nhentai block popunders

Pls no popunders ok

As of 2018-04-02. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        nhentai block popunders
// @namespace   sayixz01icji0pgmio1f4ayoth4vpuj2
// @description Pls no popunders ok
// @match       *://*.nhentai.net/*
// @version     1.0
// @grant       none
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint bitwise: true, curly: true, eqeqeq: true, esversion: 6,
funcscope: false, futurehostile: true, latedef: true, noarg: true,
nocomma: true, nonbsp: true, nonew: true, notypeof: false,
shadow: outer, singleGroups: true, strict: true, undef: true,
unused: true, varstmt: true, browser: true */

(function () {
	"use strict";

	// Next popunder in one day
	function killPopunders() {
		const key = "popunder_state";

		let state;

		try {
			let savedState = localStorage.getItem(key);

			if (savedState) {
				state = JSON.parse(savedState);
		} catch (ignore) {}

		if (!state) {
			state = {};

		state.lock_until = Date.now() + 86400000;

		try {
			localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(state));
		} catch (ignore) {}


	// Call this every 23h in case some dweeb leaves their porn tabs open
	setInterval(killPopunders, 82800000);