- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Ask for Permission
- // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version 1.0.1
- // @description Helps you ask for permission to repost something from Fur Affinity
- // @author Mantikor
- // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
- // @match https://www.furaffinity.net/*
- // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=tampermonkey.net
- // @grant GM.addValueChangeListener
- // @grant GM.deleteValue
- // @grant GM.getValue
- // @grant GM.log
- // @grant GM.notification
- // @grant GM.openInTab
- // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM.setValue
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Notes about the header
- // The match pattern https://www.furaffinity.net/* matches all pages on Fur Affinity
- (async function() {
- 'use strict';
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Notifications: Error, Success
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const error_extracting_name_post = "Couldn't extract Post Title.";
- const error_extracting_name_recipient = "Couldn't extract Recipient Name.";
- const error_extracting_name_sender = "Couldn't extract Sender Name.\nYou are probably not logged in to Fur Affinity.";
- const error_extracting_url_newpm = "Couldn't extract Note URL.";
- const error_finding_message = "Couldn't find Message field.";
- const error_finding_subject = "Couldn't find Subject field.";
- const error_table_name_recipient_empty = "Recipient Name in row <row> is empty";
- const error_table_url_newpm_exists = "Table row <row> already contains Note URL:\n<url_newpm>";
- const error_table_url_newpm_invalid = "Note URL in row <row> is not valid:\n<url_newpm>";
- const success_settings_reset = "Settings reset.";
- const success_settings_saved = "Settings saved.";
- const success_user_information_copied = "User information copied to 'Ask User and Others' tab.";
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FA: newpm
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extract the "message" textarea from a newpm page
- const newpm_extract_message = {css: "textarea[name='message']", func: e => e, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: null};
- // Extract the "subject" input from a newpm page
- const newpm_extract_subject = {css: "input[name='subject']", func: e => e, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: null};
- // Extract the system message
- // User Fender has declined to participate in the note system. You may attempt to find alternate means of contact listed on their userpage or in one of their journals.
- const newpm_extract_system_message = {css: "div.redirect-message", func: e => e, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: null};
- // Check if we're on a newpm page; the trailing [^$]+ matches the query string (must be present to trigger AfP)
- // https://www.furaffinity.net/newpm/fender/
- const newpm_regexp = /^https:\/\/www\.furaffinity\.net\/newpm\/[^\/]+\/[^$]+$/;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FA: user
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extract name_recipient from a user page
- // <meta property="og:title" content="Userpage of Fender -- Fur Affinity [dot] net" />
- const user_extract_name_recipient = {css: "meta[property='og:title']", func: e => e.content, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: /^Userpage of (?<value>[^$]+) -- Fur Affinity \[dot\] net$/};
- // Extract url_newpm from a user page
- // <a class="button usernav-watch-flex-button hideondesktop" href="/newpm/fender/">Note</a>
- const user_extract_url_newpm = {css: "a[href*='newpm']", func: e => e.href, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: null};
- // Check if we're on a user page; the trailing slash isn't required, because some links to user pages omit it
- // https://www.furaffinity.net/user/fender/
- const user_regexp_url = /^https:\/\/www\.furaffinity.net\/user\/[^$]+$/;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FA: view
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extract name_sender from a view page
- // <a href="/user/mantikor"><img class="loggedin_user_avatar menubar-icon-resize avatar" style="cursor:pointer" alt="Mantikor" src="//a.furaffinity.net/9999999999/mantikor.gif"/></a>
- const view_extract_name_sender = {css: "img.loggedin_user_avatar", func: e => e.alt, min: 2, max: 2, index: 0, re: null};
- // Extract name_post from a view page
- // <meta property="og:title" content="Fender (Character Sheet) by Fender" />
- const view_extract_name_post = {css: "meta[property='og:title']", func: e => e.content, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: /^(?<value>[^$]+) by [^$]+$/};
- // Extract name_recipient from a view page
- // <meta property="og:title" content="Fender (Character Sheet) by Fender" />
- const view_extract_name_recipient = {css: "meta[property='og:title']", func: e => e.content, min: 1, max: 1, index: 0, re: /^[^$]+ by (?<value>[^$]+)$/};
- // Extract url_newpm from a view page
- // <div class="note"><a href="/newpm/fender/">Note</a></div>
- const view_extract_url_newpm = {css: "a[href*='newpm']", func: e => e.href, min: 2, max: 2, index: 0, re: null};
- // Check if we're on a view page; the trailing slash isn't required, because some links to view pages omit it; the trailing [^$]* matches optional URL fragments (i.e. links to comments)
- // https://www.furaffinity.net/view/4483888/
- const view_regexp_url = /^(?<url>https:\/\/www\.furaffinity\.net\/view\/\d+)[^$]*$/;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AfP: Ask User and Others
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Used to check if we're on the "Ask User and Others" page => Replace the 404 page; the trailing [^$]+ matches the query string (must be present to trigger AfP)
- // AfP uses a regexp literal instead of a constructed regexp, because the latter doesn't escape periods in the URL:
- // const regexp_ask_user_and_others = new RegExp(url_ask_user_and_others + "[^$]+");
- const ask_user_and_others_regexp_url = /^https:\/\/www\.furaffinity\.net\/userscripts\/ask-for-permission\/ask-user-and-others\/[^$]+$/;
- // Opened when the user clicks "Ask for Permission -> Ask User and Others"
- const ask_user_and_others_url = "https://www.furaffinity.net/userscripts/ask-for-permission/ask-user-and-others/";
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AfP: Settings
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Opened when the user clicks "Ask for Permission -> Settings"
- // Also: Used to check if we're on the "Settings" page => Replace the 404 page
- const settings_url = "https://www.furaffinity.net/userscripts/ask-for-permission/config/";
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Other constants
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AfP passes name_userscript in all query strings, so other userscripts that use query strings don't trigger AfP
- const name_userscript = "Ask for Permission";
- // Separates the last and second-to-last other recipient in message_ask_user_and_others
- const separator_and = " and ";
- // Separates the other recipients (except the last one) in message_ask_user_and_others
- const separator_comma = ", ";
- const template_settings = `
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Ask for Permission: Settings</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Ask for Permission: Settings</h1>
- <p>
- <label for="subject">Subject</label>
- <br>
- <input type="text" id="subject" size="75">
- </textarea>
- </p>
- <p>
- <label for="message_ask_user_only">Message (Ask User Only)</label>
- <br>
- <textarea id="message_ask_user_only" rows=10 cols=75>
- </textarea>
- </p>
- <p>
- <label for="message_ask_user_and_others">Message (Ask User and Others)</label>
- <br>
- <textarea id="message_ask_user_and_others" rows=10 cols=75>
- </textarea>
- </p>
- <p>
- <button id="save_settings_button">Save Settings</button>
- </p>
- <p>
- <button id="reset_settings_button" disabled>Reset Settings</button>
- <input type="checkbox" id="reset_settings_checkbox">
- <label for="reset_settings_checkbox">Enable the "Reset Settings" button</label>
- </p>
- </body>
- </html>`
- .trim()
- const template_ask_user_and_others = `
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Ask for Permission: Ask User and Others</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Ask for Permission: Ask User and Others</h1>
- <table id="name_table">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th scope="col">Note URL</th>
- <th scope="col">Recipient Name</th>
- <th scope="col"></th>
- <th scope="col"></th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <p>
- <button id="create_messages_button">Create Messages</button>
- </p>
- <template id="table_row">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="url_newpm" size="50">
- </td>
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="name_recipient" size="50">
- </td>
- <td>
- <button name="row_add">Add Row</button>
- </td>
- <td>
- <button name="row_delete">Delete Row</button>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </template>
- </body>
- </html>
- `.trim()
- const template_subject = "Uploading \"<name_post>\" to e621?";
- const template_message_ask_user_only = `
- Hi <name_recipient>,
- may I upload <url_post> to https://e621.net/posts ?
- --
- <name_sender>
- `.trim();
- const template_message_ask_user_and_others = `
- Hi <name_recipient>,
- may I upload <url_post> to https://e621.net/posts ?
- I'll also ask <names_recipients_other>.
- --
- <name_sender>
- `.trim();
- function capitalizeFirstLetter(text) {
- return text.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1);
- }
- function createElement(tag_name, attributes, text_content) {
- let element = document.createElement(tag_name);
- for (const key in attributes) {
- element.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);
- }
- if (text_content) {
- element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text_content));
- }
- return element;
- }
- function extract(doc, info) {
- let elements = doc.querySelectorAll(info.css);
- if ((elements.length < info.min) || (elements.length > info.max)) {
- return null;
- }
- let text = info.func(elements[info.index]);
- if (! info.re) {
- return text;
- }
- if (! info.re.test(text)) {
- return null;
- }
- return text.match(info.re).groups.value;
- }
- function queryString(url, data) {
- let query_string = new URL(url);
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
- query_string.searchParams.set(key, value);
- }
- return query_string.href;
- }
- function replaceDocument(doc, html) {
- let newDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
- ["head", "body"].forEach(element_name => {
- doc[element_name].remove();
- doc.documentElement.append(newDoc[element_name]);
- })
- }
- // Ask User and Others:
- // Add a new row to the table
- // Returns true if the new row was successfully added to the table, false otherwise
- function tableAddRow(table, index, url_newpm, name_recipient, row_delete) {
- let tbody = table.tBodies[0];
- if (url_newpm) {
- // Check if there's already a row containing url_newpm
- for (const row of tbody.rows) {
- let inputs = row.querySelectorAll("input");
- if (inputs[0].value == url_newpm) {
- GM.notification({text: error_table_url_newpm_exists.replaceAll("<row>", row.rowIndex).replaceAll("<url_newpm>", url_newpm)});
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- // Create the new row
- let table_row = document.getElementById("table_row").content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
- let inputs = table_row.querySelectorAll("input");
- inputs[0].value = url_newpm ? url_newpm : "";
- inputs[1].value = name_recipient ? name_recipient: "";
- if (! row_delete) {
- // Remove the "Delete Row" button
- let buttons = table_row.querySelectorAll("button");
- buttons[1].remove();
- }
- tbody.insertBefore(table_row, tbody.rows[index]);
- return true;
- }
- function ask(ask_others) {
- let name_post;
- let name_recipient;
- let name_sender;
- let url_newpm;
- let url_post;
- let url_tab;
- let elements;
- // url_post
- url_post = document.URL.match(view_regexp_url).groups.url;
- // name_sender
- name_sender = extract(document, view_extract_name_sender);
- if (! name_sender) {
- GM.notification({text: error_extracting_name_sender});
- return;
- }
- name_sender = capitalizeFirstLetter(name_sender);
- // name_post
- name_post = extract(document, view_extract_name_post);
- if (! name_post) {
- GM.notification({text: error_extracting_name_post});
- return;
- }
- // name_recipient
- name_recipient = extract(document, view_extract_name_recipient);
- if (! name_recipient) {
- GM.notification({text: error_extracting_name_recipient});
- return;
- }
- name_recipient = capitalizeFirstLetter(name_recipient);
- // url_newpm
- url_newpm = extract(document, view_extract_url_newpm);
- if (! url_newpm) {
- GM.notification({text: error_extracting_url_newpm});
- return;
- }
- if (ask_others) {
- url_tab = queryString(ask_user_and_others_url, {name_userscript: name_userscript, name_post: name_post, name_recipient: name_recipient, url_post: url_post, url_newpm: url_newpm, name_sender: name_sender});
- }
- else {
- url_tab = queryString(url_newpm, {name_userscript: name_userscript, name_post: name_post, name_recipient: name_recipient, url_post: url_post, names_recipients_other: "", name_sender: name_sender});
- }
- GM.openInTab(url_tab, {active: true, insert: true, setParent: true});
- }
- function askUserOnly() {
- ask(false);
- }
- function askUserAndOthers() {
- ask(true);
- }
- async function copyUserInformation() {
- let name_recipient;
- let url_newpm;
- let elements;
- // Extract name_recipient
- name_recipient = extract(document, user_extract_name_recipient);
- if (! name_recipient) {
- GM.notification({text: error_extracting_name_recipient});
- return;
- }
- name_recipient = capitalizeFirstLetter(name_recipient);
- // Extract url_newpm
- url_newpm = extract(document, user_extract_url_newpm);
- if (! url_newpm) {
- GM.notification({text: error_extracting_url_newpm});
- return;
- }
- // Send url_newpm and name_recipient to the "Ask User and Others" page
- //await GM.deleteValue("data_ask_user_and_others");
- await GM.setValue("data_ask_user_and_others", {url_newpm: url_newpm, name_recipient: name_recipient});
- // Close active tab:
- // Not possible with an XMonkey userscript
- }
- async function fillSettingsFields() {
- let [subject, message_ask_user_only, message_ask_user_and_others] = await Promise.all([
- GM.getValue("subject", template_subject),
- GM.getValue("message_ask_user_only", template_message_ask_user_only),
- GM.getValue("message_ask_user_and_others", template_message_ask_user_and_others)
- ]);
- document.getElementById("subject").value = subject;
- document.getElementById("message_ask_user_only").value = message_ask_user_only;
- document.getElementById("message_ask_user_and_others").value = message_ask_user_and_others;
- }
- function settings() {
- GM.openInTab(settings_url, {active: true, insert: true, setParent: true});
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Settings
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (document.URL == settings_url) {
- // Replace the 404 page with the "Settings" page
- replaceDocument(document, template_settings);
- // Fill Subject and Messages
- fillSettingsFields();
- // Add event listeners
- // -- Save Settings button
- document.getElementById("save_settings_button").addEventListener("click", async function(event) {
- await Promise.all([
- GM.setValue("subject", document.getElementById("subject").value),
- GM.setValue("message_ask_user_only", document.getElementById("message_ask_user_only").value),
- GM.setValue("message_ask_user_and_others", document.getElementById("message_ask_user_and_others").value)
- ]);
- GM.notification({text: success_settings_saved});
- });
- // -- Reset Settings button
- document.getElementById("reset_settings_button").addEventListener("click", async function(event) {
- await Promise.all(["subject", "message_ask_user_only", "message_ask_user_and_others"].map(key => GM.deleteValue(key)));
- fillSettingsFields();
- GM.notification({text: success_settings_reset});
- document.getElementById("reset_settings_checkbox").checked = false;
- document.getElementById("reset_settings_button").disabled = true;
- });
- // -- Reset Settings checkbox
- document.getElementById("reset_settings_checkbox").addEventListener("change", async function(event) {
- document.getElementById("reset_settings_button").disabled = !event.target.checked;
- });
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Ask User and Others
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else if (ask_user_and_others_regexp_url.test(document.URL)) {
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Settings", settings);
- // Replace the 404 page with the "Ask User and Others" page
- replaceDocument(document, template_ask_user_and_others);
- // Extract parameters
- let params = new URL(document.URL).searchParams;
- // Fill the first row in the table
- let table = document.getElementById("name_table");
- tableAddRow(table, 0, params.get("url_newpm"), params.get("name_recipient"), false);
- // Add event listeners
- // -- GM Value Change
- GM.addValueChangeListener("data_ask_user_and_others", async function(name, old_value, new_value, remote) {
- if (remote) {
- // Add a new row at the bottom of the table
- let row_added = tableAddRow(table, -1, new_value.url_newpm, new_value.name_recipient, true);
- if (row_added) {
- GM.notification({text: success_user_information_copied});
- }
- await GM.deleteValue("data_ask_user_and_others");
- }
- });
- // -- Table
- table.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- switch (event.target.name) {
- case "row_add":
- tableAddRow(table, event.target.parentElement.parentElement.rowIndex, null, null, true);
- break;
- case "row_delete":
- table.deleteRow(event.target.parentElement.parentElement.rowIndex);
- break;
- }
- });
- // -- Create Messages button
- document.getElementById("create_messages_button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- let recipient_info = [];
- // Create a list of recipient information
- for (const row of table.tBodies[0].rows) {
- let inputs = row.querySelectorAll("input");
- recipient_info.push({url_newpm: inputs[0].value, name_recipient: inputs[1].value});
- }
- // Check if every recipient information is valid
- for (let i = 0; i < recipient_info.length; i++) {
- // Check url_newpm
- try {
- let url = new URL(recipient_info[i].url_newpm);
- }
- catch (error) {
- GM.notification({text: error_table_url_newpm_invalid.replaceAll("<row>", i + 1).replaceAll("<url_newpm>", recipient_info[i].url_newpm)});
- return;
- }
- // Check name_recipient
- if (recipient_info[i].name_recipient == "") {
- GM.notification({text: error_table_name_recipient_empty.replaceAll("<row>", i + 1)});
- return;
- }
- }
- // Create Notes
- recipient_info.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
- let names_recipients_other = recipient_info.map(x => x.name_recipient).filter((filter_item, filter_index) => filter_index != index);
- let url_tab;
- if (names_recipients_other.length == 0) {
- url_tab = queryString(item.url_newpm, {name_userscript: params.get("name_userscript"), name_post: params.get("name_post"), name_recipient: item.name_recipient, url_post: params.get("url_post"), names_recipients_other: "", name_sender: params.get("name_sender")});
- }
- else {
- let last_element = names_recipients_other.pop();
- if (names_recipients_other.length == 0) {
- names_recipients_other = last_element;
- }
- else {
- names_recipients_other = names_recipients_other.join(separator_comma) + separator_and + last_element;
- }
- url_tab = queryString(item.url_newpm, {name_userscript: params.get("name_userscript"), name_post: params.get("name_post"), name_recipient: item.name_recipient, url_post: params.get("url_post"), names_recipients_other: names_recipients_other, name_sender: params.get("name_sender")});
- }
- GM.openInTab(url_tab, {active: true, insert: true, setParent: true});
- });
- });
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else if (user_regexp_url.test(document.URL)) {
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Copy User Information", copyUserInformation);
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Settings", settings);
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // View
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else if (view_regexp_url.test(document.URL)) {
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Ask User Only", askUserOnly);
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Ask User and Others", askUserAndOthers);
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Settings", settings);
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // New PM
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else if (newpm_regexp.test(document.URL)) {
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Settings", settings);
- // Check if the user has disabled notes
- let system_message = extract(document, newpm_extract_system_message);
- if (system_message) {
- return;
- }
- // Extract parameters
- let params = new URL(document.URL).searchParams;
- if (params.get("name_userscript") != name_userscript) {
- // AfP didn't open this newpm page
- return;
- }
- // Subject
- let subject = await GM.getValue("subject", template_subject);
- subject = subject.replaceAll("<name_post>", params.get("name_post"));
- let element_subject = extract(document, newpm_extract_subject);
- if (! element_subject) {
- GM.notification({text: error_finding_subject});
- return;
- }
- element_subject.value = subject;
- // Message
- let message;
- if (params.get("names_recipients_other") == "") {
- message = await GM.getValue("message_ask_user_only", template_message_ask_user_only);
- }
- else {
- message = await GM.getValue("message_ask_user_and_others", template_message_ask_user_and_others);
- }
- for (const element of ["name_recipient", "url_post", "names_recipients_other", "name_sender"]) {
- message = message.replaceAll("<" + element + ">", params.get(element));
- }
- let element_message = extract(document, newpm_extract_message);
- if (! element_message) {
- GM.notification({text: error_finding_message});
- return;
- }
- element_message.value = message;
- }
- else {
- GM.registerMenuCommand("Settings", settings);
- }
- })();