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Pixiv Downloader JS - Pixiv | Danbooru | Rule34 | Yande. Download artworks with one click. Batch download artworks or download by tags. Convert ugoira formats: Gif | Apng | Webp | Webm | MP4. Customize image file name, save path. Save / export download history.
Eza's Gallery Swallower JS - Turn a page of thumbnails into high-res images
Danbooru Download and Favorite JS - downloads and favorites the post you open automatically
Danbooru Strip JS - Strip Danbooru images with your mouse
Image Board Enhancer (Rule34, Gelbooru, e621, and more) JS - Auto Resize images and video on multiple image boards and enlarges thumbnails on mouse hover and adds content type icons to them.
Enhanced Danbooru Tag Exporter JS - Export multiple tags from Danbooru's page to .txt files with flexible naming options, ordered export(descending/ascending)
Danbooru Hover Preview JS - image preview for Danbooru
Danbooru Tag Extractor JS - Extracts data-tag-name values from a Danbooru page
Danbooru Tag Crawler JS - Get General tags from Danbooru posts and copy them to clipboard
Tag and Scene Formatter for Gelbooru, Danbooru, Sankaku Complex, Rule34, and Aibooru JS - Add buttons to copy formatted tags and scene tags from Gelbooru, Danbooru, Sankaku Complex, Rule34, and Aibooru
Danbooru Tag Extractor JS - Extract tags from Danbooru image pages and copy them to the clipboard when a button is clicked.
- Masonry JS - Masonry(Waterfall) Layout. Also support danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru et cetera.
Image Webinfo JS - Extract JSON-/string-style info from Pixiv/Booru image pages.
Add-to-blacklist-Danbooru JS - The script adds a button to add a tag to the blacklist on wiki pages
CENSORED TAG COPY JS - Gathers tags from a few boorus but censors bad tags for civitai
Danbooru to Gelbooru Search Switcher and vice versa JS - Add buttons to switch between Danbooru and Gelbooru searches
Eza's Image Glutton JS - Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments
Copy URL Button JS - Adds a button to copy the URL of the current page
Danbooru Tags Select to Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
Danbooru Tags Select to Sort and Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use. Tags can be sorted by tag order in NovelAI method.
Random Prompt from Related Tags. JS - Press Ctrl+Y to create a random prompt from the results of Danbooru's RelatedTags and copy it to the clipboard. If you press Alt, it will be 20, if you press Shift, it will be 30, and if you press both Alt and Shift, it will be 50.
Danbooru tags buttons JS - Return +/- buttons to Danbooru
Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks JS - Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru
Tag Extractor and Copier with Styled Interface JS - Extract tags from a web page, display them in a styled panel, and provide a copy function
NovelAI提取prompt以及config工具 JS - 提取拼接prompt,提取novelAI配置
Danbooru hover preview JS - hover over pics to preview them à la 4chan X
Booru Revamped JS - This adds a couple of changes to the layout and behaviour of the site
Saving-Loading Danbooru Upload Tags JS - Load saved tags from unposted uploads
searchEngineJump 简化修复版 JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转。可自定义搜索列表的 NLF 修改版。
Danbooru theme toggle (sunrise API) JS - Automatically toggle native dark mode on sunset and sunrise on
Get Booru Tags JS - Press the [~] tilde key under ESC to open a prompt with all tags
BooruBear JS - Gathers tags from a few boorus
Danbooru Tag Copier JS - Automatically copy all general tags from danbooru page to your clipboard
Danbooru Tags Select to Export (EDITED) JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
Get Booru Tags (Edited) JS - Press the [`] tilde key under ESC to open a prompt with all tags
TagCopy for NovelAI JS - copy tags for NovelAI
danbooru Extract Tags Button JS - Add a button to extract all tags from current danbooru page!
NovelAI提取prompt以及config工具 JS - 提取拼接prompt,提取novelAI配置
Danbooru Tags Copier JS - 1-Click copies Danbooru, deep Danbooru tags. Useful as AI drawing prompts.
Danbooru Post Link Rating JS - Finds links to posts on Danbooru and appends that post's rating to the end
Unlimited Paginator Works JS - Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages together or separate each with a paginator.
Booru-Selector-Downloader JS - A selector and downloader for the various booru imageboards
Modified Booru Downloader + Viewer (Fixed for as of February 2022) JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
Danbooru Ajax Interface JS - New interface to search images on Booru-style sites.
- refine JS - Refining
gelbooru click image to view in same tab JS - click image to view in same tab on most popular boorus
Webcomic Reader JS - Can work on almost any webcomic/manga page, preloads 5 or more pages ahead (or behind), navigates via ajax for instant-page-change, lets you use the keyboard, remembers your progress, and it's relatively easy to add new sites
danbooru "you may like" JS - base visit history recommand posts
Better Danbooru Artist Search JS - Improve URL handling within the Danbooru artist search engine and automatically navigate to unambiguous wiki page.
better_better_booru JS - Several changes to make Danbooru much better.
Safari Embedded WebM Support JS - Lets Safari play embedded WebM videos on supported imageboards: 4chan, 8chan, Gelbooru and Danbooru.
Downbooru JS - donwloads an image added tags from danbooru
Danbooru Previewer JS - Put on your mouse cursor on the image to preview
Danboodu - Old image urls JS - Reverts raw image links on danbooru to old format, adds key bind for said links (~)
Booru Downloader + Viewer JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
Danbooru fullscreen image viewer JS - Auto loads original version of any picture on Danbooru website
Cleared Pixiv Artists JS - Keeps track of Pixiv artists' works and image responses and adds a random link to one of those pages.
LargeBooru JS - Increases the thumbnail size for Danbooru
Danbooru: Enable tag-based grouping. JS - This script hacks the tags you searched into Danbooru search link URLs so that you can navigate from individual posts to the next or previous post in the search.
Danbooru: Left and right arrow navigation JS - Enables the use of left and right arrows to navigate Danbooru, in addition to the A and D keys.
Danbooru: Notes display without mouse hover JS - This script displays the contents of notes on Danbooru within the hover box so you don't have to hover over them to see anything.