Kemer Enhancement

Beautify the interface and re-layout, including removing ads and redundant banners, correcting artist names and editing related information retention, automatically loading original images, setting image size and spacing in the menu, triggering automatic scrolling with hotkeys, parsing links in the text and converting them to clickable links, fast page switching and jumping functions, and redirecting to a new tab

< Feedback on Kemer Enhancement

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-04-12


Canaan HSAuthor
Posted: 2024-04-12


Posted: 2024-04-13
Canaan HSAuthor
Posted: 2024-04-13

哈哈 這個 BUG 我發現我的開發版本其實已經修過了, 我馬上上傳w 不過我就不更新版本號了, 直接重新安裝即可

Posted: 2024-04-13


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