Nhentai Plus+

Enhances the functionality of Nhentai website.

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Nhentai Plus+

Script Name: Nhentai Plus+

Namespace: github.com/longkidkoolstar

Version: 6.0

Description: Enhances the functionality of the Nhentai website.

Author: longkidkoolstar

License: None


  • Open in New Tab: Added a button for covers that allows users to open manga links in a new tab.
  • Find Similar Button: Adds a "Find Similar" button next to the download button on manga pages to find similar hentai based on tags.
  • Tag Locking: Allows users to lock tags to be included in the "Find Similar" search.
  • Random Tag Preferences: When clicking the random button to find random hentais, users can choose specific tags they want the random hentais to include.
  • English Filter: Adds "English Only" filter links to various pages to easily find English content.
  • Auto Login: Automatically logs in users using stored credentials.
  • Settings Page: Adds a settings page to enable/disable features, update login credentials, and manage random tag preferences.
  • Alternative Versions: Adds support for finding and displaying alternative versions of the manga you are on.
  • Bookmarking Pages: Allows users to bookmark entire pages for later viewing.
  • Month Filter (New in v6.0!): Adds "Month Only" filter links to various pages to easily find content from a specific month.

  • Manga Bookmarking (New in v6.0!): Introduces a full bookmarking system for individual manga with multiple display options.


  1. Open in New Tab: Click the new button on covers to open manga links in a new tab.
  2. Find Similar Button: Click the "Find Similar" button to initiate a search based on tags. Adjust the maximum number of tags to select using the slider.
  3. Tag Locking: Click the plus/minus icon next to a tag to lock/unlock it for searches.
  4. Random Tag Preferences: Configure your random tag preferences in the settings page to choose specific tags for random hentais.
  5. English Filter: Use the "English Only" links on various pages to filter content.
  6. Auto Login: Enter your email and password in the settings to enable auto-login.
  7. Manga Bookmarking (New in v6.0!):
    • Bookmark any manga with a single click.
    • Choose between different display options (cover, title, or both).
    • Access a dedicated bookmarks page with a dynamic grid layout, search functionality, and enhanced styling.
    • Enable/disable the bookmarking feature in the settings.
  8. Month Filter (New in v6.0!): Use the "Month" links on various pages to filter content by month.

Future Updates

  • Request New Features in the Feedback Section!


Version 6.0

  • Introduced Manga Bookmarking with multiple display options.
  • Added settings to customize bookmark display (cover, title, or both).
  • Implemented dynamic bookmarks grid with search functionality.
  • Enhanced bookmarks page with improved layout and styling.
  • Added caching mechanism for manga information retrieval.
  • Included option to enable/disable the manga bookmarking button.

Version 5.0

  • Added Open in New Tab feature with a new button for covers.

Version 4.0

  • Added Random Tag Preferences to allow users to select specific tags for random hentais.

Version 3.0

  • Added features for Alternative Versions and Bookmarking Pages.

Version 2.0

  • Improved Tag Locking and added English Filter links.

Version 1.0

  • Initial release with Find Similar Button, Tag Locking, Auto Login, and Settings Page.