MissAV Enhanced Assistant JS - Remove ads | Background play | Auto play | Custom fast-forward time | Full title | More
XnxxVideos One-Click Video Downloader JS - XnxxVideos One-Click Download | | Download without login | Supports all available resolutions
xvideos push download JS - 1. Automatic playback 2. Automatic widescreen 3. High-quality playback 4. Click to push the next movie 5. Download thumbnails
xhamster One-Click Video Downloader JS - xhamster One-Click Download | | Download without login | Supports all available resolutions
MissAV Automatic login JS - Detection MissAV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
MissAv批量备份收藏视频 JS - 从当前missav页面获取图片文件和视频信息,并合并结果后提供下载生成的网页文件
ThisAV Automatic login JS - Detection ThisAV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
JableTV Automatic login JS - Detection JableTV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
Display GreasyFork user registration time JS - If your script interferes with the interests of certain individuals, receiving malicious negative reviews is not surprising. Malicious negative reviews have two characteristics: First, the account is usually newly registered, and second, the review is given shortly after registration with little to no subsequent activity. This script retrieves the registration time of a GreasyFork user and displays it next to their username. If the time displayed next to the username is in the future, this user