PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Various search filters and user experience enhancers

As of 2020-08-08. See the latest version.

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Applies to

*** Incompatible with GreaseMonkey v4 ***

A comprehensive script to simplify search and also manipulate the UI. A simplistic UI is also included, toggled by a button on the top networks bar. All filters are optional and can be disabled as needed.

What's New in v1.15.1

  • Fixed the oddly made recommendation videos list apparently getting skipped by the script.

The video boxes in this list get loaded with page but the thumbs of except the first 10 or so, get loaded only after clicking the load more button, which gets its click event applied later or may I say at the end of the whole page JS.

Thus this evolved into a workaround instead. Now I wait till it gets the event, then force it to load the whole list and then get the script applied on it. Consequently the list now makes the video pages considerably longer for small screens.

If someone thinks this should be optional, or should I reposition some section, do pass a comment. Unfortunately this consumed many hours of my weekend. Thus, this will be all for this time.

Video Filtering

  • Hide Videos Containing Blacklisted Words

    Sick of piss drinking or plain old bdsm while generally browsing? Add the detested words to never see videos named with them again!

  • Hide SD Videos

    Especially on video pages where there is no option to hide them.

  • Hide Paid/Premium/Private Videos

    Hide videos that require befriending the uploader or spending money.

  • Hide Unrated/Paid Videos

    Hide videos with no rating visible or they are paid.

  • Hide Videos From Professional Channels

    Hide these pesky things which even make into places marked for only homemade sources.

  • Hide Watched Videos

    Hide marked watched videos.

  • Minimum/Maximum Rating

    Defaults to minimum 80%.

  • Minimum/Maximum Duration

    Defaults to minimum 120 seconds.

  • Minimum/Maximum Views

    Disabled by default.

  • Name Sanitization (Needs to be configured within the script)

    Replaces words in video names with user defined substitutes. I simply hate the new step- revolution!

UI Manipulations

  • Fix Counter Height

    Due to usage of ad and content blockers, the counter height can become an eyesore.

  • Remove All iFrames

    My adblocker and uMatrix simply can't remove some of them so here is a small tweak to send them to kingdom come. This will also block google recaptcha, you will have to disable the plugin to make it show.

  • Remove Live Model Streams

    Removes the live model stream blocks wherever they may be displayed.

  • Remove Porn Stars Listing (sidebar)

    I detest them all.

Feedback welcome!