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SexInSex扩展表情 JS - sexinsex.phygelus.second
JAVLibrary Improvements JS - Many improvements mainly in details view of a video: video thumbnails below cover (deactivatable through Configuration in Tampermonkeys extension menu), easier collect of Google Drive and Rapidgator links for JDownloader (hotkey <), save/show favorite actresses (since script installation), recherche links for actresses, auto reload on Cloudflare rate limit, save cover with actress names just by clicking, advertising photos in full size, remove redirects, layout improvements
PornHub Hide Mouse Cursor JS - Hide mouse cursor (pointer) when watching videos on PornHub after 2 seconds of mouse inactivity
Yodayo Chat Message Downloader JS - download logs
Replace Links with Images on JS - Replace specified links with images on
Exhentai Resource Han Rounded JS - 更换资源圆体字体Ex
海角乱伦 JS - 提醒用户当前网页是否安全。根据简单的 URL 检查,提示用户正在访问的网站是否在可信任的网站列表中。
AIBooru: Pixiv filename to artwork link JS - A button to convert Pixiv filename to an artwork link when uploading to AIBooru
ReddTube Video Downloader and Next Button JS - Adds download and next buttons to the video player and changes the background color on
Koharu Artist URL Collector JS - Collect URLs from artist pages and store them in GM_storage
Duohelper JS - Monitor Ping and FPS, track session time, and reset password securely.
Koharu Artist Page Opener JS - Open artist pages in new tabs with a control panel
Rule34DLNamer (modified version of SankakuDLNamer) JS - File naming for rule34
Remove Blacklisted Images with Sidebar JS - Adds a sidebar to manage and display blacklisted tags and hides or shows images based on the blacklist on
XHamster - Links Utility - DESI + FAVS + BLOG links Cleaner [IA] v.1 [NEW COM En Cours] JS - Modifie les liens de vidéos pour pointer vers la page de l'utilisateur
- Autoplay Videos JS - Autoplays videos on, similar to Features: Autoscroll, Toggle Mute All, Play Audio on Visible Videos only, Set Scroll Speed.
Xhamster - Video Speed Button (Tweaked) JS - Add speed buttons to Xhamster - Fork of Video Speed Button (by Braden Best) v.1.0.10 - Adaptation (2024.08)
Anti Spacebar Scroll [,] JS - Removes scrolling when pressing spacebar
Remove Spoiler and Hidden Classes JS - Remove spoiler and hidden classes from elements
X Pornteengirl - Better Alias List (with IA Help) JS - Reformat the Alias list with an space after each comma and correction for bad formatting of names (IA)
EMP Replace Thumbnail Images with Full Images JS - Replace all thumbnail images on with full images
PornHub Video AutoFocus JS - Automatically focuses the video player on PornHub so that you can use keyboard shortcuts immediately after page load
EGAFD / BGAFD Show Actress Gallery in the infos page (IA) JS - Ajoute un bouton pour afficher la galerie d'images en iframe
YouTube Custom Style and Layout JS - Customize YouTube's video player, subscribe button, and layout
MD1 Material Design Style with Materialize JS - Apply Material Design 1 (MD1) styles using Materialize CSS to all websites
Onlyfans mouse wheel next/prev in gallery JS - The script allows you to use the mouse wheel to view the images and video gallery
YouTube Material Design Lite Style JS - Apply Material Design Lite styling to YouTube
4chan F4GG0T Thread Hider JS - A script will automatically hides threads and table rows on 4chan when the thread title or teaser contains gay shits
YouTube 2017 Polymer Design JS - Restyle YouTube to look like 2017 Polymer/Material Design Lite version
nhentai Super Filter JS - Filtering comics to preference
EMPeror Dark Theme CSS - OLED Dark Style
click thx JS - 感謝解鎖
Auto unmute redgifs JS - auto unmute redgifs videos, forked from jcunews
ThisAV Automatic login JS - Detection ThisAV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
- to Sukebei Search JS - Extract FC2PPV ID and search on Sukebei
decency JS - comment decency
ExHentai | Fix Images JS - Fix wrong images url on exhentai website
JableTV Automatic login JS - Detection JableTV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
Youtube AdBlock JS - Change the title and icon of *specific* websites
IAFD Scene Pairings Search Filter JS - Add a filter for the paring pages
EGAFD / BGAFD Actress Info pages- Films Search Filter (IA) JS - Add a filter for the paring pages
rule34utils JS - 2024-09-05T13:20:34.365Z
Show All NSFW Covers Cuddly Octopus JS - Show the R18 covers for some covers that are disabled outside of Japan.
Search Fakku Doujin with Schale Network Mirrors JS - Extracts title and searches on Schale Network mirrors (NiyaNiya, Seia, Shupogaki, Hoshino). Marks Koharu and Seia as inactive in red color.
f95zone watched filter JS - f95zone filter only the watched threads.
Kemono.Party - Fix Discord external links JS - Fix external links on Kemono's Discord mirrors
Gallery Scroll Navigator JS - Automatically navigate pages for image sites based on user's scroll behavior.
InkBunny Smart Image Opener JS - Automatically open images in full size on InkBunny
JanitorAI Context Maker JS - Adds a Location and Character System to JanitorAI with nested grouping functionality
JavDB 导出 想看、看过、清单(改) JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS JS - Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS/m3u8
Danbooru Tag Extractor JS - Extract tags from Danbooru image pages and copy them to the clipboard when a button is clicked.
OnlyFans to Coomer JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
Advanced Bypass for MegaVIP and Similar Links JS - Bypass shortlinks on and similar sites automatically.
Advanced Bypass for MegaVIP, Kmendation, and Similar Links JS - Bypass shortlinks on,, and similar sites automatically.
Advanced Bypass with Captcha-Solving for MegaVIP and Similar Sites JS - Bypass surveys and shortlinks on,, and similar sites automatically. Includes captcha-solving integration.
ReHike Fixes 4 SYTARB JS - Hides the .player-unavailable element on age-restricted videos
SpankBang Video Download Helper JS - get videos of
Pornhub Redirect to Gayporn JS - Redirects Pornhub homepage to Gayporn section
noodlemagazine JS - noodlemagazine miniscript
ebalka improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Incestflix - UI & Playback Tweaks JS - Improved site layout, windowed fullscreen support, new video playback options
- Video CSS Modifier JS - Modifies CSS of video elements, setting object-fit to 'contain' which automatically fits videos in the player and fullscreen mode.
V2PH Album Downloader JS - Album Downloader for After logging in and opening the album page, click the "Download all images" option in the script menu to start downloading.
GGBases | Thumbnails JS - Add images as thumbnails to the row items (on the end)
Exhentai Archive Download Button JS - Add a button to download the original, resampled archive or use H@H directly from the search page on ExHentai or E-Hentai. The download is simply a shortcut for the normal download process, so it still consumes GP and follows the same rules.
Add Magnet Link to Polskie Torrenty JS - Adds a magnet link to torrents on
Pixiv Utils JS - Utilities for Pixiv (tags highlighting/blocking, ad-block, premium emulation, automation, ease-of-access)
Exhentai Flow Viewer JS - This scripts helps you to view a gallery in a single page, from up to down.
Collab-VM Turnstile JS Extension JS - makes it so xtoys can see if you actually take a turn on collabvm via hacky webhook stuff. Special thanks to Elijahr.
Persistent Find and Replace JS - Manage multiple groups of find-and-replace pairs.
Watchlist for tags Rule34 JS - Watchlist for tags on
- Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
- Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Download from JS - Simple download button, only works for the first gif/video on a page.
DryadQuest Premium Emulation JS - Unlocks Premium Features through Emulation for DryadQuest
Skip Go to JS - Redirects directly to the final page without "Yes, I confirmed"
ThGrab JS - Grab contents from thothub network (private)
Reddxxx - Autoplay / Autoscroll JS - Autoplay videos, and autoscroll without the need to be a Premium user
OnlyFakes easy prompt copy JS - Simply click on the images to copy the prompt
Scrollable Volume Control with Custom Collapse and Step Control JS - A scrollable, draggable, volume control with adjustable steps, collapse functionality, and volume persistence. Works for regular pages and embeds.
Gelbooru Size Video in View JS - Keeps video player where it always looks good, even without scrolling.
F95Zone for RDLP torrent Search button JS - Adds a button to search on RDLP when you are on the game thread.
Inject Style to Show Hidden Element JS - Show the hidden paginator on the page
Dynasty Scans Batch Downloader JS - Download doujinshi from Dynasty Scans
Better Web (beta) JS - Block Porn Sites, Horoscope Sites, Gambling Sites, Betting Sites
Bypass EU restriction JS - 26/10/2024 10:39:14
Danbooru Tag Extractor JS - Extracts data-tag-name values from a Danbooru page
Jable修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改Jable页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。
IwaraZip Enhancement JS - Enhancement IwaraZip
fc2ppvdb-improved JS - Improved for better browsing
- helper JS - A script that lets you download videos with the click of a button and hide private videos.
Yiffspot Chat Helper JS - Auto message, auto disconnect/reconnect, and blacklist for Yiffspot with enhanced UI and debugging
Для КФ & ГС/ЗГС ГОСС/ОПГ JS - По вопросам в ВК -, туда же и по предложениям на улучшение скрипта)
nHentai QoL JS - Tracks history, removes annoying characters from comments, and links replies in comments
better_drunkenslug_preview JS - Better Thumbnail preview for drunkenslug
Auto Typer for JS - Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
LOLICON Wide Hentai JS - Full width E-Hentai and Exhentai, dynamically adjusting the page width, also allows you to adjust the size and margins of the thumbnails, infinite scroll to automatically load the next page