[E/Ex-Hentai] Downloader

Create download buttons on manga pages, switchable between (compressed download | single image download), without the need for complex settings, one-click download capability, automatically fetches (non-original) images for downloading

// ==UserScript==
// @name         [E/Ex-Hentai] Downloader
// @name:zh-TW   [E/Ex-Hentai] 下載器
// @name:zh-CN   [E/Ex-Hentai] 下载器
// @name:ja      [E/Ex-Hentai] ダウンローダー
// @name:ko      [E/Ex-Hentai] 다운로더
// @name:en      [E/Ex-Hentai] Downloader
// @version      0.0.15
// @author       HentaiSaru
// @description         漫畫頁面創建下載按鈕, 可切換 (壓縮下載 | 單圖下載), 無須複雜設置一鍵點擊下載, 自動獲取(非原圖)進行下載
// @description:zh-TW   漫畫頁面創建下載按鈕, 可切換 (壓縮下載 | 單圖下載), 無須複雜設置一鍵點擊下載, 自動獲取(非原圖)進行下載
// @description:zh-CN   漫画页面创建下载按钮, 可切换 (压缩下载 | 单图下载), 无须复杂设置一键点击下载, 自动获取(非原图)进行下载
// @description:ja      マンガページにダウンロードボタンを作成し、(圧缩ダウンロード | シングルイメージダウンロード)を切り替えることができ、复雑な设定は必要なく、ワンクリックでダウンロードできます。自动的に(オリジナルではない)画像を取得してダウンロードします
// @description:ko      만화 페이지에 다운로드 버튼을 만들어 (압축 다운로드 | 단일 이미지 다운로드)를 전환할 수 있으며, 복잡한 설정이 필요하지 않고, 원클릭 다운로드 기능으로 (원본이 아닌) 이미지를 자동으로 가져와 다운로드합니다
// @description:en      Create download buttons on manga pages, switchable between (compressed download | single image download), without the need for complex settings, one-click download capability, automatically fetches (non-original) images for downloading

// @connect      *
// @match        *://e-hentai.org/g/*
// @match        *://exhentai.org/g/*
// @icon         https://e-hentai.org/favicon.ico

// @license      MIT
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/989635

// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        GM_addElement
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand

// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/473358/1237031/JSZip.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/487608/1330066/GrammarSimplified.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/2.0.5/FileSaver.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    var Language, OriginalTitle, CompressMode, ModeDisplay,
    lock = false, api = new API(), url = document.URL.split("?p=")[0];
    const Config = {
        ReTry: 15, // 下載錯誤重試次數, 超過這個次數該圖片會被跳過
        DeBug: false,
    class Main {
        constructor() {
            this.E = /https:\/\/e-hentai\.org\/g\/\d+\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/;
            this.Ex = /https:\/\/exhentai\.org\/g\/\d+\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/;
            this.Ran = (u) => {return this.E.test(u) || this.Ex.test(u)}
            this.Css = (a, e, ex) => {
                let css = location.hostname != "exhentai.org" ? e : ex;
                api.AddStyle(`${a}${css}`, "button-style");
        static async Match() {
            const self = new Main();
            if (self.Ran(url)) {
                Language = display_language(navigator.language);
                OriginalTitle = document.title;
                api.Menu({[Language.MN_01]: ()=> self.DownloadModeSwitch()})
        async ButtonCreation() {
            CompressMode = api.store("get", "CompressedMode", []);
            ModeDisplay = CompressMode ? Language.DM_01 : Language.DM_02;
                .Download_Button {
                    float: right;
                    width: 9rem;
                    cursor: pointer;
                    font-weight: bold;
                    line-height: 20px;
                    border-radius: 5px;
                    position: relative;
                    padding: 1px 5px 2px;
                    font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
                .Download_Button {
                    color: #5C0D12;
                    border: 2px solid #9a7c7e;
                    background-color: #EDEADA;
                .Download_Button:hover {
                    color: #8f4701;
                    border: 2px dashed #B5A4A4;
                .Download_Button:disabled {
                    color: #B5A4A4;
                    border: 2px dashed #B5A4A4;
                    cursor: default;
                .Download_Button {
                    color: #b3b3b3;
                    border: 2px solid #34353b;
                    background-color: #2c2b2b;
                .Download_Button:hover {
                    color: #f1f1f1;
                    border: 2px dashed #4f535b;
                .Download_Button:disabled {
                    color: #4f535b;
                    border: 2px dashed #4f535b;
                    cursor: default;
            try {
                let download_button = GM_addElement(api.$$("#gd2"), "button", {
                    id: "ExDB", class: "Download_Button"
                download_button.textContent = lock ? Language.DM_03 : ModeDisplay;
                download_button.disabled = lock ? true : false;
                api.AddListener(download_button, "click", () => {
                    lock = true;
                    download_button.disabled = true;
                    download_button.textContent = Language.DS_01;
                }, {capture: true, passive: true});
            } catch {}
        async DownloadModeSwitch() {
            api.store("set", "CompressedMode", false):
            api.store("set", "CompressedMode", true);
    class Settings {
        constructor() {
            this.MAX_CONCURRENCY = 12;
            this.MIN_CONCURRENCY = 3;
            this.TIME_THRESHOLD = 350;
            this.MAX_Delay = 3500;
            this.Home_ID = 100;
            this.Home_ND = 80;
            this.Image_ID = 30;
            this.Image_ND = 24;
            this.Download_IT = 5;
            this.Download_ID = 300;
            this.Download_ND = 240;
            this.Compr_Level = 5;
            this.Enforce = false;
            this.Show = "";
        Dynamic(Time, Delay, Thread=null, MIN_Delay) {
            let ResponseTime = (Date.now() - Time), delay, thread;
            if (ResponseTime > this.TIME_THRESHOLD) {
                delay = Math.floor(Math.min(Delay * 1.1, this.MAX_Delay));
                if (Thread != null) {
                    thread = Math.floor(Math.max(Thread * (this.TIME_THRESHOLD / ResponseTime), this.MIN_CONCURRENCY));
                    return [delay, thread];
                } else {return delay}
            } else {
                delay = Math.ceil(Math.max(Delay * 0.9, MIN_Delay));
                if (Thread != null) {
                    thread = Math.ceil(Math.min(Thread * 1.2, this.MAX_CONCURRENCY));
                    return [delay, thread];
                } else {return delay}
    class Download extends Settings {
        constructor() {
            this.Total = (page) => {return Math.ceil(+page[page.length - 2].textContent.replace(/\D/g, '') / 20)}
            this.FillValue = (page) => {
                return Math.max(2, `${page}`.length);
            this.Mantissa = (str, fill) => {
                return `${++str}`.padStart(fill, "0");
            this.Storage = (key, value=null) => {
                let data, result;
                if (value) {
                    sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(Array.from(value.entries())));
                    result = true;
                } else {
                    data = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
                    result = data ? new Map(JSON.parse(data)) : false;
                return result;
            this.sleep = (delay) => {
                return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
            this.worker = api.WorkerCreation(`
                let queue = [], processing = false;
                onmessage = function(e) {
                    !processing ? (processing = true, processQueue()) : null;
                async function processQueue() {
                    if (queue.length > 0) {
                        const {index, url, time, delay} = queue.shift();
                        FetchRequest(index, url, time, delay);
                        setTimeout(processQueue, delay);
                    } else {processing = false}
                async function FetchRequest(index, url, time, delay) {
                    try {
                        const response = await fetch(url);
                        const html = await response.text();
                        postMessage({index, url, html, time, delay, error: false});
                    } catch {
                        postMessage({index, url, html, time, delay, error: true});
        async HomeData(button) {
            const self = this, homepage = new Map();
            let task = 0, DC = 0, HomeD = self.Home_ID, pages = self.Total(api.$$("#gdd td.gdt2", true)),
            title = api.IllegalCharacters(api.$$("#gj").textContent.trim() || api.$$("#gn").textContent.trim());
            self.DownloadMode = CompressMode;
            const olddata = self.Storage(`[${title} - Download Cache]`);
            if (olddata) {
                self.DownloadTrigger(button, title, olddata);
            async function GetLink(index, data) {
                const homebox = [];
                try {
                    api.$$("#gdt a", true, data).forEach(link => {homebox.push(link.href)});
                    homepage.set(index, homebox);
                    self.Show = `[${++DC}/${pages}]`;
                    document.title = self.Show;
                    button.textContent = `${Language.DS_02}: ${self.Show}`;
                } catch (error) {
            self.worker.postMessage({index: 0, url: url, time: Date.now(), delay: HomeD});
            for (let index = 1; index < pages; index++) {
                self.worker.postMessage({index, url: `${url}?p=${index}`, time: Date.now(), delay: HomeD});
            self.worker.onmessage = (e) => {
                const {index, url, html, time, delay, error} = e.data;
                HomeD = self.Dynamic(time, delay, null, self.Home_ND);
                error ? self.worker.postMessage({index: index, url: url, time: time, delay: delay}) : GetLink(index, api.DomParse(html));
            const interval = setInterval(() => {
                if (task === pages) {
                    const homebox = [];
                    for (let i = 0; i < homepage.size; i++) {homebox.push(...homepage.get(i))}
                    Config.DeBug ? api.log(Language.Dev_01, `[Title] : ${title}\n${homebox}`) : null;
                    self.ImageData(button, title, homebox);
            }, 500);
        async ImageData(button, title, link) {
            const self = this, imgbox = new Map();
            let pages = link.length, ImageD = self.Image_ID, DC = 0, task = 0;
            async function GetLink(index, img) {
                try {
                    if (img) {
                        imgbox.set(index, img.src || img.href);
                        self.Show = `[${++DC}/${pages}]`;
                        document.title = self.Show;
                        button.textContent = `${Language.DS_03}: ${self.Show}`;
                    } else {
                        imgbox.set(index, undefined);
                        throw Language.DE_02;
                } catch (error) {
                    api.log(null, error, "error");
            for (let index = 0; index < pages; index++) {
                self.worker.postMessage({index, url: link[index], time: Date.now(), delay: ImageD});
            self.worker.onmessage = (e) => {
                const {index, url, html, time, delay, error} = e.data;
                ImageD = self.Dynamic(time, delay, null, self.Image_ND);
                error ? self.worker.postMessage({index: index, url: url, time: time, delay: delay}) : GetLink(index, api.$$("#img", false, api.DomParse(html)));
            let interval = setInterval(() => {
                if (task === pages) {
                    Config.DeBug ? api.log(Language.Dev_02, imgbox) : null;
                    self.DownloadTrigger(button, title, imgbox);
                    self.Storage(`[${title} - Download Cache]`, imgbox);
            }, 500);
        async DownloadTrigger(button, title, link) {
            this.ZipDownload(button, title, link):
            this.ImageDownload(button, title, link);
        async ZipDownload(Button, Folder, ImgData) {
            const self=this, Data=new JSZip(), force = GM_registerMenuCommand(Language.MN_02, ()=> ForceDownload());
            let time, blob, count=0, progress=0, clean=false,
            ReTry=Config.ReTry, Total=ImgData.size, delay=self.Download_ID,
            thread=self.Download_IT, Fill=self.FillValue(Total);
            async function ForceDownload() {
                self.Compression(Data, Folder, Button, force);
            async function Retry_on_error() {
                if (self.Enforce) {return}
                else if (ReTry-- > 0) {
                    progress = 0;
                    self.Show = Language.DS_09;
                    document.title = self.Show;
                    Button.textContent = self.Show;
                    api.log(Language.DE_03, ReTry);
                    await self.sleep(2500);
                    setTimeout(() => {StartDownload(true)}, 2000);
                } else {
                    self.Compression(Data, Folder, Button, force);
                    api.log(Language.DE_04, ImgData);
            async function Request_Analysis(index, link, blob, retry=false) {
                if (self.Enforce) {return}
                self.Show = `[${++progress}/${Total}]`;
                [ delay, thread ] = self.Dynamic(time, delay, thread, self.Download_ND);
                retry ? ImgData.set(index, link) : Data.file(`${Folder}/${self.Mantissa(index, Fill)}.${api.ExtensionName(link)}`, blob);
                document.title = self.Show;
                Button.textContent = `${Language.DS_04}: ${self.Show}`;
                if (progress == Total) {
                    Total = ImgData.size;
                    if (Total == 0) {self.Compression(Data, Folder, Button, force)}
                    else {Retry_on_error()}
            async function Request(index, link, analysis) {
                time = Date.now();
                if (self.Enforce) {return}
                else if (typeof link !== "undefined") {
                        url: link,
                        method: "GET",
                        responseType: "blob",
                        onload: response => {
                            blob = response.response;
                            if (blob instanceof Blob && blob.size > 0) {analysis(index, link, blob)}
                            else {
                                Config.DeBug ? api.log(`[Delay:${delay}|Thread:${thread}]`, link, "error") : null;
                                analysis(index, link, null, true);
                        onerror: error => {
                            Config.DeBug ? api.log(`[Delay:${delay}|Thread:${thread}]`, link, "error") : null;
                            analysis(index, link, null, true);
                } else {
                    if (!clean) {
                        clean = true;
                        api.log(Language.DW_01, Language.DW_02, "warn");
            async function StartDownload(restart=false) {
                for (const [index, link] of ImgData.entries()) {
                    if (self.Enforce) {break}
                    else if (restart) {
                        await Request(index, link, Request_Analysis);
                        await self.sleep(500);
                    else {
                        Request(index, link, Request_Analysis);
                        if (++count === thread) {
                            count = 0;
                            await self.sleep(delay);
        async ImageDownload(Button, Folder, ImgData) {
            const Total=ImgData.size, self=this;
            let time, link, progress=1, clean=false,
            thread=self.Download_IT, delay=self.Download_ID, Fill=self.FillValue(Total);
            async function Request(index, retry) {
                time = Date.now();
                link = ImgData.get(index);
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    if (typeof link !== "undefined") {
                            url: link,
                            name: `${Folder}-${self.Mantissa(index, Fill)}.${api.ExtensionName(link)}`,
                            onload: () => {
                                [ delay, thread ] = self.Dynamic(time, delay, thread, self.Download_ND);
                                self.Show = `[${progress}/${Total}]`
                                document.title = self.Show;
                                Button.textContent = `${Language.DS_04}: ${self.Show}`;
                            onerror: () => {
                                if (retry > 0) {
                                    [ delay, thread ] = self.Dynamic(time, delay, thread, self.Download_ND);
                                    Config.DeBug ? api.log(null, `[Delay:${delay}|Thread:${thread}|Retry:${retry}] : [${link}]`, "error") : null;
                                    setTimeout(() => {
                                        Request(index, retry-1);
                                    }, delay * 2);
                                } else {
                                    reject(new Error("Request error"));
                    } else {
                        if (!clean) {
                            clean = true;
                            api.log(Language.DW_01, Language.DW_02, "warn");
                        reject(new Error("undefined url"))
            let count = 0, promises = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < Total; i++) {
                promises.push(Request(i, Config.ReTry));
                if (++count === thread) {
                    count = 0;
                    await self.sleep(delay);
            await Promise.allSettled(promises);
            Button.textContent = Language.DS_08;
            setTimeout(() => {
                document.title = `✓ ${OriginalTitle}`;
            }, 3000);
        async Compression(Data, Folder, Button, Menu) {
            this.Enforce = true;
                type: "blob",
                compression: "DEFLATE",
                compressionOptions: { level: this.Compr_Level }
            }, (progress) => {
                document.title = `${progress.percent.toFixed(1)} %`;
                Button.textContent = `${Language.DS_05}: ${progress.percent.toFixed(1)} %`;
            }).then(zip => {
                saveAs(zip, `${Folder}.zip`);
                this.Enforce = false;
                Button.textContent = Language.DS_06;
                document.title = `✓ ${OriginalTitle}`;
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, 3000);
            }).catch(result => {
                Button.textContent = Language.DS_07;
                document.title = OriginalTitle;
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, 6000);
    const download = new Download();
    async function ResetButton() {
        lock = false;
        let Button = api.$$("#ExDB");
        Button.disabled = false;
        Button.textContent = `✓ ${ModeDisplay}`;
    function display_language(language) {
        let display = {
            "zh-TW": [{
                "MN_01" : "🔁 切換下載模式", "MN_02" : "📥 強制壓縮下載",
                "DM_01" : "壓縮下載", "DM_02" : "單圖下載", "DM_03" : "下載中鎖定",
                "DS_01" : "開始下載", "DS_02" : "獲取頁面", "DS_03" : "獲取連結", "DS_04" : "下載進度",
                "DS_05" : "壓縮封裝", "DS_06" : "壓縮完成", "DS_07" : "壓縮失敗", "DS_08" : "下載完成",
                "DS_09" : "等待失敗重試...", "DE_01" : "請求錯誤重新加載頁面", "DE_02" : "找不到圖片元素, 你的 IP 可能被禁止了, 請刷新頁面重試",
                "DE_03" : "剩餘重載次數", "DE_04" : "下載失敗數據", "Dev_01" : "內頁跳轉數據", "Dev_02" : "圖片連結數據", "DW_01" : "清理警告", "DW_02" : "下載數據不完整將清除緩存, 建議刷新頁面後重載"
            "zh-CN": [{
                "MN_01" : "🔁 切换下载模式", "MN_02" : "📥 强制压缩下载",
                "DM_01" : "压缩下载", "DM_02" : "单图下载", "DM_03" : "下载中锁定",
                "DS_01" : "开始下载", "DS_02" : "获取页面", "DS_03" : "获取链接", "DS_04" : "下载进度",
                "DS_05" : "压缩封装", "DS_06" : "压缩完成", "DS_07" : "压缩失败", "DS_08" : "下载完成",
                "DS_09" : "等待失败重试...", "DE_01" : "请求错误重新加载页面", "DE_02" : "找不到图片元素,你的 IP 可能被禁止了,请刷新页面重试",
                "DE_03" : "剩余重载次数", "DE_04" : "下载失败数据", "Dev_01" : "内页跳转数据", "Dev_02" : "图片链接数据", "DW_01" : "清理警告", "DW_02" : "下载数据不完整将清除缓存,建议刷新页面后重载"
            "ja": [{
                "MN_01" : "🔁 ダウンロードモードの切り替え", "MN_02" : "📥 强制圧缩ダウンロード",
                "DM_01" : "圧缩ダウンロード", "DM_02" : "単一画像のダウンロード", "DM_03" : "ダウンロード中ロック",
                "DS_01" : "ダウンロードを开始", "DS_02" : "ページを取得中", "DS_03" : "リンクを取得中", "DS_04" : "ダウンロードの进捗",
                "DS_05" : "圧缩パッケージング", "DS_06" : "圧缩完了", "DS_07" : "圧缩失败", "DS_08" : "ダウンロード完了",
                "DS_09" : "再试行を待机中...", "DE_01" : "要求エラー、ページを再読み込みしてください", "DE_02" : "画像要素が见つかりません、お使いの IP がブロックされている可能性があります。ページを更新して再试行してください",
                "DE_03" : "残りの再読み込み回数", "DE_04" : "ダウンロード失败データ", "Dev_01" : "内部ページリダイレクトデータ", "Dev_02" : "画像リンクデータ", "DW_01" : "警告をクリア", "DW_02" : "ダウンロードデータが不完全な场合はキャッシュがクリアされます。ページをリフレッシュしてから再読み込みしてください"
            "en-US": [{
                "MN_01" : "🔁 Switch Download Mode", "MN_02" : "📥 Force Compression Download",
                "DM_01" : "Compression Download", "DM_02" : "Single Image Download", "DM_03" : "Downloading Lock",
                "DS_01" : "Start Downloading", "DS_02" : "Getting Page", "DS_03" : "Getting Links", "DS_04" : "Download Progress",
                "DS_05" : "Compression Packaging", "DS_06" : "Compression Completed", "DS_07" : "Compression Failed", "DS_08" : "Download Completed",
                "DS_09" : "Waiting for Retry...", "DE_01" : "Request Error, Reload Page", "DE_02" : "Cannot find image elements, your IP may be blocked, please refresh the page and try again",
                "DE_03" : "Remaining Reload Times", "DE_04" : "Download Failed Data", "Dev_01" : "Inner Page Redirect Data", "Dev_02" : "Image Link Data", "DW_01" : "Clearing Warning", "DW_02" : "Incomplete download data will clear cache, suggest refresh page and reload"
            "ko": [{
                "MN_01" : "🔁 다운로드 모드 전환", "MN_02" : "📥 강제 압축 다운로드",
                "DM_01" : "압축 다운로드", "DM_02" : "단일 이미지 다운로드", "DM_03" : "다운로드 중 잠금",
                "DS_01" : "다운로드 시작", "DS_02" : "페이지 가져 오기", "DS_03" : "링크 가져 오기", "DS_04" : "다운로드 진행률",
                "DS_05" : "압축 포장", "DS_06" : "압축 완료", "DS_07" : "압축 실패", "DS_08" : "다운로드 완료",
                "DS_09" : "재시도 대기 중...", "DE_01" : "요청 오류, 페이지 다시로드", "DE_02" : "이미지 요소를 찾을 수 없습니다. IP가 차단 될 수 있습니다. 페이지를 새로 고쳐 다시 시도하십시오",
                "DE_03" : "남은 다시로드 횟수", "DE_04" : "다운로드 실패 데이터", "Dev_01" : "내부 페이지 리디렉션 데이터", "Dev_02" : "이미지 링크 데이터", "DW_01" : "경고 지우기", "DW_02" : "다운로드 데이터가 완전하지 않으면 캐시가 지워집니다. 페이지 새로 고침 및 다시로드 권장"
        return display.hasOwnProperty(language) ? display[language][0] : display["en-US"][0];