Beautify the interface and re-layout, including removing ads and redundant banners, correcting artist names and editing related information retention, automatically loading original images, setting image size and spacing in the menu, triggering automatic scrolling with hotkeys, parsing links in the text and converting them to clickable links, fast page switching and jumping functions, and redirecting to a new tab
< Feedback on Kemer Enhancement
其實在設置菜單中, 就可以調整圖像的各類參數, 而且是完全自訂數值 與 單位的, 要讓所有圖像的寬度相同可以設置, 寬度 rem 你可以各種調整看看, 而且該功能是會保存設置的, 你下次打開時會直接套用 (但只限於圖像完全載入, 也就是沒有白框的狀況), 那個腳本主要的差異是在, 他是針對個別圖片設置的, 而我的是統一設置, 如果真的有每張個別設置的需求, 我之後在想看看有沒有解法吧
你先使用現有功能吧, 因為目前代碼架構有點亂, 近期應該不會添加新功能, 主要會先以優化現有功能為主
请问一下,能否像Better Kemono Galleries那样拥有
-Toggles to resize the view of individual or all images in a gallery to fit vertical, horizontal, or full resolution.