 按钮输入框块等元素类
- libvio: ".container > .t-img-box:first-child, .hidden-log ,a[target=\"_blank\"] > .img-responsive ,.advertise ,#adsbox ,.t-img-box ,.inner-advertise ,.advertise {display: none! important;}", // libvio
- goole: "#tvcap,[data-text-ad] {display:none !important}", // 谷歌搜索广告
- avple: "#adsbox,.asg-overlay,.jss20,.jss13,iframe,span[class*=MuiSkeleton-root],.jss16 ,.MuiSkeleton-pulse.jss12.MuiSkeleton-rect.MuiSkeleton-root,[id*=KnvW],img[src*=\".gif\"],iframe[data-width] {display: none! important;}", // avple
- btbdys: "div[style*='z-index:999'],.artplayer-plugin-ads, .artplayer-plugin-ads, *#ad-float, a[href*='z2py'], a[href*='dodder'], .ayx[style^=\"position\: fixed;bottom\"],#ad-index,#adsbox,.ayx[style=\"display:block;\"],.ayx[style^=\"position: fixed;bottom\"],a[target*=_new] {display:none !important;}", // 哔滴影视
- switch: ".switch {display:none !important}",
- ddrk: "div#afc_sidebar_2842, div.cfa_popup, div[class*='popup'], #sajdhfbjwhe, #kasjbgih, #fkasjgf, img[src*='bcebos'] {opacity:0% !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- baidu_zhidao: "*,.ad-link:not(.adsbox), .ad-icon, .ec-ad, mdiv[class$='-ecom-ads'],div[class*='fc-'][tplid],.ec_ad_results, .ad-icon, .wpbyuwfarr-ecom-ads, div[class*=\"fc-\"][tplid], .w-question-list[data-sign], .ec-ad, {display:none !important;}",
- baidu_search: "div[style*=fixed],.ec_ad_results {display:none !important;} ", // baidu
- baidu_index: "a[data-tclog] > img, #foot, .recordcode, .index-copyright, div[style*='overflow'], .rn-container, .s-loading-frame.bottom {display:none !important;}",
- ddrk2: "body,div.post-content,a {overflow-x:hidden !important;}", // ddys
- jable: "body {overflow-x:hidden;} div.site-content {overflow-x:hidden!important;} div.text-center > a[target=_blank], li[class*='nav-item'] > a[target=_blank], div.asg-interstitial, div.asg-interstitial__mask, iframe, div[class*=\"exo\"], .exo-native-widget-outer-container, a[href*=\"trwl1\"], div[data-width=\"300\"], div.text-center.mb-e-30, div[data-width*=\"300\"], div[style*=\"300px\"], section[class*=\"justify\"], iframe[width=\"728\"][height=\"90\"], #site-content > div.container > section.pb-3.pb-e-lg-40.text-center, a[href*=\"\?banner=\"],[class*=\"root--\"],.badge,a[href=\"http\:\/\/uus52\.com/\"] {display :none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // Jable.tv
- test: "*, div,img {display: none !important}",
- tvn: "img[src*='gif'], iframe {display:none !important; pointer-events:none important;}",
- comic_18: "div.div2_sticky2, p > a[target=_blank], div.modal-body > a[target=_blank], li[class*='pop'] > a[target=_blank], li[class*='top'] > a[target=_blank], .modal-backdrop,[data-height*='90'],div[data-height='250'][data-width='300'],a[href^='http']:not([href*='18comic.']) > img ,#adsbox ,a[target='_blank'][rel*='nofollow'] > img[src*='.gif'] ,#guide-modal ,iframe[width='300'][height='250'] ,.modal-body > ul.pop-list,.adsbyexoclick,div[data-group^='skyscraper_'],.bot-per,.top-a2db,a[href*='.taobao.com'],div[data-height='264'][data-width='956'],div[style^='position: fixed; top:'],.bot-per.visible-xs.visible-sm {display: none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // 555电影网
- dy555: "div.module {z-index:1!important} div.popup.popup-tips.none.popupShow, a[target=\"_blank\"] img,.playtop.col-pd,a[href*=\"?channelCode=\"] > img[src*=\".com:\"],#adsbox,div.myui-panel.myui-panel-bg.clearfix.wapad {display:none !important}", // 555影院
- wnacg: "div > img[src*='gif'],div.sh,div > a[target='_blank'] > img {display:none !important}", // 绅士漫画
- missav: "a[href*=myavlive],[href*='bit.ly'],[href*='bit.ly'][target=_blank], a[href*='/vip'],img[src*='.gif'], iframe,#a[href*='//bit.ly/'],div[style*='z-index: 1001'],ul.space-y-2.mb-4.ml-4.list-disc.text-nord14,div.space-y-5.mb-5,div.under_player,div[style=\"width: 300px; height: 250px;\"] {display:none !important; pointer-events:none important;} body{overflow-x:hidden;}", // MissAV
- porna91: "a[href*='cloudfront'], div.filters, div.filters > div#videobox, div.row > div.col.col-24 { min-height: 0px !important; display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // 91porna
- porn91: "br, .ad_img,.preroll-blocker, img[href*='.gif'] {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // 91porn
- zhihuAds: "div.css-1izy64v,[class='Card AppBanner'],.Footer,.Banner-link,div.Pc-word {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- pornhubx: ".topAdContainter, a[href*='ads'], div.adContainer.clearfix.noBottom, .adContainer.clearfix.middleVideoAdContainer, div.adContainer.clearfix.noBottom, a[href*='fuck'][target='_blank'], [data-href][target='_blank'],iframe, a.ad#link, #header.hasAdAlert {grid-template-rows:60px 40px 0px !important} div.hd.clear, div > img[data-title][srcset], #js-networkBar,div#abAlert, .adsbytrafficjunky, #pb_template, .sponsor-text, #adsbox, .abAlertShown, .abAlertInner, #main-container > .abovePlayer, [rel*='noopener nofollow'],a[href^=\"http://ads.trafficjunky.net/\"], .topAdContainter,.adsbytrafficjunky,.ad-link {height:0px !important; display:none !important; pointer-events:none;}", // pornhub
- instagram: "div._aagw {display:none !important}", // 网页版Instagram不能复制图片的问题
- ttsp: "div#playad1,a[href*=\"8616.tech\"],.play_list_adbox,#adsbox,.ads_all > .ads_w,.ads_box,.right_ads {display:none !important}",
- tz659: "figure, img[src*='mt2.jpg'],img[src*='pf.gif'],[src*='.gif'], iframe {display:none !important}",
- anime: "div[id*=ad] {display:none !important}",
- yhdmp: ".yrtjbmnk_b, .hvitsutz_b {display :none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // 樱花动漫
- //nivod: "[style='text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;'], iframe, img[src*=gif], .video-ad, .nav-ads, #adDiv, .v-ad, .ad-text, #video-container + ul[style^=\"width:\"] > li > img {display: none !important; pointer-events:none important;}", // 泥巴影视视频左上角水印贴片 nivod
- nivod: "img[src*='1a732eeb1adb'], img[src*='49e8abd32d13'], span[style*='1a2d'],span[style*='0891'],[style='text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;'],.qy20-h-carousel__li:nth-child(-n+2), .qy20-h-carousel__li:nth-child(-1n+2), span[style*='d92ea585-0'],span[style*='3db8c0fd-218f-491f-b2b0-2057bd401a2d'], iframe, img[src*=gif], .video-ad, .nav-ads, #adDiv, .v-ad, .ad-text, #video-container + ul[style^=\"width:\"] > li > img {display: none !important; pointer-events:none important;}", // 泥巴影视视频左上角水印贴片 nivod
- _91short: "a[href*=lhiefl], a[href*=lol], div.shortcuts-mobile-overlay,div.xtbhkpvx_b,a[href*=cpa],img[src*=gif],#adsbox, div.adm {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- xiaobaotv: "",
- cupfoxapp: ".head_ad {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- iyf: "vg-pause-f, div.ad, .ad, .ad_tag, .dabf > .ng-star-inserted, .pggf > .ng-star-inserted {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- hltv: "div.close-container,.presented-by,.mid-container + div[id]:has(> a[href] > img[alt][src]),.kgN8P9bvyb2EqDJR,.mid-container {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- cnys: "div#player_pause, e#time_ad, div.vod-gg, img[src*='b02.gif'], #adsbox, #ADtip, .ec-ad {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
- google: "div.XDZKBc,.jnyxRd.TpRPV {display:none !important}",
- javday: "p[style], p > a {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;} ",
- xvideos: ".remove-ads-link, .remove-ads, .adsbyexoclick, #ad-header-mobile, .video-ad, #video-right, #ad-footer {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // xvideos
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- javland: "img[src*='.gif'], a[href^=\"https://go.rmhfrtnd.com/\"] {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}", // jav.land
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- hitomi: ".container > div[class$=\"content\"] > div[class]:has(> script) {display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}",
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- javlibrary: ".menutext.whenmobile {top:90px;z-index:114;} a[href*='redirect'] {display:none!important} #toplogo {height:64px} .videothumblist .videos {min-width:auto;}.titlebox.whenmobile{width:250px} #topmenu.whenmobile {height:70px;} .searchbar.whenmobile{right:2px} div.videothumblist.whenmobile {overflow:scroll!important;overflow-x:hidden!important;} div#rightcolumn.whenmobile {width:300px} #rightcolumn {right:90px} #leftmenu {width:90px; position:fixed;} div#content {width:auto !important} body.main { min-width: auto; width:auto !important} iframe,img[src*='gif'] , td.advsearch {display:none!important;pointer-events: none !important;}",
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- novel543: "iframe, div#adfoot, div.px-3.py-3, #adfoot, .gadBlock {height:0px; display:none !important; pointer-events: none !important;}"
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- },
- function: {
- }
- }
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- function values() {
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- "pornhub",
- "missav",
- "91porna",
- "91porn.",
- "avple",
- "18comic",
- "wnacg",
- "zhidao",
- "baidu",
- "ddys",
- "jable",
- "bdys",
- "google",
- "bing",
- "duboku",
- "libvio",
- "tvn",
- "www.5dy",
- "www.555dd",
- "o8tv",
- "555dyx",
- "instagram",
- "ttsp",
- "tz659",
- "nbys",
- "anime1",
- "yhpdm",
- "yhdmp",
- "nivod",
- "91short",
- "xiaobaotv",
- "xiaoxintv",
- "cupfoxapp",
- "iyf",
- "cnys",
- "javday",
- "xvideos",
- "javbus",
- "jav.land",
- "4hu",
- "netflav",
- "javplayer",
- "filemoon",
- "embedrise",
- "mmfl02",
- "mmsw02",
- "netflavns2",
- "supjav",
- "hanime1",
- "hitomi",
- "javlibrary",
- "emturbovid",
- 'netflavns1',
- 'fc2stream',
- 'douban',
- 'twitter',
- 'olevod',
- 'njav',
- 'ntdm9',
- 'rouman',
- 'novel543',
- 'diyibanzhu',
- 'hltv',
- "zhihu"
- ]
- var url = document.location.href;
- console.log("URL : " + url); // 看看当前 URL
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < adsDomain.length; i++) {
- if (url.indexOf(adsDomain[i]) !== -1) {
- var values = adsDomain[i]; // 释放参数值
- console.log("Catch it : " + values) // 看看控制台输出了个啥
- }
- }
- return values;
- }
- function adsDomain_switch(x) { // 匹配参数值 执行相应函数
- switch (x) {
- case 'pornhub':
- pornhub_interstitialPass();
- //tag_adsRemove("script", "ads_batch");
- const custom_style_values_pb = "right: 0px !important; padding: 0 !important; position: relative !important;"
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.pornhubx, 500, "pornhubX");
- setTimeout(() => {
- let ads_selector = [".topAdContainter", "a[href*='ads']", "a[href*='fuck']", "a[href*='ad']", "div.adContainer.clearfix.noBottom", ".adContainer.clearfix.middleVideoAdContainer"];
- let ads = setInterval(() => {
- ads_selector.forEach((x) => { selector_one_by_one(x) })
- console.log("清理还在继续..." + x)
- if (document.querySelectorAll(ads_selector).length == 0) {
- clearInterval(ads)
- console.log("清理计时器,ads移除完毕...")
- }
- }, 1000)
- }, 100)
- let cssText = "font-size: smaller !important; background: #2563eb !important; left: 0px; top: 110px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px;" + "padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px; display: inline-block; color: white;z-index: 114154 !important; border-right: 6px solid #38a3fd; border-left: #292f33 !important; border-top: #292f33 !important; border-bottom: #292f33 !important; background: #2563eb; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-weight: 800 !important; text-align: right !important;"
- setTimeout(() => {
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.ratingInfo, div.categoryRow.ratingDetails.sectionPadding", "href", "如何下载视频?", cssText, "https://limbopro.com/archives/M3U8-Downloader.html", "download_pornhub", 2, "a")
- if (document.getElementById("download_pornhub")) {
- document.getElementById("download_pornhub").style = "display: inline !important;";
- document.getElementById("download_pornhub").target = "_blank !important;";
- }
- }, 3000)
- pornhub_sidebar_ads();
- break;
- case '91porna':
- //cloudflare_captchaBypass();
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.porna91);
- //_91porn_videoplay_ads();
- // 播放页空白
- document.querySelectorAll("br").forEach((x) => {
- if (x.clientHeight = 0) {
- x.remove()
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- break;
- case '91porn.':
- //cloudflare_captchaBypass();
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.porn91);
- let url91 = document.location.href;
- if (url91.indexOf('view_') !== -1) {
- let play = setInterval(() => {
- if (document.querySelector('div.preroll-skip-button') !== null) {
- document.querySelector('div.preroll-skip-button').click();
- } else {
- clearInterval(play);
- }
- }, 1000)
- }
- //css_adsRemove(imax.css.porna91);
- //_91porn_videoplay_ads();
- // 播放页空白
- /*
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- if (x.clientHeight = 0) {
- x.remove()
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- */
- break;
- case 'avple':
- //cloudflare_captchaBypass();
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.avple);
- third_party_fileX("script", imax.js.avple, "body")
- break;
- case '18comic':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.comic_18);
- button_dynamicRemove("#chk_cover", 200);
- _18comic_adsRemove();
- break;
- case 'www.5dy':
- adsDomain_switch("555dyx")
- break;
- case 'o8tv':
- adsDomain_switch("555dyx")
- break;
- case 'www.555dd':
- adsDomain_switch("555dyx")
- break;
- case "555dyx":
- let www = setInterval(() => {
- if (document.querySelector('video')) {
- document.querySelector('video').style = 'opacity: 1; filter: contrast(1.01) brightness(1.05) saturate(1.1);'
- /* if (document.querySelector('video').loop == 'false') {
- document.querySelector('video').setAttribute('loop', '')
- }
- */
- console.log("画面增强设置成功...")
- clearInterval(www)
- }
- }, 1000)
- document.querySelectorAll('div.module').forEach((x) => { x.style.zIndex = 1 });
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.dy555, 0, "555dy")
- document.querySelectorAll('.popup-btn.close-pop')[0].click(); //模拟点击
- break;
- case 'wnacg':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.wnacg);
- break;
- case 'zhidao':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.baidu_zhidao)
- break;
- case 'baidu':
- console.log('Got u! baidu.com')
- let regex = /https?:\/\/(www|m)\.baidu\.com\/(from=|s\?)/gi
- window.location.href.search(regex) !== -1
- if (window.location.href.search(regex) !== -1) {
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.baidu_search);
- console.log('移除搜索结果广告🪧...')
- } else {
- adsDomain_switch("zhidao")
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.baidu_index);
- console.log('移首页广告🪧...')
- }
- break;
- case 'ddys':
- //css_adsRemove(imax.css.ddrk);
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.ddrk2);
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- var divx = document.createElement('div');
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- divx.style = 'display:none;'
- var body = document.querySelectorAll('body')[0];
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- var child = document.querySelectorAll('#sajdhfbjwhe,#kasjbgih,#fkasjgf')
- child.forEach((x) => {
- divx.appendChild(x);
- })
- break;
- case 'duboku':
- third_party_fileX("script", imax.js.duboku, "body")
- break;
- case 'libvio':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.libvio)
- break;
- case 'nbys':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.nivod);
- break;
- case 'ntdm9':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.ntdm9);
- const a = document.getElementsByClassName("yammohxz_b");
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- for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- a[i].style = "display: none !important; z-index:-114154; display:block; width:0vw; height:0";
- }
- break;
- case 'tvn':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.tvn)
- break;
- case 'jable': // 2333
- console.log("IT'S JABLE");
- window.onload = function () {
- if (document.location.href.search('search') !== -1) {
- let regex = /.*\/search\//;
- let code = window.location.pathname.replace(regex, '').replace('/', '').toLowerCase()
- setTimeout(() => {
- tmd('#list_videos_videos_list_search_result > nav', code, '试试其他搜索:');
- }, 2000)
- console.log("生成搜索链接🔗");
- }
- if (document.querySelector('.plyr__poster') !== null) { // 在其他站点播放
- let regex = /.*\/videos\//;
- let code = window.location.pathname.replace(regex, '').replace('/', '').toLowerCase();
- setTimeout(() => {
- tmd('h4', code, '在其他站点播放:');
- console.log("生成在其他站点播放链接🔗");
- }, 2000)
- }
- }()
- // 子域名跳转至主域名 jable.tv
- if (/\b(.*\.)(jable\.tv.*)\b/i.test(window.location.href.toLowerCase())) {
- console.log(window.location.href.toLowerCase())
- let url_jable_rewrite = window.location.href.toLowerCase().replace(/https:\/\/\w{2,3}\./i, "https://")
- console.log(url_jable_rewrite)
- window.location.replace(url_jable_rewrite)
- }
- // 去除首页广告
- if (document.querySelectorAll('div.col-6.col-sm-4.col-lg-3').length > 0) {
- document.querySelectorAll('div.col-6.col-sm-4.col-lg-3').forEach((x) => { // xxx
- if (x.querySelectorAll("[target='_blank']").length > 0) {
- x.style = "display: none !important; z-index:-114154; display:block; width:0vw; height:0";
- }
- })
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- css_adsRemove(imax.css.jable);
- jable_adsRemove();
- const url_jable = document.location.href;
- const reg_videos = /^https:\/\/jable\.tv\/videos/gi;
- if (url_jable.search(reg_videos) !== -1) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- let cssText = "margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; position: static; font-size: smaller !important; background: #2563eb !important; margin-right: 5px; padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px; display: inline-block; color: white; border-right: 6px solid #38a3fd; border-left: #292f33 !important; border-top: #292f33 !important; border-bottom: #292f33 !important; background: #2563eb; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-weight: 800 !important; text-align: right !important;"
- let cssText2 = "width:72px; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; position: static; font-size: smaller !important; background: #2563eb !important; margin-right: 5px; padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px; display: inline-block; color: white; border-right: 6px solid #38a3fd; border-left: #292f33 !important; border-top: #292f33 !important; border-bottom: #292f33 !important; background: #2563eb; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-weight: 800 !important; text-align: right !important;"
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.header-left > h6", "onclick", "code", cssText2, "", "avCodeCopy", 13, "input");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.header-left > h6", "onclick", "复制番号", cssText, "", "copyavCode", 14, "button");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.header-left > h6", "onclick", "", cssText, "", "copy", 15, "input");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.header-left > h6", "onclick", "复制M3U8文件地址", cssText, "", "jablex", 16, "button")
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.header-left > h6", "onclick", "如何下载视频?", cssText, "window.open(\"https://limbopro.com/archives/M3U8-Downloader.html\", \"_blank\")", "how", 17, "button");
- var regex = /[a-zA-Z]{3,5}\-\d{3,5}/i
- var avCode = document.querySelectorAll('h4')[0].innerText.match(regex)[0]
- //let avCode = window.location.pathname.replace('/videos/', '').replace('/', '')
- let input = document.querySelector('#avCodeCopy')
- input.value = avCode
- // 添加监听器
- addListenerById("jablex", () => { copyText("copy", "jablex", "复制M3U8文件地址") }, 0);
- addListenerById("copyavCode", () => { avCodeCopy() }, 0);
- }, 3000)
- function avCodeCopy() {
- // 复制工作开始
- let civ = document.querySelector('#avCodeCopy')
- civ.select()
- document.execCommand('copy')
- // 复制工作结束
- document.querySelector('#copyavCode').innerHTML = '复制成功!'
- document.querySelector('#copyavCode').setAttribute('class', 'jable_css')
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelector('#copyavCode').innerHTML = '复制番号'
- document.querySelector('#copyavCode').className = ''
- }, 1500)
- //}, 0)
- }
- setTimeout(() => { repeat_regex.forEach(m3u8_tempt) }, 4000);
- }
- break;
- case 'bdys':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.btbdys, 0, "siwtch_button");
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.switch, 0, "switch_class")
- //videoAds_accelerateSkip(0.1); // 视频广告加速
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- hrefAttribute_set();
- if (document.querySelectorAll('li[data-increase]')[1] !== null) {
- document.querySelectorAll('li[data-increase]')[1].click()
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- var url = document.location.href;
- if (url == "https://www.bdys10.com/" || url == "https://www.bdys03.com/") {
- if (!document.getElementById("bdys")) {
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.container-xl", "onclick", "隐藏公告", "position:inherit; right:92px;" + "padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px; display: inline-block; color: white;z-index: 114154 !important; border-right: 6px solid #38a3fd; border-left: #292f33 !important; border-top: #292f33 !important; border-bottom: #292f33 !important; background: #2563eb; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-weight: 800 !important; text-align: right !important;", "", "bdys", 1, "button");
- addListenerById("bdys", () => { notice_hidden("div.col-12") }, 2000);
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- if (getCookie_("hidden") == 1) {
- notice_hidden("div.col-12");
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'instagram':
- // 解除 Instagram 桌面浏览器版禁用右键复制图片
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.instagram);
- break;
- case 'ttsp':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.ttsp);
- break;
- case 'tz659':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.tz659);
- //tag_ads_traversal("body", 0)
- break;
- case 'anime1':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.anime);
- break;
- case 'yhdmp':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.yhdmp);
- break;
- case 'yhpdm':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.yhdmp);
- break;
- case 'google':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.google);
- var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- if (/\b(mobile)\b/i.test(userAgent)) {
- js_adsRemove(imax.js.contentFarm);
- console.log("getYou") // 手机用户 特别是苹果用户会正常加载内容农场脚本
- } else {
- js_adsRemove(imax.js.contentFarm);
- console.log("PC端") // 啥也不做
- }
- //var goole_selector = "h3,#bres,[class*='AuVD wHYlTd mnr-c']";
- //setAttribute_after(goole_selector, "contentFarm_AdsRemove_Auto()");
- break;
- case 'bing':
- js_adsRemove(imax.js.contentFarm);
- break;
- case 'hltv':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.hltv);
- noWindowOpenIf(); // no-window-open-if
- break;
- case 'nivod': // nbys 泥巴影视
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.nivod);
- hrefAttribute_set();
- setConstant('detailParams.is_ad_play', 'false'); // 泥巴影视PC版播放页视频广告加速
- evaldataPrune(); // 泥巴影视移动版播放页视频广告加速
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.nbys); // 网页图片广告
- setInterval(() => {
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- remove_parentElement_by_child("li.qy20-h-carousel__li", "span[style*='1a2d']");
- }, 2000)
- break;
- case '91short':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css._91short);
- // 播放页GIF动图广告
- const player_info = document.querySelectorAll("div.player-info,li.nav-menu-item")
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- const selector = ['div > a[href][target=_blank]', 'a[href*=kyty]']
- if (player_info[i].querySelectorAll(selector).length >= 1) {
- player_info[i].style = "display: none !important;";
- }
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- // 多余的高
- document.querySelector("div.highlight-box").style = "display: none !important;";
- addEventListener_defuser("touchend"); // 打断监听器
- break;
- case 'xiaobaotv':
- // nothing to do.
- break;
- case 'cupfoxapp':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.cupfoxapp, 100, 'fuckcupfoxapp');
- break;
- case 'iyf':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.iyf, 100, 'fuckiyf');
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- setTimeout(() => {
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- document.querySelectorAll(iyf_css).forEach((x) => {
- x.style = 'display:none;height:0px;'
- })
- }, 1500)
- }
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- aopr();
- window.onload = function iyf_hd_switch() {
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- setTimeout(() => {
- let hd = document.querySelectorAll('li[data-v-7f52b4c5')
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- console.log(x.className)
- if (x.className.search('vip|button') == -1) {
- if (x.className !== 'active') {
- x.click()
- console.log('点击...')
- }
- console.log('此前已点击...')
- if (document.querySelector('.van-overlay').style.display !== 'none'
- ) {
- document.querySelector('.van-overlay').click()
- }
- }
- })
- }, 1500)
- }
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- a.style = 'position:absolute;right:9px;top:0%;color:aqua;z-index:114154;'
- a.id = id
- a.textContent = '返回首页🏠'
- let parentElement = document.querySelector(x)
- parentElement.appendChild(a)
- console.log('生成首页按钮')
- }
- if (document.querySelector('#' + id)) {
- console.log('Got u!')
- } else {
- newx();
- }
- }
- }
- function newx() {
- setTimeout(() => {
- index('.play_info', 'iyf_index')
- //index('div.player-container', 'iyf_news')
- }
- , 1500)
- }
- newx();
- var currentUrl = window.location.href;
- setInterval(function () {
- if (window.location.href !== currentUrl) {
- console.log('URL发生变化');
- newx();
- currentUrl = window.location.href;
- }
- }, 2000);
- videoAds_accelerateSkip(0.1); // 视频广告加速
- setConstant(); // 视频广告加速
- break;
- case 'cnys':
- // nothing to do.
- //videoAds_accelerateSkip(0.1); // 视频广告加速
- //setConstant(); // 视频广告加速
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.cnys, 0, 'cnys')
- if (document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2] !== null && document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2] !== undefined) {
- document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].style = 'opacity:0% !important; pointer-events: none !important;';
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].style = 'opacity:1 !important; pointer-events: auto !important;';
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].querySelectorAll('div#player_pause')[0].style = 'display:none !important';
- setTimeout(() => {
- //document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].querySelectorAll('button.yzmplayer-icon.yzmplayer-play-icon')[0].click();
- document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].querySelectorAll('button.yzmplayer-icon.yzmplayer-play-icon')[0].addEventListener('touchend', function () {
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].querySelectorAll('div#player_pause')[0].style = 'display:none !important';
- }, 10);
- });
- }, 1000)
- }, 3000)
- }, 7500)
- }
- //document.querySelectorAll('iframe')[2].contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].querySelectorAll('#ADtip')[0].style = 'display:none';
- break;
- case 'xiaoxintv':
- // nothing to do.
- adsDomain_switch("xiaobaotv")
- break;
- case 'javday':
- // nothing to do.
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.javday, 0, 'javday')
- break;
- case 'xvideos':
- setInterval(() => {
- if (!document.getElementById('xvideos_t')) {
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.xvideos, 100, "xvideos_t");
- noWindowOpenIf();
- } else {
- noWindowOpenIf();
- }
- }, 1000)
- break;
- case 'javbus':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.javbus, 0, "javbus");
- function javbus() { // 在番号详情页追加在线预览链接
- setTimeout(() => {
- let father = 'div.col-md-3.info';
- let code = window.location.pathname.replace('/', '')
- let url = window.location.href
- let regx = /[a-zA-Z]{3,5}\-\d{3,5}/i
- if (url.search(regx) !== -1) {
- tmd(father, code, '在线预览: ')
- } else {
- console.log('当前网站不不匹配')
- }
- }, 2000)
- }
- javbus()
- break;
- case 'jav.land': // 444
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.javland, 0, "javland");
- function jav() {
- if (document.querySelectorAll('td[width="80%"]')[1] !== null) {
- let code = document.querySelectorAll('td[width="80%"]')[1].textContent
- // 在番号详情页追加在线预览链接
- function tmd(parentsSelector, code, textContent) {
- function otherSearch() {
- // 试试其他搜索:
- let parentElement = document.querySelectorAll(parentsSelector)[0]
- let p1 = document.createElement('p')
- p1.id = 'p1'
- p1.style = 'margin:10px 0px 0px 0px; border-left:6px solid #38a3fd; font-size:14px; border-radius: 4px !important;box-shadow: rgb(151, 151, 151) 0px 0px 0px 0px inset; /*inset 0px 0px 15px 3px #979797;*/ background:#10141f; color:chocolate; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;word-break:break-all;border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px'
- let p2 = document.createElement('p')
- p2.style = 'padding-left:6px;font-weight:inherit; padding:6px; word-break:break-all;font-size:inherit;border-radius:0px'
- p2.id = 'p2'
- p1.appendChild(p2)
- parentElement.insertBefore(p1, parentElement.childNodes[2])
- let span = document.createElement('span')
- span.style = 'font-weight:bolder;font-size:medium;color:bisque;'
- span.textContent = textContent
- p2.appendChild(span)
- function aAdd2Parent(siteName, url, codeSlect) {
- let a = document.createElement('a')
- let lable = document.createElement('label')
- lable.style = 'font-weight:inherit;display:inline-block;max-width:100%;margin-right:10px;'
- a.href = url + codeSlect
- a.textContent = siteName
- a.target = '_blank'
- a.style = 'color:inherit;/*text-decoration:revert !important;*/ font-weight:inherit'
- lable.appendChild(a)
- p2.appendChild(lable)
- }
- aAdd2Parent('MissAV[720P]', 'https://missav.com/search', '/' + code)
- aAdd2Parent('Jable[HD]', 'https://jable.tv/search', '/' + code + '/')
- aAdd2Parent('Supjav[ultraHD]', 'https://supjav.com/?s=', code)
- aAdd2Parent('番号搜索[聚合]', 'https://limbopro.com/btsearch.html#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=', code + "&gsc.sort=")
- aAdd2Parent('谷歌搜索🔍', 'https://www.google.com/search?q=', code)
- aAdd2Parent('Javbus📖', 'https://www.javbus.com/search/', code + '&type=&parent=ce')
- console.log('已生成在线预览链接🔗')
- }
- otherSearch()
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- tmd('.col-md-6.col-sm-12.col-xs-12', code, '在线预览: ');
- }, 100)
- }
- }
- jav();
- break;
- case "4hu":
- css_adsRemove(imax.css._4hu);
- hrefAttribute_set();
- break;
- case "netflav":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.netflav, 0, "4hu");
- break;
- case "filemoon":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "embedrise":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "mmfl02":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "mmsw02":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "emturbovid":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "netflavns1":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.js_common, 50, 'common');
- break;
- case "netflavns2":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "fc2stream":
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- abort_on_property_read('__Y');
- break;
- case "javplayer":
- adsDomain_switch("fc2stream")
- break;
- case "supjav":
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.supjav, 0, "superjav");
- window.onload = function () {
- if (document.location.href.search('/?s\=') !== -1) {
- let regex = /.*\/\?s=/;
- let code = window.location.href.replace(regex, '').replace('/', '').toLowerCase();
- setTimeout(() => {
- tmd('div.archive-title', code, '试试其他搜索:');
- }, 2000)
- console.log("生成搜索链接🔗");
- }
- if (document.querySelector('#player-wrap') !== null) { // 在其他站点播放
- var regex = /[a-zA-Z]{3,5}\-\d{3,5}/i
- var code = document.querySelectorAll('title')[0].innerText.match(regex)[0]
- setTimeout(() => {
- tmd('h1', code, '在其他站点播放:');
- }, 2000)
- }
- }()
- noWindowOpenIf('window.open')
- noWindowOpenIf('touchend')
- break;
- case "njav":
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.njav, 0, 'njav');
- js_adsRemove(uBlockOrigin.setconstant);
- js_adsRemove(uBlockOrigin.nowindowopenif);
- noWindowOpenIf('window.open')
- noWindowOpenIf('touchend')
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case "hitomi":
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.hitomi);
- window_open_defuser();
- abort_on_property_read();
- js_adsRemove(uBlockOrigin.addEventListenerdefuser);
- js_adsRemove(uBlockOrigin.noevalif);
- break;
- case "hanime1":
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.hanime1);
- const div = document.querySelectorAll('div.hidden-xs.hidden-sm')
- // PC 端div元素广告移除
- for (i = 0; i < div.length; i++) {
- if (div[i].querySelectorAll('iframe').length > 0) {
- div[i].style = "display: none !important;";
- }
- }
- /*
- let ads = document.querySelectorAll('div.hidden-sm.hidden-md');
- for (i = 0; i < ads.length; i++) {
- if (ads[i].querySelectorAll("a[href*='abs']")) {
- ads[i].remove();
- }
- }
- */
- break;
- case "javlibrary":
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.javlibrary)
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- abort_on_property_read();
- js_adsRemove(uBlockOrigin.addEventListenerdefuser);
- js_adsRemove(uBlockOrigin.noevalif);
- if (/\b(https:\/\/www.javlibrary.com\/.*?)(\/videoreviews.php)(\?.*)(&mode=2)\b/i.test(window.location.href.toLowerCase())) {
- console.log(window.location.href.toLowerCase())
- let url_jav_rewrite = window.location.href.toLowerCase().replace(/(videoreviews.php)/i, '').replace(/(&mode=2)/i, '')
- console.log(url_jav_rewrite)
- window.location.replace(url_jav_rewrite)
- }
- function javlibrary() {
- // '#topmenu', 'div.menutext', '.searchbar',
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.javlibrary);
- var target_ = ['#rightcolumn', '.videothumblist', '.titlebox', '.menutext']
- if (window.innerWidth < 650) {
- console.log("现在执行缩小任务")
- function ifAdd(target) {
- if (document.querySelectorAll(target)[0]) {
- document.querySelectorAll(target)[0].classList.add('whenmobile')
- }
- }
- target_.forEach(ifAdd);
- if (document.querySelector('div#rightcolumn')) {
- var parentElement = document.querySelector('div#rightcolumn')
- if (document.querySelectorAll("td[style='vertical-align: top;']")[1]) {
- var child = document.querySelectorAll("td[style='vertical-align: top;']")[1];
- }
- if (document.querySelector('div.socialmedia')) {
- var insertBeforethisgay = document.querySelector('div.socialmedia');
- }
- if ((child) && (parentElement) && (insertBeforethisgay)) {
- parentElement.insertBefore(child, insertBeforethisgay)
- }
- document.querySelectorAll('td.t>div').forEach((x) => {
- x.style.width = 'auto';
- })
- }
- if (document.querySelector('div#video_title')) {
- document.querySelector('#rightcolumn').style.width = window.innerWidth - 90 + "px"
- document.querySelector('div#video_favorite_edit').style.width = '250px'
- }
- } else {
- console.log("现在执行扩大任务")
- if (document.querySelector('div#video_title')) {
- document.querySelector('#rightcolumn').style.width = window.innerWidth + "px"
- document.querySelector('div#video_favorite_edit').style.width = 'auto'
- }
- function ifRemove(target) {
- if (document.querySelectorAll(target)[0]) {
- document.querySelectorAll(target)[0].classList.remove('whenmobile')
- }
- }
- target_.forEach(ifRemove);
- }
- }
- javlibrary(); // 2333
- zjpl()
- function zjpl() {
- setTimeout(() => { // 最佳评论页 调换位置
- javlibrary();
- if (document.querySelectorAll('td.info')[0]) {
- document.querySelectorAll('td.info').forEach((x) => {
- x.style.width = "60px"
- x.querySelectorAll('*').forEach((y) => {
- // y.style.width = "60px"
- })
- })
- var ff = document.querySelectorAll("table.comment > tbody > tr");
- for (i = 0; i < ff.length; i++) {
- ff[i].insertBefore(ff[i].querySelectorAll('td')[1], ff[i].querySelectorAll('td')[0])
- }
- }
- }, 1500)
- }
- function javLibrary_links() { // 在番号详情页追加在线预览链接
- setTimeout(() => {
- let father = 'div#video_info'
- //let code = window.location.pathname.replace('/', '')
- let code = document.querySelectorAll('td.text')[0].textContent
- let url = window.location.href
- //let regx = /[a-zA-Z]{3,5}\-\d{3,5}/i
- let regx = /www\.javlibrary\.com\/cn\/\?v\=jav/i
- if (url.search(regx) !== -1) {
- tmd(father, code, '在线预览: ')
- } else {
- console.log('当前网站不不匹配')
- }
- }, 2000)
- }
- javLibrary_links()
- case 'douban':
- if (document.querySelectorAll('a.Ims1t')[0]) {
- alert("首页...")
- document.querySelectorAll('a.Ims1t').forEach((x) => { x.href = 'https://movie.douban.com/top250' })
- }
- break;
- break;
- case 'zhihu':
- var zhihu_id = "zhihux"
- button_dynamicRemove("[class='Button Modal-closeButton Button--plain']", 10);
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.zhihuAds, 100, "hloyx");
- indexLogin();
- addListener("div.TopNavBar-tab-d8yaD", () => { indexLogin() });
- break;
- case 'olevod':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.olevod, 0, 'fuckolevod');
- setTimeout(() => {
- onAdsHide()
- }, 500)
- break;
- case 'rouman':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.rouman, 100, 'roumanx');
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelectorAll("div[class*='modalCloseButton']")[0].click()
- }, 500)
- break;
- case 'novel543':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.novel543, 100, 'novel543x');
- break;
- case 'diyibanzhu':
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.diyibanzhu, 100, 'novel543x');
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- break;
- case 'missav':
- window.onload = function () {
- if (document.location.href.search('search') !== -1) {
- let regex = /.*\/search\//;
- let code = window.location.pathname.replace(regex, '').replace('/', '').toLowerCase()
- setTimeout(() => {
- tmd('h1', code, '试试其他搜索:');
- }, 2000)
- console.log("生成搜索链接🔗");
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (document.querySelector('.plyr__poster') !== null) { // 播放页插入其他站点播放链接
- let code = document.querySelectorAll('span.font-medium')[0].textContent;
- tmd('span.font-medium', code, '在其他站点播放:');
- console.log("生成在其他站点播放链接🔗");
- }
- }, 2000)
- }()
- css_adsRemove(imax.css.missav, 100, 'missavx');
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- var ua_missav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- var mobile_missav = "mobile";
- //cloudflare_captchaBypass();
- setTimeout(() => {
- let cssText = "font-size: smaller !important; background: #2563eb !important; left: 0px; top: 110px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px;" + "padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px; display: inline-block; color: white;z-index: 114154 !important; border-right: 6px solid #38a3fd; border-left: #292f33 !important; border-top: #292f33 !important; border-bottom: #292f33 !important; background: #2563eb; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-weight: 800 !important; text-align: right !important;"
- if (ua_missav.indexOf(mobile_missav) === -1) {
- if (document.querySelector('div.mt-4') !== null && document.querySelector('div.mt-4').querySelector('h1') !== null) {
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "onclick", "离开页面视频继续播放", cssText, "", "missavX", 2, "button");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "onclick", "暂停", cssText, "", "missavP", 3, "button");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "href", "如何下载视频", cssText, "https://limbopro.com/archives/M3U8-Downloader.html", "how", 4, "a");
- }
- if (document.getElementById("how") !== null) {
- document.getElementById("how").target = "_blank";
- }
- // 添加监听器
- if (document.getElementById("missavX")) {
- addListenerById("missavX", () => { video_loopPlay('loop') }, 1000);
- }
- if (document.getElementById("missavP")) {
- addListenerById("missavP", () => { video_loopPlay('pause') }, 1000);
- }
- } else if (ua_missav.indexOf(mobile_missav) > -1) {
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "onclick", "免广告播放", cssText, "video_Play()", "missavX", 0, "button");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "onclick", "进入全屏", cssText, "fullscreen()", "missavFullScreen", 2, "button");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "onclick", "暂停", cssText, "video_pause()", "missavPause", 1, "button");
- ele_dynamicAppend("div.mt-4", "href", "如何下载视频", cssText, "https://limbopro.com/archives/M3U8-Downloader.html", "how", 4, "a");
- // 添加监听器
- if (document.getElementById("how") !== null) {
- document.getElementById("how").target = "_blank";
- }
- addListenerById("missavX", () => { video_Play() }, 1000);
- addListenerById("missavFullScreen", () => { fullscreen() }, 1000);
- addListenerById("missavPause", () => { video_pause() }, 1000);
- }
- }, 3000)
- break;
- default:
- // 修正 case 中 default 的匹配规则 10.25.203
- if (/\b(netflav|missav|jable)\b/i.test(window.location.href.toLowerCase())) {
- if (document.querySelector('video')) {
- abort_on_property_read('__Y');
- window_open_defuser(); // 打断 window.open 施法
- }
- }
- console.log("Catch Nothing! DEFAULT!");
- //alert('DEFAULT!CATCH!')
- }
- }
- adsDomain_switch(values()) // 动手吧
- function daohang_build() { // 如果导航按钮不存在,则引入外部脚本进行创建;
- var csp_regex = new RegExp(/\b(twitter|xvideos)\b/i);
- //if (!(csp_regex.test(window.location.href.toLowerCase()))) {
- if (csp_regex.test(window.location.href.toLowerCase()) && !(/\b(mobile)\b/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))) {
- console.log('CSP + PC, SO DO NOTING.')
- } else if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('91porn.') !== -1) {
- console.log('SO DO NOTING.')
- } else {
- let daohang = setInterval(() => {
- if (!((document.querySelector("button#x4Home")) && (document.querySelector("script[src*='Adblock4limbo.function.js']")))) {
- third_party_fileX("script", imax.js.functionx, "body"); // js 外部引用 标签 <script>
- console.log('functionx.js 首次引用成功,等待生效...')
- clearInterval(daohang);
- } else if (document.querySelectorAll("button#x4Home").length >= 1) {
- clearInterval(daohang);
- console.log('functionx.js 引用成功,等待生效...')
- }
- }, 500);
- }
- }
- // 按根据父元素是否包含子元素而删除父元素
- function remove_parentElement_by_child(parentElement, child) {
- let remove_parentElement_by_child_interval = setInterval(() => {
- if (document.querySelector(parentElement + ">" + child)) {
- document.querySelectorAll(parentElement).forEach((x) => {
- if (x.querySelector(child)) {
- x.remove();
- clearInterval(remove_parentElement_by_child_interval);
- }
- })
- }
- }, 1000)
- }
- // 无数函数及方法的组合使脚本更灵活
- // 自动跳过 pornhub interstitial 插页式广告
- function pornhub_interstitialPass() {
- const ele_skip = "[onclick*='clearModalCookie']"
- const exist = document.querySelectorAll(ele_skip);
- if (document.querySelectorAll(ele_skip).length > 0) {
- const href = exist[1].href;
- window.location = href;
- }
- }
- // 设置 cookie // 18comic Javascript
- function _18comic_adsRemove() {
- document.cookie = "cover=1";
- document.cookie = "shunt=1";
- document.cookie = "guide=1";
- }
- // 设置 cookie // missAv Javascript
- function missAv_adsRemove() {
- document.cookie = "_gat_UA-177787578-7; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
- }
- // 设置 Cookie // 任意
- function set_cookie(name, value) {
- document.cookie = name + '=' + value + '; Path=/;';
- }
- // 通过CSS选择器隐藏广告样式
- function selector_adsRemove(selector, time) {
- var i;
- setTimeout(() => {
- var nodelists = document.querySelectorAll(selector)
- for (i = 0; i < nodelists.length; i++) {
- //nodelists[i].remove();
- nodelists[i].style = "display: none !important;"
- }
- }, time)
- }
- // 设置 cookie 并移除特定元素
- function jable_adsRemove() { // Cookie 设定及注入
- document.cookie = "ts_popunder=1";
- document.cookie = "kt_tcookie=1";
- document.cookie = "asgsc262182=2";
- var adsDomain = [
- 'r.trwl1.com',
- 'r.www.com'
- ];
- const div = document.querySelectorAll("div.col-6.col-sm-4.col-lg-3, div.col-6.col-sm-4.col-xl-3, div.col-6.col-sm-4.col-lg-12")
- for (x = 0; x < div.length; x++) {
- if (div[x].querySelectorAll("script, a[href*=trackwilltrk]").length >= 1) {
- div[x].style = "display: none !important; pointer-events: none !important;"
- }
- }
- }
- // 移除 某个 tag标签
- function tag_adsRemove(tagname, keyword) {
- var i;
- var tag = document.getElementsByTagName(tagname);
- for (i = 0; i < tag.length; i++) {
- if (tag[i].src.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) {
- tag[i].remove()
- }
- if (tag[i].innerHTML.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) {
- tag[i].remove()
- }
- }
- }
- // 在页面动态插入元素并赋予相应元素
- function ele_dynamicAppend(selector, attribute, txt, style, func, id, array, tag) {
- let new_ele = document.createElement(tag);
- new_ele.innerHTML = txt;
- new_ele.setAttribute(attribute, func);
- new_ele.setAttribute("id", id);
- new_ele.setAttribute("style", style);
- var here = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
- if (here.length > 0) {
- here[0].insertBefore(new_ele, here[0].childNodes[array])
- //here[0].appendChild(new_ele);
- console.log("按钮已添加")
- }
- }
- // Cloudflare recaptcha 绕过
- function cloudflare_captchaBypass() {
- var title = document.title;
- if (title.search("Cloudflare") !== -1 || title.search("Attention") !== -1) {
- window.location.reload();
- console.log("captchaBypass done;")
- };
- }
- // missav 广告移除后导致的空白
- function div_ad_missav() {
- let div_ad = document.querySelectorAll('div.mx-auto[style]')
- for (i = 0; i < div_ad.length; i++) {
- if (div_ad[i].querySelectorAll('[target=\'_blank\']').length >= 1) {
- div_ad[i].style.height = '0px'
- }
- }
- }
- /* 循环播放 missAV */
- var timer = null;
- var timerlist = [];
- function video_loopPlay(x) {
- if (x === 'loop') {
- intval = window.setInterval(missAv_playbutton, 1000)
- } else if (x === 'pause') {
- if (intval) {
- timerlist.forEach((item, index) => { // 清理监听事件移除
- clearInterval(item);
- })
- video_pause();
- }
- }
- }
- function missAv_playbutton() {
- timerlist.push(intval);
- var ele_catch = document.querySelectorAll("video[preload='none'],video#player");
- if (ele_catch.length > 0) {
- ele_catch[0].play();
- //ele_catch[1].play();
- //console.log("视频已开启循环播放;")
- }
- }
- /* 播放 */
- function window_play() {
- window.player.play()
- }
- /* 播放 */
- function video_Play() {
- //setInterval(function () {
- var ele = ["video[preload='none'],video#player"];
- var ele_catch = document.querySelectorAll(ele);
- if (ele_catch.length > 0) {
- ele_catch[0].play();
- ele_catch[1].play();
- console.log("视频已开始播放;")
- }
- //}, 1000)
- }
- /* 全屏 */
- function fullscreen() {
- const fullScreen = document.querySelector('button[data-plyr=\'fullscreen\']');
- fullScreen.click()
- //fullScreen.requestFullscreen();
- //const fullScreen = document.querySelector('div.plyr__video-wrapper');
- //fullScreen.requestFullscreen();
- }
- /* 全屏 */
- function fullscreen_backup() {
- //setInterval(function () {
- var ele = [".plyr--fullscreen-enabled [data-plyr=fullscreen]"];
- var ele_catch = document.querySelectorAll(ele);
- if (ele_catch.length > 0) {
- ele_catch[0].click();
- //ele_catch[1].click();
- console.log("视频已全屏;")
- }
- //}, 1000)
- }
- /* 暂停 */
- function window_pause() {
- window.player.pause()
- }
- /* 暂停 */
- function video_pause() {
- //setInterval(function () {
- var ele = ["video[preload='none'],video#player"];
- var ele_catch = document.querySelectorAll(ele);
- if (ele_catch.length > 0) {
- ele_catch[0].pause();
- ele_catch[1].pause();
- console.log("视频已暂停;")
- }
- //}, 1000)
- }
- /* 延后播放 */
- function video_delayPlay(time) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- var ele = ["video[preload='none'],video#player"];
- var ele_catch = document.querySelector(ele);
- if (ele_catch) {
- ele_catch.play()
- console.log("视频已延后播放;")
- }
- }, time)
- }
- /* 添加监听器 bySelector*/
- function addListener(selector, funx) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- var ele = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
- for (let index = 0; index < ele.length; index++) {
- ele[index].addEventListener("click", funx, false)
- }
- }, 1000)
- }
- /* 添加监听器 byID */
- function addListenerById(id, funx, time) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (document.getElementById(id) !== null) {
- var eleById = document.getElementById(id);
- eleById.addEventListener("click", funx, false)
- }
- }, time)
- }
- function loopq() {
- alert("Got it!")
- }
- /* 添加属性 */
- function setAttribute_after(x, y) {
- var index;
- var ele = document.querySelectorAll(x)
- for (index = 0; index < ele.length; index++) {
- ele[index].setAttribute("onclick", y);
- console.log("属性设置中...");
- }
- }
- /* 低端影视是否显示图像 */
- function cheat() {
- var ele = document.getElementById("holyx");
- ele.innerHTML = imax.css.ddrk_cheat;
- setTimeout(() => {
- ele.innerHTML = imax.css.ddrk_hidden;
- console.log("正在切换剧集;")
- }, 150);
- }
- // 禁止新页面跳转
- function hrefAttribute_set() {
- var href = document.querySelectorAll("a");
- var i;
- if (href.length > 0) {
- console.log("新标签页打开链接已被禁止;")
- for (i = 0; i < href.length; i++) {
- href[i].target = "_self";
- }
- }
- }
- // 禁止新页面跳转另一种实现 循环
- function href_attributeSet(time, id) {
- document.getElementById(id).style.background = "black";
- document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "清理中! ♻️";
- setTimeout(() => {
- // 监控页面是否有新的 button
- let selector = "button[class*='Button PaginationButton']";
- let ele_button = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
- if (ele_button.length > 0) {
- window.onload = addListener(selector, () => { href_attributeSet(time, id) });
- }
- let times = 0;
- let loop = setInterval(() => {
- // 修改属性
- times += 1;
- let href = document.querySelectorAll("a");
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < href.length; i++) {
- if (href[i].target == "_blank") {
- href[i].setAttribute("target", "_self");
- }
- }
- let href_Length = document.querySelectorAll("a[target='_blank']").length;
- if (href_Length === 0 && times >= 2) {
- clearInterval(loop);
- if (document.getElementById(id)) {
- document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "100%! ♻️";
- document.getElementById(id).style.background = "green";
- console.log("循环第" + times + "遍;")
- console.log("清理完毕!");
- }
- }
- }, time)
- }, time)
- }
- // 动态创建引用外部js JavaScript
- function js_adsRemove(url) {
- var script = document.createElement("script");
- script.src = url;
- document.body.appendChild(script);
- console.log("JavaScript脚本新增完毕!");
- }
- // 动态创建并引用外部资源 外部样式表 外部脚本
- function third_party_fileX(tagname, url, where) {
- var ele_NewX = document.createElement(tagname);
- // script
- if (tagname == "script") {
- ele_NewX.type = "text/javascript";
- ele_NewX.src = url;
- ele_NewX.className = 'async';
- // link
- } else if (tagname == "link") {
- ele_NewX.rel = "stylesheet";
- ele_NewX.type = "text/css";
- ele_NewX.href = url;
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (where == "body" && ele_NewX) {
- if (document.body) {
- document.body.appendChild(ele_NewX);
- }
- } else if (where == "head" && ele_NewX) {
- if (document.head) {
- document.head.appendChild(ele_NewX);
- }
- }
- }, 1000)
- }
- // 动态创建引用内部资源 内嵌式样式 内嵌式脚本
- function css_adsRemove(newstyle, delaytime, id) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- var creatcss = document.createElement("style");
- creatcss.id = id;
- creatcss.innerHTML = newstyle;
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(creatcss)
- console.log("CSS样式新增完毕!");
- }, delaytime);
- }
- // 循环模拟模拟点击
- function button_dynamicRemove(selector, times) {
- var initCount = 0;
- var loop = setInterval(() => {
- var ele = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
- if (ele.length > 0) {
- ele[0].click()
- }
- initCount += 1;
- if (initCount == times) {
- clearInterval(loop);
- }
- }, 0)
- }
- // 知乎循环跳转绕过登录页
- function indexLogin() { // 跳转至热门话题 Explore 或 随机
- let url = document.location.href;
- let cssSelector = "a[href='//www.zhihu.com/'],a[href='//www.zhihu.com'],a[href='https://www.zhihu.com']";
- let rewrite_url = "https://www.zhihu.com/knowledge-plan/hot-question/hot/0/hour";
- let reg = /^https:\/\/www.zhihu.com\/signin/gi;
- if (url.search(reg) !== -1) {
- window.location = rewrite_url;
- }
- setTimeout(() => { // 延时执行函数优化
- var ele = document.querySelectorAll(cssSelector)
- if (ele.length > 0) {
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) {
- ele[i].href = rewrite_url;
- }
- }
- }, 300);
- /*
- var url = document.location.href;
- var url_list = [
- "https://www.zhihu.com/knowledge-plan/hot-question/hot/",
- ]
- var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * url_list.length);
- var url_random = url_list[rand];
- var reg = /^https:\/\/www.zhihu.com\/signin/gi;
- if (url.search(reg) !== -1) {
- window.location = url_random;
- }
- */
- }
- /// abort-on-property-read.js
- /// alias aopr.js
- /// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/blob/a94df7f3b27080ae2dcb3b914ace39c0c294d2f6/assets/resources/scriptlets.js#L96
- function abort_on_property_read() {
- const magic = String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) +
- Math.floor(Math.random() * 982451653 + 982451653).toString(36);
- const abort = function () {
- throw new ReferenceError(magic);
- };
- const makeProxy = function (owner, chain) {
- const pos = chain.indexOf('.');
- if (pos === -1) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, chain);
- if (!desc || desc.get !== abort) {
- Object.defineProperty(owner, chain, {
- get: abort,
- set: function () { }
- });
- }
- return;
- }
- const prop = chain.slice(0, pos);
- let v = owner[prop];
- chain = chain.slice(pos + 1);
- if (v) {
- makeProxy(v, chain);
- return;
- }
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, prop);
- if (desc && desc.set !== undefined) { return; }
- Object.defineProperty(owner, prop, {
- get: function () { return v; },
- set: function (a) {
- v = a;
- if (a instanceof Object) {
- makeProxy(a, chain);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- const owner = window;
- let chain = '{{1}}';
- makeProxy(owner, chain);
- const oe = window.onerror;
- window.onerror = function (msg, src, line, col, error) {
- if (typeof msg === 'string' && msg.indexOf(magic) !== -1) {
- return true;
- }
- if (oe instanceof Function) {
- return oe(msg, src, line, col, error);
- }
- }.bind();
- };
- /* 视频页广告加速跳过 */
- function videoAds_accelerateSkip(fasterx) {
- // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki
- /// nano-setInterval-booster.js
- /// alias nano-sib.js
- //console.log("视频广告加速")
- let needleArg = '{{1}}';
- if (needleArg === '{{1}}') { needleArg = ''; }
- let delayArg = '{{2}}';
- if (delayArg === '{{2}}') { delayArg = ''; }
- let boostArg = '{{3}}';
- if (boostArg === '{{3}}') { boostArg = ''; }
- if (needleArg === '') {
- needleArg = '.?';
- } else if (needleArg.charAt(0) === '/' && needleArg.slice(-1) === '/') {
- needleArg = needleArg.slice(1, -1);
- } else {
- needleArg = needleArg.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
- }
- const reNeedle = new RegExp(needleArg);
- let delay = delayArg !== '*' ? parseInt(delayArg, 10) : -1;
- if (isNaN(delay) || isFinite(delay) === false) { delay = 1000; }
- let boost = parseFloat(boostArg);
- boost = isNaN(boost) === false && isFinite(boost)
- ? Math.min(Math.max(boost, fasterx), 50)
- : fasterx;
- self.setInterval = new Proxy(self.setInterval, {
- apply: function (target, thisArg, args) {
- const [a, b] = args;
- if (
- (delay === -1 || b === delay) &&
- reNeedle.test(a.toString())
- ) {
- args[1] = b * boost;
- }
- return target.apply(thisArg, args);
- }
- });
- };
- // overridePropertyRead 覆盖属性读取
- /// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/Scriptlets/blob/master/wiki/about-scriptlets.md#set-constant
- var repeat_regex = ["https:?\/\/.*?hls.*?\.m3u8", "https:?\/\/.*?phncdn.*?hls.*?\.m3u8", "https:?\/\/.*?mushroomtrack.*?\.m3u8"]
- function m3u8_tempt(x) {
- var i, url_result; var url_regex = new RegExp(x, "gi")
- var ele = ["script", "a"];
- var ele_catch = document.querySelectorAll(ele);
- for (i = 0; i < ele_catch.length; i++) {
- if ((url_result = url_regex.exec(ele_catch[i].innerHTML)) != null) {
- document.getElementById("copy").value = url_result;
- console.log("Catch it")
- }
- }
- }
- function pornhub_sidebar_ads() {
- setTimeout(() => {
- var ele_parent = ["div"];
- var ele_children = ["img[data-title][title][srcset]"];
- var ele_attributes = ["class"];
- var i;
- const css_Selctors = document.querySelectorAll(ele_parent);
- for (i = 0; i < css_Selctors.length; i++) {
- if (css_Selctors[i].querySelectorAll(ele_children).length !== 0) {
- if (css_Selctors[i].getAttribute(ele_attributes)) {
- if (css_Selctors[i].attributes.length == 1) {
- if (css_Selctors[i].children.length == 2) {
- console.log(css_Selctors[i])
- css_Selctors[i].style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }, 500);
- }
- function tag_ads_traversal(selector, i) {
- const css_Selctors = document.querySelectorAll(selector)
- css_Selctors[i].style.display = "none";
- }
- // Get Cookies 获取指定命名的cookie 的值
- function getCookie_(cname) {
- var name = cname + "=";
- var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
- var c = ca[i].trim();
- if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
- }
- return "";
- }
- // 哔滴影视隐藏公告广告
- function notice_hidden(selector) { // bdys
- document.querySelector(selector).classList.add("switch") // 隐藏公告
- document.cookie = "hidden=1";
- document.getElementById("bdys").innerHTML = "查看公告";
- addListenerById("bdys", () => { notice_show("div.col-12") }, 2000);
- }
- // 哔滴影视展示公告
- function notice_show(selector) {
- document.querySelector(selector).classList.remove("switch") // 展示公告
- document.cookie = "hidden=0";
- document.getElementById("bdys").innerHTML = "隐藏公告";
- addListenerById("bdys", () => { notice_hidden("div.col-12") }, 2000);
- }
- // window.open-defuser.js
- // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Resources-Library#windowopen-defuserjs-
- function window_open_defuser() {
- 'use strict';
- let arg1 = '{{1}}';
- if (arg1 === '{{1}}') { arg1 = ''; }
- let arg2 = '{{2}}';
- if (arg2 === '{{2}}') { arg2 = ''; }
- let arg3 = '{{3}}';
- if (arg3 === '{{3}}') { arg3 = ''; }
- const log = /\blog\b/.test(arg3)
- ? console.log.bind(console)
- : () => { };
- const newSyntax = /^[01]?$/.test(arg1) === false;
- let pattern = '';
- let targetResult = true;
- let autoRemoveAfter = -1;
- if (newSyntax) {
- pattern = arg1;
- if (pattern.startsWith('!')) {
- targetResult = false;
- pattern = pattern.slice(1);
- }
- autoRemoveAfter = parseInt(arg2);
- if (isNaN(autoRemoveAfter)) {
- autoRemoveAfter = -1;
- }
- } else {
- pattern = arg2;
- if (arg1 === '0') {
- targetResult = false;
- }
- }
- if (pattern === '') {
- pattern = '.?';
- } else if (/^\/.+\/$/.test(pattern)) {
- pattern = pattern.slice(1, -1);
- } else {
- pattern = pattern.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
- }
- const rePattern = new RegExp(pattern);
- const createDecoy = function (tag, urlProp, url) {
- const decoy = document.createElement(tag);
- decoy[urlProp] = url;
- decoy.style.setProperty('height', '1px', 'important');
- decoy.style.setProperty('position', 'fixed', 'important');
- decoy.style.setProperty('top', '-1px', 'important');
- decoy.style.setProperty('width', '1px', 'important');
- document.body.appendChild(decoy);
- setTimeout(() => decoy.remove(), autoRemoveAfter * 1000);
- return decoy;
- };
- window.open = new Proxy(window.open, {
- apply: function (target, thisArg, args) {
- log('window.open:', ...args);
- const url = args[0];
- if (rePattern.test(url) !== targetResult) {
- return target.apply(thisArg, args);
- }
- if (autoRemoveAfter < 0) { return null; }
- const decoy = /\bobj\b/.test(arg3)
- ? createDecoy('object', 'data', url)
- : createDecoy('iframe', 'src', url);
- let popup = decoy.contentWindow;
- if (typeof popup === 'object' && popup !== null) {
- Object.defineProperty(popup, 'closed', { value: false });
- } else {
- const noopFunc = (function () { }).bind(self);
- popup = new Proxy(self, {
- get: function (target, prop) {
- if (prop === 'closed') { return false; }
- const r = Reflect.get(...arguments);
- if (typeof r === 'function') { return noopFunc; }
- return target[prop];
- },
- set: function () {
- return Reflect.set(...arguments);
- },
- });
- }
- if (/\blog\b/.test(arg3)) {
- popup = new Proxy(popup, {
- get: function (target, prop) {
- log('window.open / get', prop, '===', target[prop]);
- return Reflect.get(...arguments);
- },
- set: function (target, prop, value) {
- log('window.open / set', prop, '=', value);
- return Reflect.set(...arguments);
- },
- });
- }
- return popup;
- }
- });
- };
- /* 广告视频加速 */
- function setConstant(
- chain = '',
- cValue = ''
- ) {
- if (typeof chain !== 'string') { return; }
- if (chain === '') { return; }
- const trappedProp = (() => {
- const pos = chain.lastIndexOf('.');
- if (pos === -1) { return chain; }
- return chain.slice(pos + 1);
- })();
- if (trappedProp === '') { return; }
- const thisScript = document.currentScript;
- const objectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty.bind(Object);
- const cloakFunc = fn => {
- objectDefineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: trappedProp });
- const proxy = new Proxy(fn, {
- defineProperty(target, prop) {
- if (prop !== 'toString') {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(...arguments);
- }
- return true;
- },
- deleteProperty(target, prop) {
- if (prop !== 'toString') {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(...arguments);
- }
- return true;
- },
- get(target, prop) {
- if (prop === 'toString') {
- return function () {
- return `function ${trappedProp}() { [native code] }`;
- }.bind(null);
- }
- return Reflect.get(...arguments);
- },
- });
- return proxy;
- };
- if (cValue === 'undefined') {
- cValue = undefined;
- } else if (cValue === 'false') {
- cValue = false;
- } else if (cValue === 'true') {
- cValue = true;
- } else if (cValue === 'null') {
- cValue = null;
- } else if (cValue === "''") {
- cValue = '';
- } else if (cValue === '[]') {
- cValue = [];
- } else if (cValue === '{}') {
- cValue = {};
- } else if (cValue === 'noopFunc') {
- cValue = cloakFunc(function () { });
- } else if (cValue === 'trueFunc') {
- cValue = cloakFunc(function () { return true; });
- } else if (cValue === 'falseFunc') {
- cValue = cloakFunc(function () { return false; });
- } else if (/^\d+$/.test(cValue)) {
- cValue = parseFloat(cValue);
- if (isNaN(cValue)) { return; }
- if (Math.abs(cValue) > 0x7FFF) { return; }
- } else {
- return;
- }
- let aborted = false;
- const mustAbort = function (v) {
- if (aborted) { return true; }
- aborted =
- (v !== undefined && v !== null) &&
- (cValue !== undefined && cValue !== null) &&
- (typeof v !== typeof cValue);
- return aborted;
- };
- // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/156
- // Support multiple trappers for the same property.
- const trapProp = function (owner, prop, configurable, handler) {
- if (handler.init(owner[prop]) === false) { return; }
- const odesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, prop);
- let prevGetter, prevSetter;
- if (odesc instanceof Object) {
- owner[prop] = cValue;
- if (odesc.get instanceof Function) {
- prevGetter = odesc.get;
- }
- if (odesc.set instanceof Function) {
- prevSetter = odesc.set;
- }
- }
- try {
- objectDefineProperty(owner, prop, {
- configurable,
- get() {
- if (prevGetter !== undefined) {
- prevGetter();
- }
- return handler.getter(); // cValue
- },
- set(a) {
- if (prevSetter !== undefined) {
- prevSetter(a);
- }
- handler.setter(a);
- }
- });
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- };
- const trapChain = function (owner, chain) {
- const pos = chain.indexOf('.');
- if (pos === -1) {
- trapProp(owner, chain, false, {
- v: undefined,
- init: function (v) {
- if (mustAbort(v)) { return false; }
- this.v = v;
- return true;
- },
- getter: function () {
- return document.currentScript === thisScript
- ? this.v
- : cValue;
- },
- setter: function (a) {
- if (mustAbort(a) === false) { return; }
- cValue = a;
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- const prop = chain.slice(0, pos);
- const v = owner[prop];
- chain = chain.slice(pos + 1);
- if (v instanceof Object || typeof v === 'object' && v !== null) {
- trapChain(v, chain);
- return;
- }
- trapProp(owner, prop, true, {
- v: undefined,
- init: function (v) {
- this.v = v;
- return true;
- },
- getter: function () {
- return this.v;
- },
- setter: function (a) {
- this.v = a;
- if (a instanceof Object) {
- trapChain(a, chain);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- trapChain(window, chain);
- }
- // 泥巴影视手机版视频播放前20秒广告跳过 nbys nivod4
- // https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardFilters/issues/146359
- function evaldataPrune() {
- window.eval = new Proxy(eval, {
- apply: (a, b, c) => {
- if (c[0] && c[0].includes("commercial") && c[0].startsWith("(") && c[0].endsWith(")")) { let a = c[0].slice(1).slice(0, -1), b = JSON.parse(a); b.entity?.commercial && (b.entity.commercial = void 0), c[0] = `(${JSON.stringify(b)})` }
- return Reflect.apply(a, b, c)
- }
- })
- };
- /// abort-current-script.js
- /// alias acs.js
- /// alias abort-current-inline-script.js
- /// alias acis.js
- function abortCurrentInlineScript(source, property, search) {
- const searchRegexp = toRegExp(search);
- const rid = randomId();
- const SRC_DATA_MARKER = 'data:text/javascript;base64,';
- const getCurrentScript = () => {
- if ('currentScript' in document) {
- return document.currentScript;
- }
- const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
- return scripts[scripts.length - 1];
- };
- const ourScript = getCurrentScript();
- const abort = () => {
- const scriptEl = getCurrentScript();
- if (!scriptEl) {
- return;
- }
- let content = scriptEl.textContent;
- // We are using Node.prototype.textContent property descriptor
- // to get the real script content
- // even when document.currentScript.textContent is replaced.
- // https://github.com/AdguardTeam/Scriptlets/issues/57#issuecomment-593638991
- try {
- const textContentGetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'textContent').get;
- content = textContentGetter.call(scriptEl);
- } catch (e) { } // eslint-disable-line no-empty
- // https://github.com/AdguardTeam/Scriptlets/issues/130
- if (content.length === 0
- && typeof scriptEl.src !== 'undefined'
- && scriptEl.src?.startsWith(SRC_DATA_MARKER)) {
- const encodedContent = scriptEl.src.slice(SRC_DATA_MARKER.length);
- content = window.atob(encodedContent);
- }
- if (scriptEl instanceof HTMLScriptElement
- && content.length > 0
- && scriptEl !== ourScript
- && searchRegexp.test(content)) {
- hit(source);
- throw new ReferenceError(rid);
- }
- };
- const setChainPropAccess = (owner, property) => {
- const chainInfo = getPropertyInChain(owner, property);
- let { base } = chainInfo;
- const { prop, chain } = chainInfo;
- // The scriptlet might be executed before the chain property has been created
- // (for instance, document.body before the HTML body was loaded).
- // In this case we're checking whether the base element exists or not
- // and if not, we simply exit without overriding anything.
- // e.g. https://github.com/AdguardTeam/Scriptlets/issues/57#issuecomment-575841092
- if (base instanceof Object === false && base === null) {
- const props = property.split('.');
- const propIndex = props.indexOf(prop);
- const baseName = props[propIndex - 1];
- const message = `The scriptlet had been executed before the ${baseName} was loaded.`;
- logMessage(source, message);
- return;
- }
- if (chain) {
- const setter = (a) => {
- base = a;
- if (a instanceof Object) {
- setChainPropAccess(a, chain);
- }
- };
- Object.defineProperty(owner, prop, {
- get: () => base,
- set: setter,
- });
- return;
- }
- let currentValue = base[prop];
- let origDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, prop);
- if (origDescriptor instanceof Object === false
- || origDescriptor.get instanceof Function === false) {
- currentValue = base[prop];
- origDescriptor = undefined;
- }
- const descriptorWrapper = Object.assign(getDescriptorAddon(), {
- currentValue,
- get() {
- if (!this.isAbortingSuspended) {
- this.isolateCallback(abort);
- }
- if (origDescriptor instanceof Object) {
- return origDescriptor.get.call(base);
- }
- return this.currentValue;
- },
- set(newValue) {
- if (!this.isAbortingSuspended) {
- this.isolateCallback(abort);
- }
- if (origDescriptor instanceof Object) {
- origDescriptor.set.call(base, newValue);
- } else {
- this.currentValue = newValue;
- }
- },
- });
- setPropertyAccess(base, prop, {
- // Call wrapped getter and setter to keep isAbortingSuspended & isolateCallback values
- get() {
- return descriptorWrapper.get.call(descriptorWrapper);
- },
- set(newValue) {
- descriptorWrapper.set.call(descriptorWrapper, newValue);
- },
- });
- };
- setChainPropAccess(window, property);
- window.onerror = createOnErrorHandler(rid).bind();
- }
- // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Resources-Library#addeventlistener-defuserjs-
- function addEventListener_defuser() {
- let needle1 = '{{1}}';
- if (needle1 === '' || needle1 === '{{1}}') {
- needle1 = '.?';
- } else if (/^\/.+\/$/.test(needle1)) {
- needle1 = needle1.slice(1, -1);
- } else {
- needle1 = needle1.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
- }
- needle1 = new RegExp(needle1);
- let needle2 = '{{2}}';
- if (needle2 === '' || needle2 === '{{2}}') {
- needle2 = '.?';
- } else if (/^\/.+\/$/.test(needle2)) {
- needle2 = needle2.slice(1, -1);
- } else {
- needle2 = needle2.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
- }
- needle2 = new RegExp(needle2);
- self.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = new Proxy(
- self.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener,
- {
- apply: function (target, thisArg, args) {
- let type, handler;
- try {
- type = String(args[0]);
- handler = String(args[1]);
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- if (
- needle1.test(type) === false ||
- needle2.test(handler) === false
- ) {
- return target.apply(thisArg, args);
- }
- }
- }
- );
- };
- document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((x) => {
- x.innerHTML
- })
- // noWindowOpenIf
- // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Resources-Library#no-window-open-ifjs-
- //noWindowOpenIf()
- function noWindowOpenIf(
- pattern = '',
- delay = '',
- decoy = ''
- ) {
- const safe = safeSelf();
- const targetMatchResult = pattern.startsWith('!') === false;
- if (targetMatchResult === false) {
- pattern = pattern.slice(1);
- }
- const rePattern = safe.patternToRegex(pattern);
- let autoRemoveAfter = parseInt(delay);
- if (isNaN(autoRemoveAfter)) {
- autoRemoveAfter = -1;
- }
- const extraArgs = safe.getExtraArgs(Array.from(arguments), 3);
- const logLevel = shouldLog(extraArgs);
- const createDecoy = function (tag, urlProp, url) {
- const decoyElem = document.createElement(tag);
- decoyElem[urlProp] = url;
- decoyElem.style.setProperty('height', '1px', 'important');
- decoyElem.style.setProperty('position', 'fixed', 'important');
- decoyElem.style.setProperty('top', '-1px', 'important');
- decoyElem.style.setProperty('width', '1px', 'important');
- document.body.appendChild(decoyElem);
- setTimeout(() => { decoyElem.remove(); }, autoRemoveAfter * 1000);
- return decoyElem;
- };
- window.open = new Proxy(window.open, {
- apply: function (target, thisArg, args) {
- const haystack = args.join(' ');
- if (logLevel) {
- safe.uboLog('window.open:', haystack);
- }
- if (rePattern.test(haystack) !== targetMatchResult) {
- return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
- }
- if (autoRemoveAfter < 0) { return null; }
- const decoyElem = decoy === 'obj'
- ? createDecoy('object', 'data', ...args)
- : createDecoy('iframe', 'src', ...args);
- let popup = decoyElem.contentWindow;
- if (typeof popup === 'object' && popup !== null) {
- Object.defineProperty(popup, 'closed', { value: false });
- } else {
- const noopFunc = (function () { }).bind(self);
- popup = new Proxy(self, {
- get: function (target, prop) {
- if (prop === 'closed') { return false; }
- const r = Reflect.get(...arguments);
- if (typeof r === 'function') { return noopFunc; }
- return target[prop];
- },
- set: function () {
- return Reflect.set(...arguments);
- },
- });
- }
- if (logLevel) {
- popup = new Proxy(popup, {
- get: function (target, prop) {
- safe.uboLog('window.open / get', prop, '===', target[prop]);
- return Reflect.get(...arguments);
- },
- set: function (target, prop, value) {
- safe.uboLog('window.open / set', prop, '=', value);
- return Reflect.set(...arguments);
- },
- });
- }
- return popup;
- }
- });
- }
- /// abort-on-property-read.js
- /// alias aopr.js
- /// 当脚本尝试读取指定属性时中止脚本
- /// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/Scriptlets/blob/master/wiki/about-scriptlets.md#abort-on-property-read
- function aopr() {
- const magic = String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) +
- Math.floor(Math.random() * 982451653 + 982451653).toString(36);
- const abort = function () {
- throw new ReferenceError(magic);
- };
- const makeProxy = function (owner, chain) {
- const pos = chain.indexOf('.');
- if (pos === -1) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, chain);
- if (!desc || desc.get !== abort) {
- Object.defineProperty(owner, chain, {
- get: abort,
- set: function () { }
- });
- }
- return;
- }
- const prop = chain.slice(0, pos);
- let v = owner[prop];
- chain = chain.slice(pos + 1);
- if (v) {
- makeProxy(v, chain);
- return;
- }
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, prop);
- if (desc && desc.set !== undefined) { return; }
- Object.defineProperty(owner, prop, {
- get: function () { return v; },
- set: function (a) {
- v = a;
- if (a instanceof Object) {
- makeProxy(a, chain);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- const owner = window;
- let chain = '{{1}}';
- makeProxy(owner, chain);
- const oe = window.onerror;
- window.onerror = function (msg, src, line, col, error) {
- if (typeof msg === 'string' && msg.indexOf(magic) !== -1) {
- return true;
- }
- if (oe instanceof Function) {
- return oe(msg, src, line, col, error);
- }
- }.bind();
- };
- // 设置 cookie 饼
- function settingCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; path=/;" + expires; }