haijiao-vip: 解锁海角社区VIP帖子,去广告

解锁 海角社区(haijiao.com) VIP帖子,并去除网站广告, TG讨论群:@svip_hj.本插件完全免费,如果你是付费购买,请立刻退款并举报

As of 2024-04-27. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           haijiao-vip: 解锁海角社区VIP帖子,去广告
// @namespace      https://github.com/sex4096/haijiao_vip
// @version        0.0.10
// @author         forgetme8
// @description    解锁 海角社区(haijiao.com) VIP帖子,并去除网站广告, TG讨论群:@svip_hj.本插件完全免费,如果你是付费购买,请立刻退款并举报
// @homepage       https://github.com/sex4096/haijiao_vip#readme
// @supportURL     https://github.com/sex4096/haijiao_vip/issue
// @run-at         document-idle
// @match          https://www.haijiao.com/*
// @match          https://haijiao.com/*
// @license        MIT
// @connect        cdn.jsdelivr.net
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// ==/UserScript==
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  var VUE = undefined;
  var AXIOS = undefined;
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  function getObject(module) {
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      enumerable: true,
      get: value

   * 加载模块
   * @param module
  function getModule(module) {
    if (!__webpack_require__) return null;
    return __webpack_require__(module);

  const Settings = _ref => {
    let {
    } = _ref;
    const [form] = antd.Form.useForm();
    React$1.useEffect(() => {
    }, []);
    return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form, {
      form: form,
      name: "settings",
      labelAlign: "right",
      labelCol: {
        span: 8
      wrapperCol: {
        span: 16
      initialValues: initialSettings
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      label: "\u53BB\u5E7F\u544A"
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      name: "removeAds",
      noStyle: true
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Switch, {
      defaultChecked: true
    })), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
      style: {
        marginLeft: 10
    }, "\u53BB\u9664\u7F51\u7AD9\u5E7F\u544A")), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      label: "\u5C4F\u853D\u7F6E\u9876"
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      name: "removeTops",
      noStyle: true
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Switch, {
      defaultChecked: true
    })), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
      style: {
        marginLeft: 10
    }, "\u5C4F\u853D\u5168\u5C40\u7F6E\u9876\u5E16")), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      label: "\u89E3\u9501VIP"
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      name: "unlockVip",
      noStyle: true
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Switch, {
      defaultChecked: true
    })), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
      style: {
        marginLeft: 10
    }, "\u53EF\u89C2\u770Bvip\u533A\u7684\u5E16\u5B50\u53CA\u89C6\u9891")), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      label: "\u89E3\u9501\u6536\u8D39\u89C6\u9891"
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Form.Item, {
      name: "unlockBuy",
      noStyle: true
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(antd.Switch, {
      defaultChecked: false,
      disabled: true
    })), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
      style: {
        marginLeft: 10
    }, "\u53EF\u89C2\u770B\u9700\u8981\u8D2D\u4E70\u7684\u89C6\u9891(\u5F00\u53D1\u4E2D)"))));

  class PluginStore {
    static get(key, defaultValue) {
      const value = localStorage.getItem(key);
      console.log("获取", key, value);
      if (value === null) {
        return defaultValue;
      if (typeof defaultValue === "number") {
        return parseInt(value);
      if (typeof defaultValue === "boolean") {
        return value === "true";
      return value;
    static set(key, value) {
      localStorage.setItem(key, value.toString());

  const App = () => {
    const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = React$1.useState(false);
    const [formInstance, setFormInstance] = React$1.useState();
    const showModal = () => {
    const handleOk = async () => {
      const values = await formInstance?.validateFields();
    const handleCancel = () => {
    const onCreate = values => {
      PluginStore.set("removeAds", values.removeAds);
      PluginStore.set("removeTops", values.removeTops);
      PluginStore.set("unlockVip", values.unlockVip);
      PluginStore.set("unlockBuy", values.unlockBuy);
    return /*#__PURE__*/React__default["default"].createElement(React__default["default"].Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/React__default["default"].createElement(antd.FloatButton, {
      type: "primary",
      tooltip: "\u6D77\u89D2VIP\u8BBE\u7F6E",
      style: {
        right: 16
      icon: /*#__PURE__*/React__default["default"].createElement(icons.SettingOutlined, null),
      onClick: showModal
    }), /*#__PURE__*/React__default["default"].createElement(antd.Modal, {
      title: "\u8BBE\u7F6E",
      open: isModalOpen,
      onOk: handleOk,
      onCancel: handleCancel,
      destroyOnClose: true,
      okButtonProps: {
        autoFocus: true
    }, /*#__PURE__*/React__default["default"].createElement(Settings, {
      initialSettings: {
        removeAds: PluginStore.get("removeAds", true),
        removeTops: PluginStore.get("removeTops", true),
        unlockVip: PluginStore.get("unlockVip", true),
        unlockBuy: PluginStore.get("unlockBuy", false)
      onFormInstanceReady: instance => {

   * 自定义拦截器
  class Interceptor {
    // axios模块

    constructor(axios) {
      this.axios = axios;

     * 初始化请求拦截器
    initRequestInterceptor() {

     * 初始化返回请求拦截器
    initResponseInterceptor() {
      if (this.axios.interceptors.response.handlers.length != 1) {
      // 因为返回处理会处理掉config,而我们需要config中的url,所以需要在返回处理之前处理
      if (this.axios.interceptors.response.handlers?.[0].fulfilled) {
        const origin = this.axios.interceptors.response.handlers?.[0].fulfilled;
        this.axios.interceptors.response.handlers[0].fulfilled = async response => {
          const data = await origin(response);
          response = {
            data: data,
            config: response.config
          return response;

     * 请求拦截器
     * @param request
     * @returns
    async requestInterceptor(request) {
      // if (
      //   /topic\/\d+/g.test(request.url) ||
      //   /\/api\/attachment/g.test(request.url)
      // ) {
      //   console.log("转发请求", request.url);
      //   request.url = `` + request.url;
      // }

      return request;

     * 对返回数据进行解码
     * @param response
    async responseDecodeInterceptor(response) {
      if (response.data.status === 200) {
        const origin_response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data.data));
        var enc_data = response.data.data.data;
        if (enc_data && typeof enc_data === "string" && enc_data.length > 0) {
          const Base64 = getModule("e762").a;
          enc_data = JSON.parse(Base64.decode(Base64.decode(Base64.decode(enc_data))));
        response = {
          item: enc_data,
          url: response.config.url,
          mobile: true,
          origin_response: origin_response
      } else {
        // 克隆一个原始请求
        const origin_response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data));
        const item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data.data));
        response = {
          item: item,
          url: response.config.url,
          mobile: false,
          origin_response: origin_response
      return response;

     * 对reponse重新编码
     * @param response
     * @returns
    async responseEncodeInterceptor(response) {
      if (response.mobile === true) {
        var dec = response.item;
        if (response.origin_response.isEncrypted === true) {
          const Base64 = getModule("e762").a;
          dec = Base64.encode(Base64.encode(Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(response.item))));
        return {
          data: {
            data: dec
      } else {
        return {
          data: response.item
    async responseInterceptor(response) {
      const url = response.url.toLowerCase();
      var item = response.item;
      console.log("拦截器返回数据", url, item);
      if (/topic\/\d+/g.test(url) && PluginStore.get("removeAds", true) === true) {
        item = await Interceptor.fixTopic(item, response.mobile);
      // 去广告
      else if (/banner\/banner_list/g.test(url) && PluginStore.get("removeAds", true) === true) {
        item = await Interceptor.fixAds(item);
      // 屏蔽置顶帖
      else if (/^\/api\/topic\/global\/topics/g.test(url) && PluginStore.get("removeTops", true) === true) {
        item = await Interceptor.fixTops(item);
      response.item = item;
      return response;
     * 修复帖子内容
     * @param {*} data
     * @returns
    static async fixTopic(data) {
      console.log("修复帖子内容", data);
      if (data.node?.vipLimit > 0) {
        data.node.vipLimit = 0;
      var content = data.content;
      if (content && !content.startsWith("<html><head></head><body>")) {
        // 删除掉[]标签
        content = content.replace(/\[视频\]/g, "");
        content = content.replace(/\[图片\]/g, "");
        content = content.replace(/此处内容售价\d+金币.*请购买后查看./g, "");
        content = content.replace(/\[sell.*\/sell]/g, "");
        // 首先针对没有获取到链接的视频进行一次处理
        // for (var i = 0; i < data.attachments.length; i++) {
        //   if (
        //     data.attachments[i].category === "video" &&
        //     !data.attachments[i].remoteUrl
        //   ) {
        //     console.log("获取视频链接", data.attachments[i]);
        //     try {
        //       const item = await Interceptor.getAttment(
        //         data.topicId,
        //         data.attachments[i].id
        //       );
        //       console.log("返回的数据:", item);

        //       data.attachments[i] = item;
        //       console.log("获取视频链接成功", data.attachments[i]);
        //     } catch (e) {
        //       data.attachments[i].remoteUrl = "";
        //       data.attachments[i].error = e;
        //     }
        //   }
        // }

        data.attachments?.forEach(attachment => {
          var hasImage,
            hasVideo = false;
          // 处理图片
          if (attachment.category === "images" && attachment.remoteUrl) {
            content = content += `<p><img src="${attachment.remoteUrl}" data-id="${attachment.id}"/>`;
            hasImage = true;
          if (hasImage === true) {
            content = `<p>${content}</p>`;
          if (attachment.category === "video") {
            // if (attachment.remoteUrl) {
            hasVideo = true;
            content += `<p><video src="${attachment.remoteUrl}" data-id="${attachment.id}"></video></p>`;
            // } else {
            //   console.log("视频链接为空", attachment);
            //   content += `<p><div style="color:red;text-decoration:line-through;">${attachment.error}</div></p>`;
            // }
          if (hasVideo === true) {
            content = `<p>${content}</p>`;
        content = `<html><head></head><body>${content}</body></html>`;
      data.content = content;
      return data;

     * 去广告
     * @param data
    static async fixAds(data) {
      return null;
    static async fixTops(data) {
      return [];

     * 获取帖子附件
     * @param pid
     * @param aid
    static async getAttment(pid, aid) {
      const url = `/api/attachment`;
      var headers = {};
      if (VUE.$cookies) {
        const uid = VUE.$cookies.get("uid");
        const token = VUE.$cookies.get("token");
        headers = {
          "X-User-Id": uid,
          "X-User-Token": token
      const data = {
        id: aid,
        resource_id: pid,
        reource_type: "topic",
        line: ""
      const response = await AXIOS.post(url, data, {
        headers: headers
      const responseData = response.data.hasOwnProperty("data") ? response.data : response;
      var videoData = responseData.data;
      if (responseData.success === false) {
        throw new Error(responseData.message);
      if (videoData && typeof videoData === "string" && videoData.length > 0 && responseData.isEncrypted === true) {
        videoData = JSON.parse(window.atob(window.atob(window.atob(videoData))));
      return videoData;

  function initialed() {
    const interceptor = new Interceptor(AXIOS);
  function initSetting() {
    const myButton = /*#__PURE__*/React__default["default"].createElement(App, null);
    const pluginDiv = document.createElement("div");
    pluginDiv.id = "haijiao-vip-plugin";
    ReactDOM__default["default"].render(myButton, pluginDiv);
  function addStyle() {
    let script = document.createElement("link");
    script.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
    script.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
    script.href = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/reset.min.css";

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